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Case Study 1 Problem 5 Styner/Lauder Intersection Moscow, Idaho

Case Study 1 Problem 5 Styner/Lauder Intersection Moscow, Idaho. Problem 5: U.S. 95 South of Moscow. How will U.S. 95 operate in the future?. 1100 veh/hr in PM peak 700 trips from new development 400 trips from hamlet. Problem 5: U.S. 95 South of Moscow.

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Case Study 1 Problem 5 Styner/Lauder Intersection Moscow, Idaho

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  1. Case Study 1Problem 5Styner/Lauder IntersectionMoscow, Idaho

  2. Problem 5: U.S. 95 South of Moscow How will U.S. 95 operate in the future? • 1100 veh/hr in PM peak • 700 trips from new development • 400 trips from hamlet

  3. Problem 5: U.S. 95 South of Moscow How should this problem be defined and analyzed?

  4. What are the possible options? What analysis plan should be followed? Existing analysis of 10-mile segment Future analysis of 10-mile segment Analysis of 10-mile segment with bypass Problem 5: U.S. 95 South of Moscow

  5. Sub-problem 5a: Existing Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 • What data are required for analysis? • What other factors should be considered? • What measure should be used to determine the performance of the facility?

  6. Sub-problem 5a: Existing Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 What data are required for analysis? • ADT = 600 veh/hr • Shoulder widths = 6 ft • Lane widths = 12 ft • Directional split = 54/46 • PHF = 0.88 • %trucks/buses = 10% • Free flow speed = 60 mph • %no pass zones = 30 • 2 access points/mile

  7. Sub-problem 5a: Existing Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 What other factors should be considered? • Class I facility What measure should be used to determine the performance of the facility? • Travel speed • Percent time following Results • 52.4 mph • 55.7% time following • LOS = C

  8. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet Consider these issues • What can be done to assess the future performance characteristics of the one-mile section of U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet? • How can the estimated performance characteristics of the section of U.S. 95 that is within the hamlet be incorporated into an overall assessment of the 10-mile segment?

  9. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet Consider these issues • What can be done to assess the future performance characteristics of the one-mile section of U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet? • How can the estimated performance characteristics of the section of U.S. 95 that is within the hamlet be incorporated into an overall assessment of the 10-mile segment?

  10. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet Here are some issues to consider as you proceed with the analysis of the future conditions. • What volumes should be used in the future conditions analysis? • What additional assumptions are necessary for the analysis? • What common measure should be used to determine the performance of the facility throughout the various sections?

  11. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet Input data: • Volumes? • Other factors?

  12. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet The HCM procedure assumes rank 1 movements do not yield to lower-ranked movements. Why, then, is delay reported for the NB and SB through- and right-turn movements?

  13. Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet Overall assessment: one approach

  14. Sub-problem 5c: 10-Mile Analysis with a By-Pass

  15. Sub-problem 5: Discussion What have we learned in this problem? • The existing HCM procedure for two-lane highways has some limitations • An alternative methodology might provide important insights • The results may be useful in determining the proper course of action

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