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Managing inter-personal conflicts. HR as a facilitator’s role Lecture 10. Appreciative Inquiry (*) is an approach which helps give a frame to the conflict. Not to Solve the Conflict. « We can not solve problems using the same thinking method used to create the problems »
Managing inter-personal conflicts HR as a facilitator’s roleLecture 10 Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Appreciative Inquiry (*)is an approach which helps give a frame to the conflict Not to Solve the Conflict « We can not solve problems using the same thinking method used to create the problems » (Albert Einstein) (*) Néocoaching David Cooperrider & Suresh Srivastva www.appreciative-inquiry.org/AI-Life.htm Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
First Step : re-Frame Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.1 What is your experience of conflict ? • Think about a conflict that happened at work which had a positive (or needed) impact? • Who was involved in the conflict (manager, employee, colleague, etc..)? • Describe this in maximum detail possible • Think of a conflict which is negative, what are the positive results that you can retain? Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.2 What can it bring to a conflict ? • re-Frame • A good way to create optimized professional relationships • What are the components of optimized professional relationships? Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.3 – Fundamental Paradigms • Very often, conflict is the result of a lack of communication, • You « shall » consider conflict as an opportunity for personnel and professional development, • Conflict results in improved relationships and productivity at work, • To solve a conflict, you have to communicate VERY efficiently. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.4 – Conflict ? Or something else ? • We sometimes confuse conflict with : • Disagreement • Stress • Lack of decision • or other common experiences… Because it can create a conflict ! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.5 – How do we know if it is a conflict? • In a conflict, people : • are interdependent, • blame each other, • are involved emotionally, • are affected in their professional relationships, thus productivity is also affected ! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.6 – Conflict effects on a team • Decrease of team cohesion and responsibilities with regards to the on-going mission, but if conflict is controlled or solved : increase of team-building and involvement • A non-resolved conflict will lead to employees quitting the company or finding alternative solutions by themselves (absenteeism) • 42% of a Director’s or a Manager’s time at work is spent trying to find ways of conflict-solving. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.7 – Different types of reactions when facing a conflict • Reaction A : • Avoid contact, • Write notes instead of talking, • Retain information, • Not to give support, • Adopt a passive attitude. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.7 – Different types of reactions when facing a conflict • Reaction B : • Try to grab things from others, • Shout, • Wish to lead or be the first, • Be arrogant, • Character deframing of others, • Adopt an aggressive attitude. • BEWARE : Do not always follow your instinct. The first reaction can be misleading. A response to the fight is a physiologic response to danger. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.7 – Different types of reactions when facing a conflict • Reaction C : • Have a nervous gesture, • Adopt a close attitude, • Have a tense face, • Shout, • Not to volunteer. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
1.8 – Positive effects of conflict • Put your energy and motivation to the service of the actions to implement, • People and system must be innovative (thanks to the diverse points of views) • Develop better understanding of perspectives, everyone’s vision, • Everyone will be better aware of his/her own identity, • The methods for managing conflicts also allow controlling internal and individual conflicts for one person. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Second step: INTERVENTION Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Second approach : Appreciate Inquiry : Appreciate and value the best aspects of the new situation, Look for the potential new situation, Discuss the preferred situation, Create the future situation HYPOTHESISAn organisation is a mystery to reveal 2.1 : « A I » as a new mode of intervention! First approach :Solving the Problem • Identification of the problem(s), and need(s), • Analysis of the cause • Analysis of possible solutions • Planning the action HYPOTHESIS An organisation is a problem to solve Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
2.2 – Using A.I. in conflicts re-frame AIis a collaborative search to identify and understand the organization’s strengths, its potentials, the greatest opportunities, and people’s hopes for the future. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Define • Identify the objective, • Listen actively to understand, • Find uncommon ground between emotions and feelings. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Discover Efficient communication • Gather facts : • Help each part re-frame the conflictual situation in order to best know the new opportunities of solutions, • Listen to each person in order to obtain all the different versions of the facts. • Find out if it is necessary to get support from the other employees. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Discover Examine positive factors in the relationship • What works well in the human relationships ? • What are the benefits of such relationships ? • Tell me about time when these relationships were a success ? • What did you appreciate most ? • What are the collective and individual strengths of your team ? Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Dream What could it be? Think about the ideal communication! • What shall we feel ? • To what shall it look like ? • To what does it look like ? • What do you really want, demand ? Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Dream Examine possible positive factors of a communication • Give rapid ideas, without classification, without clarification.. • Quantity prevails over quality • Be as creative as possible • ...Like a Brainstorm ! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design What could be the ideal efficient communication? Three types of approaches • « Win / Loose », • « Loose / Loose », • « Win / Win », Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Give preference to a « Win/Win » approach • Efficient and long-term relationship demand mutual advantages, • Conciliation and collaboration are not weaknesses but intelligence, • «win/loose» and « loose/loose» approaches give unproductive results at long-term. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Focus on the ideal ! • Conflict tends to divert our attention from the real interests by creating other centers of interest, • Our instinct can sometimes blind our interest in solving the conflict and make it more difficult, • Move away from the conflict (and from all persons linked to it) to gain more perspective, • Think about what you would want if you had a wish to make, a real interest Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Be CONCILIATING Thanks to facts : • Make apologies, if necessary, • Assume your own responsibilities, • Make concessions if necessary, • Express your positive feelings • Initiate a Win/Win relationship Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Emphasize the POSITIVE, Decrease the NEGATIVE • It is important to focus on the conciliation and banish aggressiveness! How ? • Learn to behave conciliatingly through demonstration and gesture : that you appreciate the other and communicate with the other as often as possible. Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Pierce the system !!!! • Whenever concialiting behaviour happens, this means that both parties decide to adopt the positive attitude of : • « you and I against the problem » • And not one against the other ! • Look equally for benefits for you and the others ! • Synergy : you will obtain better results by cooperating rather than adopting the attitude of a competitor ! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Design Associated together !!! • Collaboration, • Non-imposed solutions (no power games!) • No easy victory, • The need makes buy ! • Feel like you are doing a good business for a real change! (i.e. written agreement where action plan is detailed and balanced) Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Delivery What shall we do to sustain change? Sustain change and lead it !! • Consolidate new human relationship, • Develop and replace ressources regularly, • Sustain progress, • Be pro-active! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
3- Prevent future communication hard challenges All team members must avoid these three attitudes : • Personal attacks : Do not use insulting words …better use a mediator ! • Individualism : Do not take too much time in individual relationship ! • Group creation : help everyone express his/herself but avoid leaders of opinions ! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
3- Prevent futurs communication hard challenges A last comment on a very common method: Divide and better rule ! • As we have seen in a conflict, there are lots of positive issues that we can leverage. • Conflict still remains a big deployment of energy : as a team is spending its energy in conflicts, it has less energy to give to its core mission! Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat
Conclusion : how do you deal with this in your company? • Create different spaces for dialogue • Examples of new roles to facilitate running down conflicts • Organize good relationships with labour unions and personnel representatives • Organize dialogue between different divisions/departments/services Workshop on Rightsizing, Muscat