1. Graphic Design Research Task
2. Task Description You are to research the term ‘graphic design’ and cover the following points in a PowerPoint presentation:
Tools used
Related jobs
(At least 2 slides for each point, animate slides and DO NOT copy and paste work, must be in your own words!)
3. Definition Page You are to define the term ‘graphic design’ in YOUR OWN WORDS.
Include pictures
4. History page Cover information on the early history of graphic design
The modern history of graphic design
(at least two slides)
Insert pictures where possible
5. Tools page You need to include here the tools graphic designers use to create their designs.
E.g. computer software used, hardware used etc.
6. Jobs slide Here you will write in as many jobs as possible that are related to graphic design.
List them on a slide
On a second slide, choose one job and describe in detail what their job entails(what they need to do)
Include graphics where possible
7. When completed, you will
present your slide show to the