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TG Campus - Online Platform for Tutoring & Learning

Online Tutoring & Learning Anytime Anywhere. <br>For more info, visit https://www.tgcampus.com

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TG Campus - Online Platform for Tutoring & Learning

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  2. 3 TGCampus™ About TGCampus™ TG Campus™ is a cloud-based platform from “Tomorrow's Genius India Pvt. Ltd.” a subsidiary of GreenPoint Global that provides a one-stopsolutionforonlineeducation. Tomorrow’s Genius (TG), is a trailblazer in the educational field.TG provides live online tutorials to students in small groups and throughindividuallearningsessions.WithTGCampus™,weexpand the reach of TG’s innovative online teaching solutions tostudents, tutorsandeducationalinstitutesacrosstheglobe. TG Campus™ encompasses all the aspects of learning, makingthe whole process of learning and imparting knowledge more comfortable. In addition, it adds on to the traditional teaching methodology that’s followed today. The state-of-the-art cloud-based platform, TG Campus™ makes it simple to create a customized online tutoring environment. The students can easily join the live online classrooms with just a few clicks. The platform makesitpossibleforeveryonetostartlearningatanygivenpointof time and at their comfort. We also have incorporated a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) that offers best-in-classsupporttoallcoachingneeds. Contents AboutTG Campus™ DirectorSpeaks WeEmpowerLearning! How TG Campus™Works! WhyTGCampus™? TGCourses TG StudentsSpeak

  3. 5 TGCampus™ DirectorSpeaks IwouldliketoextendyouawarmwelcometoTGCampus™.Withtheworldshrinking,toshinebright youneedtobethebestatwhatyoudo.Equallyimportantistofindafirmfootinginlife.Graduationis notenoughtoday!Careeropportunitiespourinonlytothosewhoarereadytoacceptchallenges. Tomorrow’sGeniusaimsatempoweringeverystudentbymakingmoderneducationavailabletoall. By stimulating the power of expression and developing an all-rounder personality in students, Tomorrow’sGeniusprovidescore/supplementalandtest-prepeducationtostudentsfromallwalksof life. Our mission is to bring state-of-the-art technology combined with our content and accomplished, passionateeducatorstodeliverpersonalizedlearningtoanystudentwhoneedsit. WetakeprideinbringingametamorphictransformationintheentireeducationalsceneinIndiawith the launch of TG Campus™. It boasts of differentiated learning methodology equipped with a cult technology.Itisbasedonourveryown“Learn,Practice,Excel”™frameworkthatisdesignedtoadapt tospecificcurricula,programsandneedsofindividualstudents. WeareveryproudtohaveagroupofrenownedIITianfacultymemberswhoarecontinuouslyengaged in the process of overall development of our students. They have enabled TG Campus™ to provide coaching for various competitive and entrances exams like JEE Main & Advanced, NEET, SAT, SAT Subjective andMHT-CET. TG Campus™ has a proven track record of success in tailoring courses to the specific needs of our students.Withmorethan100man-yearsinvestedinitsdevelopment,TGCampus™hasenabledusto establish a comprehensive and tractable educator recruitment, training and assessment, processes andframework.Wecurrentlyhaveover75employeesgloballythatcompriseteachers,technologists, subjectmatterandcontentexperts,projectmanagers,salesandoutreachprofessionals. TG Campus™ is a division of GreenPoint Global – a New York-based ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 business services company with operations in India and Israel. GreenPoint has a roster of Fortune 500 clients andprovidesservicesinpublishing,legal,technologyandinsurancesectors. Our mission is to bring state-of-the-art technology combined with our content and accomplished, passionate educators to deliver personalized learning to anystudentwhoneedsit. Mr. NageshPai ManagingDirector

  4. 6 TGCampus™ 7 TGCampus™ Students HowTG Campus™ Works! We EmpowerLearning! Tutors Parents TGCampus™offersastate-of-the-artonlinetutoringplatform,withthebestLearningManagement System(LMS).Bybringingthestudents,tutors,educationalinstitutesandparentstogether, TGCampus™createsanenvironmentthatisn’tonlyrichbutnurturingforthosewhoyearntolearn! Students StudentsregisteronTGCampus™,selectthecoursestheywanttopursue,andtheycanstart attendingthesessionsanytime,anywhere! Tutors Tutors register themselves and start taking the courses set by TG Campus™ or other educational institutesregisteredwithTGCampus™.TheycanalsostarttheirownVirtualEducationalInstitution on TGCampus™. Institutes Postregistration,educationalinstitutescanbringintheirowntutorsormakeuseofTGCampus™ tutorstocatertoallthestudentswhoenrolforthecourses. Parents Oncetheirwardisregistered,theparentscanmonitortheirward’sprogressthroughanexclusive accesstoourindigenousreportingsystem,resultinginlessstressandmoreclarity! Corporate Corporatescanusethisplatformtohelptheiremployeesenrolincoursestheydeembeneficialfor theirprofessionalgrowthortheirowninternaltrainingpurposes. Therapidgrowthoftheworldaroundusistheresultoftheadvancementsthathavebeenwitnessedover thepasttwocenturies.Technologyhasplayedamajorpartinmakingthisgrowthpossible.Everysector hasseenaboomandeventuallyhavegivenbirthtomanymore.Thiswaspossibleonlybecausetheman waseagertolearnmore.Learningwasthekeythatopenedsomanydoorsthatwerelockedtomankind. TGCampus™isaresultofasheerpassiontobringinaparadigmshiftinlearning.Itwasthedrivetomake learningmoreaccessibletoeveryonethatresultedinthecreationofoneofthepath-breakingplatforms thatIndiahaseverseen. Theplatformwasn’tdesignedonlytocatertothestudentswhowantedtolearn.Itwasdesignedtomake thewholelearningprocesseasy,accessibleandefficient.Itspurposeis notjusttoimparteducationto thosewhowanttolearn,buttobenefiteveryonewhoisinvolvedintheprocesscalledlearning.Afteryears of research on the real-time needs of the students, their parents, tutors and even the educational institutes, TG Campus™ was able to come up with a solution that made learning more efficient and comfortable. Institutes Corporates TGCampus™isnotaplatformthatcaterstoaspecificpersonorinstitution.Itisaplatformthatisbuilttocatertothecontemporaryneedsoftheoverallprocessof‘Learning’!

  5. 9 TGCampus™ 8 TGCampus™ Why TGCampus™? TGCampus™hasaverysimple&easytouseinterfacewherestudentscaneasilyenroltoonlinelearning classes/lecturesattheirconvenience.Weoffer24x7supportwhereonecancontactusanytimeforhelp. We bring a complete customised end-to-end solution catering to Education Anytime Anywhere for students. BENEFITS INTERACTIVELEARNING CUSTOMISABLEMODULES & TAILOREDCOURSES STATE-OF-THE-ART CLOUD-BASEDPLATFORM LIVE ONLINECLASSROOM Unlikeclassroomculture,TGCampus™letsyou schedule courses and lectures at your comfortablepace. Fast, lag-free live sessions with rich features like interactive whiteboard and instant evaluationoftestsandassessments. PROGRESSIVE TESTPREP INNOVATIVEASSIGNMENTS SAVES TIME& COMMUTE RECORDING &REVIEWING All the sessions are recorded and stored inasecuredrepositoryforeasyfuturereference. The struggle of travelling for the students and tutors to reach their classroom on time is reduced tonone. AUTOMATEDEVALUATIONS LIVE PROGRESSREPORTS MANAGEMENT FLEXIBLEEXAM ALERTINTIMATION Modernistic Learning Management System (LMS) delivers in-depth course insights with just aclick. Apart from pre-assigned tests, students can decideonthetimewhentheywanttogivethe finaltests. REAL- TIME UPDATES SUPPORT TUTORS ACTIVE PARENTALINVOLVEMENT TG Campus™ is committed to providing 24x7 support wherein students can contact us anytime forhelp. Expert tutors from the industry are chosen to deliveronlythebestknowledgeconsistently. COST EFFECTIVECOURSES

  6. 11 TGCampus™ 10 TGCampus™ TGCOURSES Subject SpecificCourses Apart from offering an opportunity for the tutors to teach, educational institutes to carry on their operations and corporates to help employees pursue further education, TG Campus™ also offers high-qualityonlinecourses.Thesecoursesaredesignedspecificallytoensurethatthequalityeducation isimpartedtothestudentsandhelpthemlearn,growandthrive. Thesecoursescanbeconductedinbatchesorthroughpersonalisedone-on-onesessions. JEEChemistry NEETBiology 1-Year & 2-YearRegular Courses Specially Designed For JEE Aspirants Who Need Help WithChemistry 1-Year & 2-YearRegular Courses Specially Designed For NEET Aspirants Who NeedHelp WithBiology JEEMaths NEETChemistry Some of the courses offered by TG CampusTM are– 1-Year & 2-YearRegular Courses Specially Designed For JEE Aspirants Who Need Help WithMathematics 1-Year & 2-YearRegular Courses Specially Designed For NEET Aspirants Who NeedHelp WithChemistry RegularCourses SAT 6-Month & 3-Month Regular Courses For SAT AspirantsPlanningToStudyAbroad IITJEE 1-Year & 2-Year Regular Courses For IIT JEE AspirantsPlanningToPursueEngineering NEET 1-Year & 2-Year Regular Courses For NEET AspirantsPlanningToPursueMedicine CrashCourses SAT IISubjective 3-Month Crash Course For SAT II Aspirants Planning To StudyAbroad IITJEE 3-Month Crash Course For IIT JEE Aspirants Planning To PursueEngineering NEET 3-Month Crash Course For NEET Aspirants Planning To PursueMedicine NEETMaths JEEPhysics Loremipsum 1-Year & 2-year Regular Courses Specially Designed For JEE Aspirants Who Need Help WithPhysics 1-Year & 2-YearRegular Courses Specially Designed For NEET Aspirants Who NeedHelp WithMathematics TG StudentsSpeak TG Campus™ is one of the best online coachings because each studentgets personalattention.Thepracticesessionsandthetutorsarereallyverygood. Dhairya Srivastava, SAT Subjective Aspirant,OMAN I was a little scared to take online classes, but TG Campus™ amazed me. I have recommendedittomyfriendsandIwantthemtojoinit. Saketh Ganpathi Tekmal, SAT Subjective Aspirant,OMAN Tutors here are much more interactive. Also, they have solved my doubts pertainingtothesubjectbutoutoftheSATsyllabus.Reallyimpressive. Abhinav Upadhyay, SAT Subjective Aspirant,OMAN

  7. E-MAIL USAT connect@tgcampus.com CALLUS - (+91) 829 1861947 Tomorrow’s Genius India Pvt.Ltd CORPORATEOFFICE T241, Tower10, International TechnologyCenter, C.B.D.BelapurStationComplex, NaviMumbai, Maharashtra - 400614,India. OURPRESENCE INDIA NaviMumbai|Chennai|Hyderabad INTERNATIONAL USA|Singapore| Philippines -7JFM229Q+86 PLUSCODE Visit us on : www.tgcampus.com

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