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The Archangels. Jeff Gordon and Mike Knee. Distinction of being one of the only two angels to be mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran. Gabriel is the other.
The Archangels Jeff Gordon and Mike Knee
Distinction of being one of the only two angels to be mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran. Gabriel is the other. Name derives from the ancient Sumerian, Micha-el. “el” suffix has two meanings—”brightness” or “shinning—ending the names of every other Archangel. Also said to mean “Of / As” or “like God”. Other Names: Sabbathiel (connection to the Sabbath?) by Israelites. Beshter by the Persians Mikael by the Mesopotamians Depicted as leader of the Heavenly, or “Celestial” Host Name literally translates to – “Who is like God” Described as the greatest Holy figure aside from God and His Son in Christian Religion. Visited Prohpet Daniel in the name of God. Holds the keys to the gates of Heaven and the Abyss (Hell – Perdition – Damnation – etc.) Originated in Chaldean legend, worshiped as a minor deity. Chaldea is a primitive sect of the Semitic religion in what was then known as Babylon around 575 BC. Known by many titles: Chief of the Order of Virtues Chief of the Archangels Prince in the Presence of God The Angel of Repentance The Angel of Sanctification Ruler of the Fourth Heaven (Machanon) Tutelary Sar (Angelic Prince or Insrael) Guardian of Jacob Conqueror of Satan Viceroy of Heaven (station given to Samael, Lucifer – before his betrayal) Deliverer of the Faithful Warrior of God Slayer of the Dragon Benevolent Angel of Death Sheds tears over the souls of the pious dead, and as he cries their sins are washed away. Archangel Michael “Hearken when Michael speaketh for I am he that stands in the presence of God.” – Apocalypse of Paul 42
Also named as the author of the entire Psalm 85, unique as no other Archangel is given sole credit for a Biblical passage. Known as the passionate and Tempestuous. Depicted in silver armor, round shield, and wielding an unsheathed great sword. Sword depicted from Chaldean myth, as he was the instrument of Vengeance. Patron of many Christian knights, who called upon him in battle. Destroyed an Assyrian army of 185,000 lead by King Sennacherib, in a single night. They were planning on raising Jerusalem (destroying it). (Also ascribed to Uriel, Gabriel, and Ramiel) One of his key domains: Last Judgment. Holds Scales of Justice to weight the souls of all men. If the person is wicked and cruel, the soul is ripped from the body, causing the person to endure the rest of existence in excruciating pain. If the person was good and kindly, the soul is removed wit ha care and grace that allows the ascension of the spirit without trauma. Lead armies of Heaven against Satan (Satan is often depicted as a great serpent or dragon during the first War in Heaven). At the pinnacle of the battle, Michael descended from the highest point in heaven with a chain and the key to the Abyss in hand and chained Satan, then casting him into the Abyss and locking the gates behind him. Interacts with denizens of Hell twice: First: War in Heaven Goes to Gates of hell (the Abyss) and warns the guardians (Uriel and Remiel) of the impending Flood, or Deluge of demons. He cries. His tears turn to precious stone as they hit the ground. Second: Another War Said in the Dead Sea Scrolls that some millennia after the fall of Satan, a second deadly skirmish takes place in Heaven. Michael leads the armies of the Celestial Host against the legions and defeat them just as before. Often equated with the Holy Ghost, Logos, God, Metatron. Dead Sea Scrolls – “War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness” Called the “Prince of Light” Combated Belial and the angels of darkness. Archangel Michael (cont)
In Hebrew and Islamic lore he is the Angel of Death, stationed in the 3rd Heaven Another form of Raphael to Islam “Forever writing in a large book and forever erasing what he writes; what he writes is the birth of a man, what he erases is the name of the man at death.” (Arabic tradition) Collected 7 handfuls of earth for the creation of Adam where Michael, Gabriel and Israfel failed. Because of this he was appointed to separate the body from the soul at death. Most feared of the Archangels. Holds power of life and death over all, even those who call him brother. Arabic lore is first to name Azrael as the Angel of Death. Name literally translates to “Whom God Helps,” or “Whom God Helps On Their Way,”. Hebrew translation – “God’s Command.” Azrael (Hebrew), Azra’il (Islamic), Ashriel (Syriac), Azaril (Aramaic). Ruler of the Order of Shehaquim, also called Sagun, or 3rd Heaven. Considered a kameoth or “Protector Against Evil” Angel of Death and Destruction For those who led a faithful life Holds an apple from the Tree of Life to their nose and entices the spirit from the body. For those who have left the path of righteousness: Rips the souls from their bodies. Archangel Azrael “Between Heaven and Earth stands Azriel with blade drawn in hand, and he is destruction of all.” -1 Chronicles 21:16
Archangel Azrael (cont) • Grants healing energy to grieving families. • Protects grief counselors from absorbing client’s pain. “During sleepless nights of anxious grieving, where you toss and turn, I can ease your restless mind and help you sleep. A rested mind and body is stronger and more able to withstand the grieving process. So, do not hesitate to call on me for my prayers, assistance, or intercession during times of need. I will invoke other angels alongside you and your loved ones, and we will do everything within God’s power to support you with dynamic love.” -Azrael
Various titles: King of Angels Prince of the Divine Face or Presence Chancellor of Heaven Angel of the Covenant Chief of the Ministering Angels The Lesser YHWH (Tetragrammaton) Sustainer of Mankind The Liberating Angel Other names: Metratton Mittron Metaraon Merraton The link between mankind and the divine. Earthly incarnation was the patriarch Enoch – though Tanhuna Genesis (Jewish Encyclopedia I, 94) claims he was originally Michael. Sometimes identified as the Archangel who wrestled with Jacob at Peniel. The angel who led the children of Israel through the wilderness after the Exodus (According to the Kabbalah) Twin brother or half-brother to the angel Sandalphon. Tallest angel in Heaven, aside from Anafiel. When Enoch arrived in Heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well as innumerable eyes. Author of Psalms 37:25 Archangel Metatron “Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken, nor seen their children begging for bread.” - Metatron Psalm 37:25
Name literally translates to “The Fire of God”. Widely accept that, while Michael is God’s most formidable servant, Uriel is His most fanatical and pitiless. Depicted as the punisher of those who defy the Will of God. Different spellings of his name: Suriel (God’s Command) Panuel (The Face of God) Sariel Zerachiel Sarakiel Angel of storms, hail, fire, thudner and lightning. Soars above the chaos of the battlefield loosing flaming arrows from his mighty longbow. Also has a huge sword he imbues with his divine flame. Guardian of the Garden of Eden Angelic Titles: The Angel of Repentance The Angel of the Presence The Archangel of Fire The Archangel of Salvation The Prince of Lights The Angel of Vengeance The Angel of Thunder and Terror The Presider over Tartarus Piercing stare causes human, angel, and demon alike to quake – one of the tallest angels. Buried Abel (son of Adam and Eve – killed by his brother Cain) in the Garden of Eden, beneath a plumb tree. Buried Adam after he died. Warned Noah of the great flood. Archangel Uriel
Lead Abraham and his people from Ur to Canaan. Maintains an Everwatch at the Gates of Damnation (Hell – Perdition – The Abyss) Sharpest sight of all Archangels, allowing him to keep track of the evil doers he guards and any ploys and plots they may be hatching. One demon tried to escape. Uriel pinned the demon to the gates with an arrow and disemboweled it as well. Then left it hanging for one hundred days, of which it spent screaming in agony – only to serve as a warning to the other demons and devils. Final task will come on the day of the Apocalypse. Gabriel’s horn sounds. Break apart the whole of Hell. Shattering the gates, walls and bars of the infernal prison. Take with him all the souls of the damned and lead them to heaven for Final Judgment. Archangel Uriel (cont) “Behold the Angel who watches over thunder and terror, and he is Uriel.” - Enoch 1
Only angel, other than Michael, to be named in both the Bible and the Koran. Name literally translates to “God Is My Strength.” Serves as an intermediary between God and Man. Also the only Archangel who is viewed as both a woman and a man. Other Name variations: Gabri-el (Sumerian) Gavriel (Tiberian – Off shoot of Hebrew) Gabril (Arabic) Jibril (Islamic) Like Michael, originates from Chaldean lore. Angelic Titles: Governor of Eden Chief of the Angelic Guards The Angel of Birth Fills an unborn child with all the knowledge of God and His ways. Takes it away when child is born – “cleft under the nose”. The Angel of Death The Angel of Annunciation The Angel of Resurrection The Angel of Mercy The Angel of Revelation The Angel of Humanity The Angel of Humanity The Angel of Incarnation The Angel of Consolation Spirit of Truth and Hope Prince of Justice Ruler of the First Heaven (Shamayin) Leader of the Cherubim Archangel Gabriel
Archangel of Music, plays his horn every day, all day. His horn is used to call the coming of the Apocalypse and Final Judgment Also wields a scythe Taught Joseph the seventy languages spoken at Babel. Over span of 22 years, appeared to Mohammed in order to dictate him the whole of the Koran. Messed up during one of last portions and found the Gates to Heaven impassible for him. Angel Dobiel took acted as his proxy. Was allowed his return after he took care of a problem in Persia. Explained to Daniel, his vision of the awesome battle between a ram and a “he-goat”. Alexander coming into the land and conquering the Persians. Defeated Darius III Called Angel of Annunciation because he decreed to Virgin Mary that she would bear the Son of God. Oversees the treasury of souls, the Guph. Sends a Sparrow to guide each soul. Destroyer of Sodom and Gomorrah (The Dead Sea) Also the Archangel who awakened the inspiration of Joan of Arc. Archangel Gabriel (cont) “I am Gabriel, who stands at the left hand of God.” - Luke 1:19
First named in the Bible. Most known from writings in the Book of Tobit, volume of the Apocrypha. Large set of books that was completely and officially excised from original Biblical text in 1901. Origins lie with the Chaldeans, who originally named him Labbiel. Name literally translates to “God Has Healed” “One of the four presences, set over all the diseases and all wounds of the children of man.” – Enoch Hebrew term rapha means doctor (surgeon), or healer. Angelic Titles: Regent of The Sun Chief of the Order of Virtues Governor of the South Guardian of the West Ruler of Raquia the Second Heaven Overseer of the Evening Winds Angel of Providence Angel of Repentance Angel of Prayer Angel of Love Angel of Joy Angel of Light Angel of Healing Guardian of the Tree of Life Archangel Raphael
Acts as companion to Tobit’s son, Tobias – calling himself “Azarias, son of the great Ananias.” Shows power by defeating devil Asmodeus in upper Egyptian desert. Asmodeus was sent to plague Sarah, Tobias’s fiancée. During journey home, Raphael assists Tobias in catching a giant fish. Teaches Tobias how to use every part of the fish not only for food, but medicinal purposes. Often visits Bethesda (Jerusalem) and infuses it with healing powers. Lead Abraham through “Seol”, a passage in the underworld Hebrew’s call “The Pit.” Transforms into a dragon-like creature to more easily traverse it. Raphael kept fallen angels (Grigori – Watchers) at bay while Gabriel killed their children, the Nephilim – “Giants”. Asked that their judgment be lenient but his request was denied. Delivered to Noah a book that held advanced techniques in medicine and physics. Knowledge was to be employed after the construction of the great Ark. Sent down by God when King Solomon asked for aid in constructing his famous Temple. Delivered a magical ring in the shape of a five-pointed star or pentalpha Held the power to subdue demons which Solomon used to build his great temple. Solomon took seal afterwards and carved it into every pinnacle. Later became known as “Seal of Solomon” Temple of Solomon is the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant Raphael is not the most formidable of the Archangels. But killed Leviathan in the beginning of the war between Heaven and Hell. Leviathan was once a beautiful, female Archangel. After her fall from grace, transformed into the massive draconic serpent often depicted as. Archangel Raphael (cont) “He who presides over every suffering and every wound of the sons of man, the Holy Raphael.” - Enoch 40:9
Works Cited • Bunson, Matthew. Angels A to Z. 1996 • Virtue, Doreen, Ph.D. Archangels & Ascended Masters. April 2003. • Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Wikipedia.org. 2006. • Williams, L.A.. The Book of Angels. Sterling Publishing Co. 2006. • Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary Of Angels. 1967 • Webster, Richard. “Communicating with the Archangel Raphael for Healing and Creativity.” Llewellyn Publications Ltd. 2005. • Webster, Richard. “Communicating with the Archangel Uriel for Transformation and Tranquility.” Llewellyn Publications Ltd. 2005. • Webster, Richard. “Communicating with the Archangel Gabriel for Inspiration and Reconciliation.” Llewellyn Publications Ltd. 2005. • Webster, Richard. “Communicating with the Archangel Michael for Guidance and Protection.” Llewellyn Publications Ltd. 2005. • "Michael." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/michael1.htm>. • "Gabriel." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/gabriel1.htm>. • "Raphael." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/raphael1.htm>. • "Uriel." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/uriel1.htm>. • "Metatron." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/metatron1.htm>. • "Azrael." Angelic Artistry. Angelic Artistry. 30 Jan 2007 <http://www.angelicartistry.com/azrael1.htm>.