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CODE2 Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe 2 WP3: “How-to” guides for industry Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) Stane Merše Head of Energy Efficiency Centre JSI. Kick-off project Meeting 10 - 11 July 2012, Brussels. WP 3: “How-to” guides for industry. Key purpose of the WP:
CODE2Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe 2WP3: “How-to” guides for industry Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI)StaneMeršeHead of Energy Efficiency Centre JSI Kick-off project Meeting 10 - 11 July 2012, Brussels
WP 3: “How-to” guides for industry Key purpose of the WP: “Increasing the overall understanding of financial proposition of cogeneration technology in different applications among businesses policy makers and stakeholders.” • Main issues which need to be addressed in developing the business case for CHP: • The key elements to consider in the developing the business case. • Best practice case studies showing how the elements were taken into consideration. • Special emphasis will be given to SMEs, where current knowledge is limited and CCS applications will not be feasible mainly due to economic reasons • Deliverables: • D 3.1: Tested “How-to” guides for 4 key market sectors • D 3.2: 30 best practice cases on CHP in 4 target sectors
Purpose of the“How-to” guides “In order to expand the cogeneration in Europe, a large number of organisations who currently use significant quantities of energy for heat, need to be attracted to join the cogeneration sector.” • Answering the key first questions to the potential heat consumers: • Is this economically a good proposal? • What benefits is ofering cogeneration to me? • What is the best business model for implementaion? • Is a tool for streamlining the initial project engagement stage of a new CHP project and in formulating the business proposition for the new owner: • will provide enough information for an interested potential cogeneration operator to assess the business opportunity and risk of moving into cogeneration. • Demonstration of best practice case studies
Target sectors • 4 Guides for top 4 expansion sectors: • food, • paper, • hospitals and • commercial premises • Shall we adopt/change also to: • Market sectors highlighted in the individual Roadmap proposal for 7 MS? • Micro CHP – households? • ?
T1: Cheklist for “How-to” guides • Guides Should be: • Short and focused on the main issues which need to be addressed in developing the business case for CHP (5 pages) • Consist of three sections: • The key elements to consider in the developing the business case • Best practise case studies showing how the elements were taken into consideration • Sources of the information needed to calculate the business case including Member State support, regional and local support and sources of information. • Create a walk-through example of developing a standard project for the top 4 expansion sectors giving examples of typical costs and timescales for each step and highlighting the key elements which must be understood to properly establish a business case and understand the risk. • Prepare best practice case studies identifying national benchmark CHP installations for sector reference • Identify main national sources of information and key points of contact for professional assistance, authorisation, permitting, finance, etc. (incl. EED)
T2: Develope the 4 “How-to” guides • Inovative and ilustrative approach! • Overview of available similar tools (linking on other IEE projects, etc.) • The experience of BEA in its successful work in communication to customers in Berlin will be used. • The guides will be market tested: • with the trade associations of each market sector to ensure that using the guide the target customer can be successfully addressed and reached: • Key information for understanding: • Financial implications of the investment in and the running of a cogeneration plant both initially and over the lifetime of the project • Energy savings and CO2 impact of cogeneration investment. • Implications of national legislation regarding their cogeneration plant investment • Their options in financing/running a plant themselves or inviting a third party to do so (TPF, business models, etc.) • Know-how to take their initial purchase interest further • A lot of information – proper focus and shaping crucial for the success!
T3: Best practice cases • Additional 30 best practice cases for the 4 market sectors per region • To highlight the elements relevant to the business case success and to link clearly to the relevant elements of the road map. • Case study sites will be encouraged to take an active part in the ongoing CODE2 process (visits, exchange of information and data, etc.) • Continous activity from CODE : • Ongoing also after the end of the project • Update of the web presentation,…
Most interesting cases • e – mobility with CHP, Belgium – 42% of primary energy savings • Hybrid “RES&CHP” plant – gas engine & sollar collectors in Greece • RES island supply - Biogas CHP plant from pig waste in Cyprus • First trigeneration plants UK, Greece • Repseed oil CHP – engine, Belgium • District heating and cooling, Italy • Retrofit of coal CHP plant with biomass cofireing, district heating Warsaw, Poland • TPF CHP projects
T4: Translation and adaptation of the “How-to” guides • The guides will be translated and adapted into the economic and legislative environment of the 15 National COGEN Associations: • Each guide will be reviewed by the national association and both general statements and specific recommendations (modified according to the local energy history and economic situation). • Will be consulted locally to verify that the resulting guide fits the local situation. • Dissemination: upload of guides onto different website, distribute them among their members/contacts or use it as a basis to organise a workshop in their country for industry, SMEs (contractors, project developers, small users) and bio-energy industries.
Next steps • Preparation of detailed working concept and plan (JSI) • Final discussion with involved responsible partners • End of September 2012 • All ideas from consortium welcome! Thank you for your attention!