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Eco-Lighting Project EU Ecolabel and GPP for lamps Kick off meeting 16 January 2012 Brussels. Welcome of participants & adoption of agenda. Project team: Chiara Briatore – ELC Otmar Franz – Osram James Hooker - Havells -Sylvania Peter Hunt – Lighting Association, UK
Eco-LightingProjectEU Ecolabel and GPP for lampsKick off meeting16 January 2012Brussels
Welcome of participants & adoption of agenda Project team: • Chiara Briatore – ELC • Otmar Franz – Osram • James Hooker - Havells-Sylvania • Peter Hunt – Lighting Association, UK • RenataKaps – JRC, Seville • ZoltanPilter – GE • Michel Quicheron – JRC, Ispra • Jürgen Sturm – ELC • Kees Van Meerten – Philips Lighting Stakeholders: • Stephen Bonner - Director, EMEA Government Relations, Texas Instruments • Christianna Papazahariou – LG Electronics • Dirk Van Hessche – PlasticsEurope
Presentation of Consortium • Project leader • Chiara Briatore - ELC Chiara Briatore is the Policy Advisor for the European Lamp Companies Federation (ELC) since 2010. Chiara studied Law at the University of Parma and European Studies at the European College of Parma Foundation. In Brussels since 2006 she has been working both as Legal Advisor/Researcher at College of Europe in Bruges and Public Affairs Advisor/Project Manager for European non-profit associations. • Project team partners • Jürgen Sturm - ELC Jürgen Sturm is the Secretary General of the European Lamp Companies Federation (ELC) since 2009. Jürgen has studied Law and Spanish Philology in Passau, Salamanca, Aberdeen and Cape Town. He has held senior positions in European trade associations since 2001 in the field of transportation and energy policy. Jürgen is also the Secretary General of the Global Lighting Forum (GLF). • Kees van Meerten - Philips Lighting Kees van Meerten is Manager at Philips Lighting for Standardization & Regulation, Global Product Marketing. He studied at the technical University Delft, The Netherlands. Kees is an active member in the Policy Task Force in the “En-lighten” project of UNEP and World Bank. • Otmar Franz - Osram Otmar Franz is Director Professional Lighting Legislation Strategy & Communication at Osram. He holds a degree of applied science from Augsburg University; he also studied ‘Electrical Engineering’ (automation and energy) and ‘Environmental Engineering and Immission Control’.
Presentation of Consortium • James Hooker - Havells-Sylvania James Hooker is Research & Development Manager for LED and special lamps at Havells-Sylvania where he manages a team of engineers to drive new product development projects. James began in the lighting industry at age 13 when he discovered a method to repair failed Halogen lamps and has over twenty years of experience. He holds a Masteràs in Materials Engineering from University of Wales, Swansea. • ZoltanPilter - GE ZoltanPilter is Product Regulatory Manager for GE Lighting, Hungary, and responsible for internal compliance with all product regulations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He is also constantly involved in lobbying activities towards European Institutions via the European Lighting Companies Federation on various product regulatory matters such as WEEE and Ecodesign. • Klaus Meyer-Pohl - Zumtobel Klaus Meyer-Pohl is Standardisation & Regulations Manager at Zumtobel. Klaus is chair of the LED Working Group in CELMA. Prior to his start at Zumtobel in 2009 Klaus was Standardisation Manager at Philips. • Nils Borg - ECEEE Nils Borg is the Executive Director of Eceee, the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy which is a non-profit, membership-based European NGO aiming to stimulate energy efficiency through information exchange and co-operation. Its secretariat is based in Stockholm. Mr. Borg also works as a consultant specializing in product efficiency, lighting and public procurement.
Presentation of Consortium • Tom Lock - Energy Savings Trust Tom Lock is Certification Manager at Energy Saving Trust, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding the best ways to change people’s behavior and introduce energy-saving measures into homes. • Peter Hunt – Lighting Industry Association Peter Hunt is the joint Chief Executive of the Lighting Industry Association in the UK representing over 400 members. Peter has a degree in Ergonomics and has been in the lighting industry for 35 years in the domestic lighting manufacturing business. As a member of the UK trade association Peter was President in 1992 and currently serves as a member of the CELMA Executive Board along with many other UK and EU committees. • Paolo Bertoldi - Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Ispra Since May 2001, he is Principal Administrator at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), in charge of research activities on energy efficiency policy, the efficient use of electricity and innovative policy instruments for energy efficiency. He has published over 80 papers on energy efficiency in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the peer reviewed journal Energy Efficiency. • Michel Quicheron - Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Ispra Michel is Policy Analyst for Energy Efficiency at JRC. His responsibilities include: analysing potential of new technologies for energy efficiency, such as SSL (LED lights); policy Support to DG Energy for the implementation of the ESD (Energy Services Directive) and monitoring of national energy efficiency action plans (NEAAPs).
Presentation of Consortium • Oliver Wolf and RenataKaps - IPTS, Seville The IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) is one of the seven scientific institutes of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). Since 1994, they promote and enable a better understanding of the links between technology, economy and society. Their mission is to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by developing science-based responses to policy challenges that have both a socio-economic as well as a scientific/ technological dimension. Their work is undertaken, mainly, at the request of other Directorates General of the European Commission. In addition in recent years several assignments have been carried out for the European Parliament. IPTS collaborates closely with the other Institutes of the Joint Research Centre and multiple partners across Europe. • DavideMinotti - European Commission, DG Environment (Observer)
Presentation of Consortium • Ad hoc WG meetings will be open to all stakeholders (industry, NGOs, Member States, etc) • The project website will contain all relevant information, documents and deliverables in order to allow the project team to follow the progress of the study • The website will also welcome the active participation from other stakeholders providing a “registration link” for stakeholders interested in the study and/or in engaging in the consultation by responding to questionnaires and/or participation at stakeholder meetings • Comments already received from stakeholders: • Mr. Arno Dermutz- VKI - Austrian Consumer Association, Ecolabel • Suzanna Heutling - Federal Environment Agency, Ecodesign, Environmental Labelling, Environmentally Friendly Procurement
Why a Stakeholder Consortium? • The “Eco-Lighting” project team believes that ECOLABEL and GPP should be brought closer to the attention of all relevant parties already in the drafting process. • The stakeholder consortium will take up the criteria revision in a practical and neutral way and will be able to propose a workable, overall agreed and supported criteria catalogue.
Project Scope Under Article 7 of the EU Ecolabel Regulation (66/2010) : “Following consultation of the EU Ecolabeling Board • the Commission, • Member States competent bodies and • other stakeholders may initiate and lead the development or revision of EU Ecolabel criteria” The Eco-Lighting project will develop an evidence base from which Ecolabel and GPP criteria for light sources will be revised. The study will: • identify the market characteristics and technology, and trends; • estimate the relevant environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of the products and the life cycle costs; • quantify the environmental improvement potential and the associated costs; and • develop Ecolabel and GPP criteria.
Alignment of ECOLABEL and GPP related activities • On 20 December 2011, the Commission adopted its proposals to modernize the procurement directives; the public procurement directive proposal, far from defining what is “green” or “sustainable”, is focused on simplification/flexibilisationof rules and market access for SMEs. • In January 2012, European Commission just published “Delivering more Sustainable Consumption and Production”, a public consultation concerning, between others, the Green Public Procurement issue, which will be open until the 3rd of April 2012. • Possible scenario: • Option 1 - revision of existing GPP criteria for product groups, maintaining the political target of 50% use of GPP, or instead • Option 2 – Legislative measures: The legislative measures could include the setting a mandatory target for the uptake of GPP at EU level
Alignment of ECOLABEL and GPP related activities • Any GPP criteria established two sets of criteria: • A core criteria are those suitable for use by any contracting authority across the Member States and address the key environmental impacts. They are designed to be used with minimum additional verification effort or cost increases • A comprehensive criteria are for those who wish to purchase the best environmental products available on the market. These may require additional verification effort or a slight increase in cost compared to other products with the same functionality.
Task definition • Task 1 - Product group definition: the scope of product group will be defined according to standards or legislation and including environmental criteria. • Task 2 - Economic and market analysis: this section will aim updating some basic market data, to highlight the share of lamps. In particular, it will give an overview of product stock, annual sales, market shares and user behavior. • Task 3 - Technical analysis (including BAT/BNAT): this section will aim defining the available technologies and production methods, to assess if the existing criteria have been overcome by technological improvements, and if some new requirements need to be tightened. This task also needs to extend to scrutinize the relevance of the current criteria and to analyze obstacles for applying the current criteria catalogue. • Task 4 - Policy impact and sensitivity analysis: as the development of the EU Ecolabel criteria aims at harmonizing the existing schemes, an analysis of the main national and international schemes covering the product group under study will be conducted in order to see which aspects they are covering. It aims analyzing the existing EU and some specific national legislations as well as BAT documents influencing the sector, to assess if new mandatory requirements have been introduced, and if the criteria are, at least, as strict as the current legislation is.
Task definition • Task 5 - Draft criteria proposal and technical background report: following the publication of the preliminary report, a proposal for a draft criteria and a technical report in support of the proposal will be established. The preferred approach in this regard is to take into account prominently consumers' demands related to different product groups and to ensure that eligibility is limited to the best 10 - 20% of the products in the market. In so far a certain dynamic in the criteria catalogue will be required, which will result in a review interval that is based on the technical improvement of the product group and regular evaluation of market intelligence. The aim of this activity is the revision of the Commission Decision 2011/331/EU criteria for the light sources product group. All the comments and proposals emerged on the Preliminary Report will be included in the Background Document, which is used as technical support to the Draft Criteria Proposal that will be illustrated during the 2nd AHWG. • Task 6 - Final report and manuals: The Final Report, containing the information and the conclusions and the Final Criteria Proposal, will be the main outcome of this task. The Final Draft Criteria Proposal will be then presented to the EUEB. After the approval of the criteria proposal by the EUEB the Eco-label User’s manual for the applicant will be prepared.
Task allocation Tasks and Tasks leaders • Task 1 - Product group definition - K van Meerten • Task 2 - Economic and market analysis - C Briatore • Task 3 - Technical analysis (including BAT/BNAT) - N Borg • Task 4 - Policy impact and sensitivity analysis - P Bertoldi • Task 5 - Draft criteria proposal and technical background report - Z Pilter • Task 6 - Final report and manuals - J Sturm
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 1 Product group definition • Focus on retail and domestic market is discussed, as there is a lack of overlap in the concept between ECOLABEL and GPP • As for GPP the «tertiary applications» are to be included • Possible answer is to start with domestic market and further down include professional applications • The scope inclusion of luminaires is guided by the agreed «lamp – luminaire – definition» in Ecodesign, but scope definition is part of the project deliverables • Scope needs to become a workable balance of the different criteria, no overwheliming preference of energy effciency
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 1 • It is concluded that: • the scope is «technology agnostic» as well as «fitting agnostic» for ECOLABEL, enabling the different technologies to be eligible for the ECOLABEL in terms of a «best in class» approach. For GPP requirements this agnostic approach will not be applicable • the minimum requirement of energy class «A» and beyond is to be maintained, resuting in the factual exclusion of Halogen technology • the scope should include CFLi as such, based on thorough life cycle assessment, a focus on Hg would be too limited, as a holistic evaluation needs to be the basis for eligibility • as for the scope limitation to «domestic» or the extesion to «tertiary» applications related to GPP further guidance from DG ENV is to be seeked • Subgroup task 1: Kees van Meerten, Otmar Franz, Zoltan Pilter, Chiara Briatore/Juergen Sturm
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 2 Economic and market analysis • Based on the scoping, data is to be collected on: • general European market volume on LED, CFLi • exisiting studies to be used, as well as ELC statistics, use UK data on «consumer behaviour» • Action: • companies and JRC to share available data with ELC Secretariat to compile and anonimize input • as for input related to «user behaviour» additional input from BEUC will be necessary • Subgroup task 2: Chiara Briatore, JRC, IPTS, Peter Hunt, Tom Lock
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 3 Technical analysis • To decide which parameters to be measured • Level of detail, production methods cannot be discussed • Add “technology roadmap” to anticipate the technological general development in order to take into account the future development of criteria • Benchmark existing criteria against technological development • Technical analysis needs to take into account that target audience is not always technical expert level, but MS administration • Life cycle assessment to be carried out under this agenda point • Task 3 and task 5 are to be combined from the beginning of the project In order to avoid double work and to ensure the diligent translation of the technical preparation into the criteria setting • Subgroup task 3: Nils Borg, Kees van Meerten, Otmar Franz, James Hooker, ZoltanPilter
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 4 Policy impact and sensitivity analysis • Develop overview of existing legislation • JRC has carried out this work for GPP part already, get in touch with Consultants that carried out the preparatory study for the current criteria catalogue • Clarify the reading of Task 4 as for the strictness of legislation only related to mandatory requirements, or related to existing ECOLABEL criteria • Remark: the aim is to create workable criteria; it could mean also less stringent criteria • Subgroup task 4: Paolo Bertoldi, Michel Quicheron, Chiara Briatore, RenataKaps
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 5 Draft criteria proposal and technical background report • Translation into Legal language; to take into account already developing task 3 • Drafting of the criteria (Ecolabel and GPP ) could now split into two parallel task forces to be decided after clarification from Commission on GPP scope • Subgroup task 5: to be defined
Task allocation:Meeting feedback – Task 6 Final report and manuals • It is a procedure description on how to use Ecolabel and GPP for users and authorities (tasks 3 and 5 summary) • Subgroup task 6: Juergen Sturm, DG Environment
Project Outline • The duration of the project will be approximately 15 months. • Kick-off meeting: 16th January 2012 • One month after publication of the preliminary report, the 1st AD Hoc Working Group meeting will be held in Brussels (around month 8 – September 2012). • A first version of draft criteria should be published around month 8 on the website. • One month after publication of the revised draft criteria proposal, the 2nd working group meeting should be held in Brussels (around month 12 –January 2013). • The final draft criteria will be published on the website (around month 14) and provided to the European Commission and EUEB for further consideration and, if so decided, the relevant administrative process and as out in the Ecolabel Regulation.
Questionnaire • As preparation for the consultation, a questionnaire for gathering information on economic and market data as well as user behavior will be sent to stakeholders – mid February 2012 • The questionnaire seeks information, views and comments on the following: • Product definition • Economic and market data • Aspects of, and trends in, product design and user behavior. • The draft preliminary report will be published on the Eco-Lighting website around 6 months after project start. Stakeholders should have 1 month for comments on the report. • Comments collected through the online consultation as well as the final research tasks should be published in the preliminary report on the website around 7 months after project start.
Eco-LightingWebsite In order to engage all relevant stakeholders an independent product website has been created: • www.eco-lighting-project.eu • The website will contain all relevant information and deliverables in order to allow the project team to follow the progress of the study. • The website will also welcome the active participation from other stakeholders providing a “registration link” for stakeholders interested in the study and/or in engaging in the consultation by responding to questionnaires and/orparticipation at stakeholder meetings.