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合同. 一.翻译: 1.100 吨鱼粉,麻袋装,每袋 50 公斤,以毛做净 2.5000 公吨,卖方可溢短装 5% 3.10 打装一盒, 8 盒装一纸箱, 5 箱装一木箱 4. 每公吨 220 美元 CIF 纽约含 2% 佣金 5. 2006 年 9/10 月份装运,允许分批、允许转船. 100 tons of Fish Meal in gunny bags of 50 kg gross for net. 5000 M/Ts more or less 5%/plus or minus 5% at the seller’s option.
合同 一.翻译: 1.100吨鱼粉,麻袋装,每袋50公斤,以毛做净 2.5000公吨,卖方可溢短装5% 3.10打装一盒,8盒装一纸箱,5箱装一木箱 4. 每公吨220美元CIF纽约含2%佣金 5. 2006年9/10月份装运,允许分批、允许转船 100 tons of Fish Meal in gunny bags of 50 kg gross for net 5000 M/Ts more or less 5%/plus or minus 5% at the seller’s option 10 doz. to a box, 8 boxes to a carton, 5 cartons to a w/case USD220 Per M/T CIFC2% New York USD220 Per M/T CIF New York Including/Inclusive of 2% Commission Shipment during Sept./Oct., 2006 with partial shipment and transshipment allowed
二.回答问题: 1.一般合同包括哪些部分? 合同一般包括三个部分:约首、本文、约尾 约首:主要包括订立合同的当事人的名称、通讯地址、订立合同的目的、签约的时间、地点、合同号码等 本文:订立合同的条款,如具体条款(这部分内容随商品和交易的情况而变化),一般条款(主要是异议、索赔条款、仲裁条款、不可抗力条款,一般条款一旦谈妥,在今后的交易中很少变动,往往在合同中以印好的形式固定下来,如使用确认书,则一般省略一般条款的内容,即合同背面的内容),特殊条款(根据不同货物和不同交易加列其它条款)等。 约尾:包括订立合同的当事人的公司名称,负责人的签名及公章
三.案例题 华兴股份公司与2004年1月15日与美国TopOE Corp. 在北京签订了第N3950号出口合同. 主要内容如下: 华兴股份公司向美国TopOE Corp.出口50台X230型复印机. 价格为CIF纽约每台3,000美元, 用坚固的木箱包装. 合同要求货物在2004年3月底装运 ,从天津启运到纽约.唛头由卖方设计. 买方在交货前10如内开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤消的即期信用证.
CONTRACT No.:N3950 Sellers: Huaxing Co. Ltd., P. R. China Buyers: TopOE Corp., U. S. A. This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Photocopiers Specifications: X230 Quantity: 50 units Unit Price: AT US$3,000 per unit CIF New York Total Value: US$150,000 (Say US Dollars one hundred and fifty thousand only) Packing: in strong wooden cases Shipping Mark : At seller’s option Insurance : To be covered by the Sellers Time of shipment : End of March, 2004 Port of shipment ; Tianjing Port, China Port of destination : New York Terms of payment: The buyers shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the sellers within 10 days before the shipment. Done and signed in Beijing on this 15th day of January, 2004.