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BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATIONAs defined by ACGIH • Aerosols, gases, and vapors of biological origin of a type and concentration likely to cause disease or predispose persons to experience adverse health effects • Inappropriate indoor levels of bioaerosols typically found outdoors • Biological indoorgrowth of particles that may become airborne and have an adverse effect on exposed individuals
BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS AEROSOLS • Airborne particles of biological origin bacteria, fungi, pollen, viruses • By-products endotoxins and mycotoxins • Other fragments insect parts and excreta, skin scales, hair
BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS VAPORS • Fungi and bacteria in indoor environments produce microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) as a by-product of their metabolism. • The odors of MVOCs are good indicators of microbial growth even when growth is not visible. • Knowledge is limited. MVOC research will attempt to answer the questions: What role do MVOCs play in health effects? Do certain microorganisms produce a typical MVOC fingerprint?
BACTERIA FOUNDIN THE WORKPLACE • Legionellabacteria can grow in water systems including cooling towers and air conditioners. • Pseudomonas bacteria can grow in water-based metal working fluids. • Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria including the methicillin-resistant superbug (MRSA), can be transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact with infected individuals.
BACTERIA BY-PRODUCTS • Gram-negative bacteria may contain harmful substances in their outer membranes called endotoxins. • Endotoxins are referred to as pyrogens because they will induce fever. They will also cause respiratory distress and even death at high levels. • In the workplace, the most common route of endotoxin exposure is through inhalation of aerosolized bacteria including Pseudomonas found in metalworking fluids.
WORKPLACE Can be found in sewage treatment plants, cotton textile mills, fiberglass production plants, poultry/swine facilities, and in industries using metal-working fluids OTHER Have been found in air conditioning units, spa water, and swimming pools. They can also be found on water damaged material following a water intrusion event ENDOTOXIN EXPOSURES
FUNGITHE USUAL SUSPECT IN IAQ • Primary biological contaminant implicated in indoor air complaints • Fungi found most often in the indoor environment include Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Cladosporium. • Described as saprophytic because they can grow on any nonliving organic material if adequate moisture is present.
PRODUCES MYCOTOXINS TOXIC MOLD • Mycotoxins are natural by-products of fungal metabolism. • They are produced by some species of Aspergillus (versicolor), Fusarium (moniliforme), and Stachybotrys (chartarum). • Chemical structures and health effects of mycotoxins are quite diverse.
WORKPLACE Inhalation of aerosolized fungal spores or other fungal structures in water- damaged building materials OTHER Ingestion of moldy food products by animals and people Aflatoxin and trichothecenes have been found in mold- contaminated animal feed and cereal grains. MYCOTOXIN EXPOSURES
WORKERS POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO BIOAEROSOLS Agricultural Workers • Grain handlers • Tobacco and cotton handlers • Farmers • Livestock producers Food Handlers and Processors • Meat packing plants • Poultry processors
WORKERS POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO BIOAEROSOLS Industrial Workers • Pulp and paper mills • Textile mills • Wastewater and sewage treatment plants • Machinists • Industries with cooling towers
WORKERS POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO BIOAERSOLS • Healthcare workers • Military personnel • Construction and maintenance personnel • Remediation workers • Office workers in humidified indoor air
SKIN INFECTIONS Staph bacteria, including MRSA, can cause skin infections that look like a pimple or boil. Serious cases can lead to bloodstream infections or pneumonia. Mold may also induce skin infections like ringworm or rashes.
EYE, NOSE, AND THROAT IRRITATION ACGIH reports that most health complaints in indoor environments are due to eye, nose, and throat irritation, headache, and fatigue from unknown causes. Sick Building Syndrome
HUMIDIFIER FEVER Flu-like symptoms that arise 4 to 8 hours after exposure and subside within 24 hours. Possibly related to endotoxins PONTIAC FEVER A self-limited, flu-like illness caused by contamination of water systems with Legionella bacteria INHALATION FEVERS
HYPERSENSITIVITY DISEASES Result from exposure to specific antigens in the environment that trigger an immunological response Dust-mite and animal allergens are common causes in residences.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitischaracterized by acute, recurrent pneumonia with fever, cough, chest tightness, and a progression of symptoms Building-related asthmacharacterized by chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath that is worse on work days and improves on weekends HYPERSENSITIVITY DISEASES IN THE WORKPLACE
INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Influenza (H1N1) and SARS - viral illnesses • Legionnaires’ Disease - pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila bacteria contaminated water sources • Tuberculosis - lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and spread from person to person
Mycotoxins will reduce the effectiveness of the immune system by interfering with or killing macrophages. This results in increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and a reduction in defense against other contaminants. HEALTH EFFECTSFROM MYCOTOXINS
WIDE-RANGING EFFECTSFROM MYCOTOXINS • VASCULAR SYSTEM • Increased vascular fragility • Hemorrhage • DIGESTIVE SYSTEM • Vomiting • Intestinal hemorrhage • Liver effects • RESPIRATORY SYSTEM • Respiratory distress • Bleeding from lungs • NERVOUS SYSTEM • Tremors • Lack of coordination • Depression • Headache
ACGIH RECOMMENDSA STEPWISE APPROACH • Gather informationthrough occupant interviews, surveys, and building inspections. • Formulate a hypothesis on the cause of the complaints/illness by using the information gathered. • Test the hypothesis by collecting samples. • Make recommendationsforcontrols by using sampling data and professional judgment.
Before embarking on a program of air measurements, survey the area and the people involved in the complaint. Use this time for information gathering. Look around and listen. Complaint vs non-complaint areas Date when problem was first noted Days or times when problem is noted more and less Seek input to formulate a hypothesis on the root cause of the complaints. INFORMATION GATHERINGOCCUPANT INTERVIEWS
INFORMATION GATHERINGBUILDING INSPECTION • Examine the physical structure, maintenance, and occupancy patterns. • Look for potential sources of biological contaminant and evidence of water damage.
BUILDING INSPECTIONMOISTURE INDICATORS • Water marks on ceiling tiles and other surfaces • Visual presence of mold • Musty smell of microbial VOCs • White, powdery, or crystalline substance on the surface of concrete, plaster, and masonry, which are soluble salts dissolved from the building materials
Used to survey moisture in any non-conductive, porous material to which the probes can be applied Ceiling Tiles Gypsum Board Carpeting Wood Plaster Concrete BUILDING INSPECTIONMOISTURE METERS
MOISTURE METERSFROM SKC ECONOMY MODEL • Operates by measuring the electrical conductance between two probes inserted into the test material • Useful for construction, renovation projects, or other situations when the test surface can be punctured by the probes SKC Cat. No. 753-006
MOISTURE METERSFROM SKC PINLESS MODEL • Measures resistance between two low-frequency signals transmitted from conductive pads without the need for insertion into the test material. • Specialty models available for testing concrete SKC Cat. Nos. 759-101/102
DATA INTERPRETATIONMOISTURE METERS • Moisture levels can be compared from wall to wall to determine where moisture intrusion is occurring. • Once the location of the moisture is found, an investigation can be made as to the cause and a control strategy can be developed.
DATA INTERPRETATIONMOISTURE METERS • The Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) has prepared a technical guide on preventing and controlling mold in lumber. • See www.wwpa.org/moldff2.htm • WWPA recommends that the moisture content of the wood be kept below 20%.
DATA INTERPRETATIONMOISTURE METERS • Greenguard Environmental Institute (GEI) has received ANSI approval for a standard covering the management of moisture (and mold growth) during building construction. • See www.greenguard.org.
BUILDING INSPECTIONHVAC SYSTEM CHECKS OUTDOOR AIR SUPPLY • Inadequate amounts of outdoor air often leads to building-related complaints and health-related symptoms. • Ensure outdoor air supply meets ASHRAE or other appropriate standards.
BUILDING INSPECTIONHVAC SYSTEM CHECKS LOCATION OF AIR INTAKES • Air intakes on rooftops can draw in bioaerosols from cooling towers, sanitary vents, building exhausts and animal waste. • Air intakes at street level can draw in moisture, vehicle emissions, and odors.
BUILDING INSPECTIONHVAC SYSTEM CHECKS CONDITION OF AIR FILTERS • HVAC filters are not designed to protect equipment or occupants from heavily contaminated air. • Filters may promote the growth of microorganisms if they become damp.
BUILDING INSPECTIONHVAC SYSTEM CHECKS SUPPLY AIR • Ductwork should not be coated with excessive debris. • Dirt mixed with moisture can support microbial growth. • Ensure that cold air leaving a diffuser does not produce condensation and the potential for microbial growth.
WHY: To test your hypothesis on the cause of the problem To positively confirm the absence/presence of contaminant To identify the type of microbe Genus/species To confirm the effectiveness of decontamination HOW: Bulk samples Surface samples Air samples Followed by analysis at a qualified environmental microbiology laboratory SAMPLING FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS
BULK SAMPLING • Portions of materials in the building can be tested for mold or other biological contaminants. • Typical test materials include sections of wallboard/wallpaper, carpet pieces, return-air filters, duct lining, and settled dust. • These are very useful because air sampling may miss some contaminants due to temporal variations.
BULK SAMPLING • Portions of the test material are typically placed in a sealable plastic bag for transport to the lab. • In some cases, sterile jars for dry items or sterile bottles for water or metalworking fluid samples may be required. • Settled dust can be collected using conventional vacuum cleaners and a new vacuum cleaner bag for each sample.
SURFACE SAMPLING MICROVACUUM CASSETTES • Carpeting is an effective reservoir for fungal spores and sampling this surface can reveal the history of mold in the building. • Sample fungal spores in carpeting using a vacuum-style cassette. • 0.45 µm polycarbonate filter loaded into a 3-piece styrene cassette with 2-inch tubing nozzle • Sample at flows up to 16 L/min to vacuum a defined area. • Work the inlet tube as deep as possible into the carpeting to collect a good sample of the dust.
DATA INTERPRETATIONCARPET SAMPLES An 2003 AIHCE paper by MidWest Microbiology gave some numerical guidelines for fungal spores on surfaces like carpet using microvacuum cassettes: • Normal - < 5000/1000 cm2 • Borderline - 25,000/1000 cm2 • Elevated - 75,000/1000 cm2
SURFACESAMPLING STERILE WIPES • A swab or filter wetted with sterile water or wash solution is used to wipe a specified area. • The swab is then used to inoculate an agar plate for growth culture. • This technique is often used for MRSA testing. SKC Cat. No. 225-2402
DATA INTERPRETATIONSWAB SAMPLES The November 2001 AIHA Synergist guidelines for fungal spores in swab samples: • Normal:< 10,000 cfu/in2 or < 1500 cfu/cm2 • Probable Contamination:> 10,000 cfu/in2 or > 1500 cfu/cm2
SURFACE SAMPLING LIFT TAPE • Collected by placing clear adhesive, packing tape, or commercially available sampling strips onto a surface and removing it with slow, steady force • Following collection, the tape is attached to glass slides and examined using light microscopy to view mold spores.