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T e chnology Transf e r Association. Armenian Busin e ss Cours e. Centre. Science potential in Materials' Science in Armenia and commercialization proposals. Scientific & Production Enterprise of Materials’ Science. Armenian Development Agency.
Technology Transfer Association Armenian BusinessCourse Centre Science potentialin Materials' Sciencein Armenia and commercialization proposals Scientific & Production Enterprise of Materials’ Science Armenian Development Agency
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” The Science and Engineering organizations in Armenia are highly diversifiedand work in: • Physics (Optical-Physics, Radio Physics), • Chemistry (Organic and Inorganic, Polymer Chemistry, Chemical Physics etc.), • Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology, • Electronics (different sectors including Semiconductor- and Optic-), • Materials' Science, • Mechanics, Machine-Tools, • Mathematics, • Information Technologies, • Hydroponics, Geophysics, Botany and other areas.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Traditionally Armenia has high potential in science and technology in various fields, and in days of the former USSR was specialized in such science-intensive streams of production as different areas of chemical, IT, electronic industries, new materials manufacturing. The effective promotion of international collaboration of Armenian R&D Centers is the crucial factor for country’s sustainable growth. Armenian R&D organizations in various sectors actively collaborate with foreign colleagues, including the collaboration in the programs of • International Science-Technological Centre (ISTC), • U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), • International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), • Special American Business Internship Training Program (SABIT).
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” One of the best examples of collaboration is implementation ofISTC projects.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” • ISTC Projects Funding in 2004 (by Location) By number of projects, financed by ISTC, Armenia ranked on 3-d place
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” and on the 1st place – by projects financing per capita Country No No/per capita Funding Funding/per capita ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russia 170 1.17 $ 60 098 295 0.415 Kazakhstan 21 1.42 $ 5 554 152 0,374 Armenia 11 2.89 $ 3 075 821 0,878 Kyrgyz Rep. 10 2.04 $ 2 547 856 0,519 Georgia 9 1.76 $ 1 666 520 0,327 Belarus 5 0.50 $ 1 238 708 0,124 Tajikistan 1 0.16 $ 170 400 0,028
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” ISTC Projects Funding in 2006 (by Location) In 2006 Armenia ranked on 2nd place (after Russia), and on the 1st place – by projects financing per capita.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” ISTC Projects Funding in 2006(per capita) Country No No/per capita Funding Funding/per capita ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Russia 138 0.95 $ 40 341 770 0.279 Armenia 10 2.63 $ 2 863 244 0,817 Kazakhstan 8 0.54 $ 1 949 142 0,131 Kyrgyz Rep. 5 1.02 $ 1 138 561 0,232 Georgia 9 1.76 $ 1 950 142 0,383 Belarus 6 0.60 $ 909 809 0,091 Tajikistan 6 0.96 $ 1 490 121 0,245
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Among basic directions of R&D activities in the funded projects are: Physics, Biotechnology, New Materials, Chemistry and Ecology. ISTC Projects in Armenia by Technology Area (Total)
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Some Armenian R&D organizations in Materials’ Science • Armenian Institute of Applied Chemistry "ARIAC" • Composite Ltd • Institute of Applied Problems of Physics • Institute of Chemical Physics • Institute of Organic Chemistry • Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry • Institute for Physical Research • “Lazerain Tekhnika” • NPF "Stone & Silicates" • Scientific & Production Enterprise of Material’s Science • State Engineering University of Armenia • Yerevan Chemical Engineering Scientific Research Institute "Chemtech" • Yerevan Institute "Plastpolymer" • Yerevan Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements • Yerevan State University and the number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and innovation companies specializing in science-intensive technologies and production.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Some Armenian R&D organizations in Materials’ Science Institute of Chemical Physics Founded in: 1975 Specialization: • Theory of chemical conversion. • Chemistry of free radicals. • Chain reactions. • Combustion and explosion. Combustion chemistry. Main Activity: • Theory of chemical conversion. Complex and elementary chemical reactions. Chain reactions. • Combustion and explosion in the gas and condensed phases. • Synthesis of inorganic materials under condition of combustion. • Technologies of refractory material production by means of SHS method. • Conversion of solid inorganic compounds under influence of chain reactions.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Institute of Chemical Physics RUSTSOLVENTSOLUTION LA – 1 for preliminary processing of corroded metallic surface until lacquer and lute. Solution developed on the basis of phosphoric acid, is composition mixture and contains “No-How”. Experimented for processing of metallic water-pipes and constructions, and positive results have been achieved. Technical documentation and technical conditions are established (RA TC 39179162. 4460 -2006). Rust Solvent Solution’s LA-1 price is approx. - $ 2,6 ÷2,7/ per kg. The prices of solutions selled in the market are 25 ÷ 35 Euro/kg, • The price of rust solvent solution LA-1 is lower and the product can become competitive in the market through advertisement. • The expenses of the design and recruitment of Rust Solvent Solution’s LA-1 production terminal with 10 ton per month power will be 7,7 million AMD, ($25.500) and will contain : • terminal design, purchase of necessary equipment • staff recruitment and training • terminal assembling and checkout • different types of raw materials’ marketing research and purchase • establishing business contact with the similar materials’ consumers • advertising of the Rust Solvent Solution’s LA-1 production
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Institute of Chemical Physics WATERPROOFER AND ANTICORROSIVE MASTIC “BITAL - 1”for protection of metallic tank and pipelines, ferroconcrete and metallic constructions against corrosion. Mastic developed on the basis of of acetenyl lacquer, is composition mixture and contains “No-How”. Pilot run has been produced and experimented in the plant conditions and positive results have been achieved. Technical documentation and technical conditions are established (RA TC 39179162. 4462-2006 ). “BITAL-1”Mastic price is approx. - $0.9 ÷ 1,0/ per kg. The prices of Mastics selled in the market are - $2.0 ÷ 2,3/ per kg. • The price of “BITAL-1”Mastic is lower and the product can become competitive in the market of the similar materials. • The expenses of the design and recruitment of “BITAL-1”Mastic production terminal with 30 ton per month power will be 11,6 million AMD, ($38.600) and will contain : • terminal design, purchase of necessary equipment • staff recruitment and training • terminal assembling and checkout • different types of raw materials’ marketing research and purchase • establishing business contact with the similar materials’ consumers • advertising of the Waterproofer and Anticorrosive “BITAL - 1” mastic’sproduction
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Some Armenian R&D organizations in Materials’ Science Optic-Physical Measurement Research Institute Founded in: 1982 as a branch of All-Union Research Institute Basic scientific directions: • Development of methods and means of measurement of time behavior of impulse optical radiation of 10-12 -10-14 sec. duration. • Development and production of organic polymeric semiconductor materials (OPSM) like polyacetal, polyaniline, polyphenylene and others (more than 10 denominations), as well as their compositions for use in electronics and optoelectronics. • Development of chemical sources of current (accumulator, cell) like lithium-polymer, polymer-polymer. • Development of photo converters of solar energy on the base of polymeric semiconductors.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Optic-Physical Measurement Research Institute Organic Polymeric Semiconductor Materials (OPSM) on the basis of polyaniline, polyacetylene and polydiphenylamine Possibility and synthesis technologies of organic polymeric semiconductor materials (OPSM) like polyacetylene, polyaniline, polyphenylene and others (more than 10 denominations) are Investigated. Developed technologies allows to organizing production: • Polyaniline - 10 kg/per month • polyacetylene - 5 kg/per month • Polydiphenylamine - 3 kg/per month and other (including nano-sized) OPSM - 150-200 g/per month. On the basis of polyaniline and polyacetylenecomposites the like lithium-polymer and polymer-polymer chemical sources of current (accumulators, cells) are obtained. DESIRED COOPERATION - joint production of OPSM.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Some Armenian R&D organizations in Materials’ Science Yerevan Institute “Plastpolymer” Founded in: 1958. Specialization: • Synthesis of vinylacetate (VA) and polymers on its basis. • Extensive investigations in the field of polymerization and copolymerization of VA, • Leading institute in the CIS since 1994 concerning “Vinylacetate and polymers on its basis”. Technologies in the practice: Technologies developed allowed organizing over 15 large-capacity production units (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia) • 3 production lines of vinyl acetate from acetylene, • Production line of vinyl acetate from ethylene with capacity of 50 000 ton/year. • 3 production lines of homopolymer and copolymer dispersions from vinyl acetate. • 2 production lines of polyvinyl alcohol with single capacity 3 500 ton/year • Production lines of acetales of polyvinyl alcohol (polyvinylbutiral, polyvinylformal, polyvinylformalethylal) with total capacity of 1 600 ton/year, etc.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Yerevan Institute “Plastpolymer”, CJSC Super-Porous Polymeric Carriers on the basis of high molecular weight polyvinyl alcohol Possibility of synthesis of high molecular weight polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) with narrow molecular weight distribution and little branching in aqueous medium in thepresence of initiators, as well aspolyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on its basis is Investigated. Results: • Emulsion PVAc - with molecular weight up to 1,6`·106`, branching degree – 0,3÷0,8, degree of polymerization of PVA is up to 14000. • Suspension PVAc – with molecular weight up to 3,2`·106`, branching degree – 1,7÷2,5. • PVA samples, obtained on the basis of PVAc with non-full conversion of the monomer, have dynamic viscosity of 4% aqueous solutions - 150÷400 mPa·s. • Comparison of kinetic parameters of destruction of PVA samples obtained by various methods have shown that “suspension” PVA exceeds “emulsion” PVA by thermal stability
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Yerevan Institute “Plastpolymer”, CJSC Applications: • effective stabilizers at polymerization of vinyl monomers; • thickeners for water emulsion paints, various aqueous solutions. • obtaining of membranes for various technical purposes • Immobilization of biologically active substances DESIRED COOPERATION • Investigation of structure of high molecular weight PVAc and PVA by using modern physic-chemical methods; • Study of application of high molecular weight PVA for medical purposes (sorbents); microbiology and biotechnology (cryogels and other carriers); • Study of molecular structural and operating characteristics of polyvinylacetals for constructive purposes, obtained on the basis of high molecular weight PVA.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Some Armenian R&D organizations in Materials’ Science Scientific & Production Enterprise of Materials’ Science Founded in: 1970 within the framework of the Ministry of Electronic Industry. Primal problems : development of compositions, technologies and small-batch production of non-conventional special materials. Main products • Different glasses and glass-cements of special assignment; • Solder materials for glue of aluminum oxide ceramics, different metals, glasses and for capsulation of electro-vacuum gears and ceramic bodies of integrated circuits; • High-siliceous glasses (as transition glasses and for heat-resistant and erosion-resistant coverings in aircraft and space industry); • Optical glasses, including for ultraviolet and infrared areas of a spectrum; • Glasses resistant to vapors of alkaline metals; • Chalcogenide glass-type semiconductor materials; • High-temperature and air-tight aluminum oxide ceramics; • Ecologically clean glass manures with controllable solubility and microadditions.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Scientific & Production Enterprise of Materials’ Science, CJSC Developed and designed devices: • Electric furnace for direct heating, for the manufacturing of high-temperature (up to 2200 С) glasses and glass-ceramic materials in a single-stage continuous condition with manufacturing as a granulates, canes and tubes. • Electric furnace for indirect heating, for the manufacturing of low-melting aggressive glasses, glass-fiber reinforced cements. • Inductive high-temperature furnace for indirect heatingand technology of manufacture of aggressive glasses and glass-ceramic materials in Platinum crucibles. • Inductive high-frequency electric furnace for direct heatingand technology of manufacture of high-temperature (more than 2500 С) materials (glasses, glass ceramics, single crystals) by “the Cold Container” method. • Electric furnace for indirect heating and the technologies of manufacture of chalcohenide glass-type semiconductor materials in evacuated containers.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Scientific & Production Enterprise of Materials’ Science, CJSC New Multi-Purpose Glass Ceramicsfor electronic equipment and production technology. The Universal technology of producing directional monolithic Glass-Ceramic materialsis developed, that can be used in manufacturing of high-capacity and high-power condensers (capacitors), posistors (thermistors), light-active elements and sensors. The materials are combine versatility, simplicity, and cheapness of glass technology with the possibility of forming crystalline structure of given dimensions and composition by regulated crystallization. The major market - Production of elemental base and electronic devices Main analogs - expensive single crystal materials orceramic materials, which are less expensive and have worse characteristics than monocrystal materials. The final product could be interesting for all key players of electrical engineering and microelectronics markets. Potential partners (customers): • High Energy Corp. (USA) – high-power ceramic condensers (capacitors) • GEC Instruments (USA) – posistors (thermistors) and other sensors • Samsung Electro-Mechanics (Korea) – materials and elemental base • BetaTHERM Sensors (USA & Ireland), – posistors and sensors • PPG Industries, Inc. (USA).
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Technology Transfer Association • Is operating since 2001 MissionTo establish links between Armenian technologies' owners and organizations looking for innovative solutions. ServicesAssociation is provide comprehensive support to all areas of the technology transfer process: • Technology Assessment • Identifying customers • Assessing markets • Technology Marketing • Attracting investors • Developing strategy & plans • Securing IP rights • Negotiating agreements • Preparing contracts For the purpose of rendering the above-mentioned services we founded «Business Course» Center, attached to the Association.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Technology Transfer Association TTA Objectives • Incubating new technologies and products, which will be jointlydeveloped by EU/USand Armenian entities • Assistance in commercialization of know–how's, and launching of high-tech development and production joint-ventures. • Assistance in innovation activities through EU/US - Armenia and Armenia – EU/US technology transfer • Best commercialization practices and science information exchange.
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Advantages for companies of developed countries • Benefiting from transfer of advanced technologies from transition economies unknown for science society of western countries • Getting good opportunity for seizing the new markets for their technologies and products • Deriving extra benefits from joined development of new technologies and products
“Armenian potential in Materials' Science” Thank you for attention