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“care” and “look well to the plants that spring from you, that is, to your children, that they doe not degenerate…If men have a care to propagate the Ordinance and Religion to their children…God will plant them and not roote them up.” John Cotton, God’s Promise to His Plantation , 1630.
“care” and “look well to the plants that spring from you, that is, to your children, that they doe not degenerate…If men have a care to propagate the Ordinance and Religion to their children…God will plant them and not roote them up.” John Cotton, God’s Promise to His Plantation, 1630 “Children, Sons, Daughters, and for your Grandchildren to be under the Ordinances of God.” John Wilson, A Seasonable Watchword, 1671
“Word Written and Preacht is the ordinary Medium of Conversion and Santification” and in order for a person to obtain “these Benefits…it is requisite, that Persons be diligent in Reading and Hearing of it.” Thomas Foxcroft, Cleansing Our Way to Youth, 1719
“It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures…It is therefore ordered, that ever township in this jurisdiction…shall then forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read…” General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony, School Act, Nov. 1647