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Selling BDPA: Multiple Streams of Chapter Revenue Wayne Hicks Past NBOD Member ( 1989-1993, 1999-2009 )

Selling BDPA: Multiple Streams of Chapter Revenue Wayne Hicks Past NBOD Member ( 1989-1993, 1999-2009 ). July 31, 2012 National BDPA Technology Conference. Been There, Done That!. Nat’l Membership Committee Chair (1989-1990) Chartered almost 25% of current chapters (10 of 45)

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Selling BDPA: Multiple Streams of Chapter Revenue Wayne Hicks Past NBOD Member ( 1989-1993, 1999-2009 )

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  1. Selling BDPA: Multiple Streams of Chapter Revenue Wayne Hicks Past NBOD Member (1989-1993, 1999-2009) July 31, 2012 National BDPA Technology Conference

  2. Been There, Done That! • Nat’l Membership Committee Chair (1989-1990) • Chartered almost 25% of current chapters (10 of 45) • Nat’l BDPA Vice President (1991-1992) • Served under President Vivian Wilson • BDPA Cincinnati Chapter President (1999-2001) • Grew membership from 6 (Jan 1999) to 229 (Nov 2001) • Won Chapter of the Year Twice (2000 and 2001) • National BDPA President-Elect (2002-2003) • Served under President Milt Haynes • National BDPA President (2004-2005) • Profitable annual conferences • All-time record in corporate sales • All-time record in BDPA membership totals • BETF Executive Director (1993, 2006 – Present) • BETF revenue is over $1 million in 2001-2012 • BETF gave out over $344,000 in scholarships • American Honda Foundation - $25k grant last year Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  3. Helpful Handouts • 2012 National BDPA Strategic Plan • 2013 Chapter Budget • Access to VPMM Group on BDPA.org • BETF SOP: SITES Funding Requests • Access to CRM tool (Salesforce.com) • Crowdrise.com profile (personal) and project (chapter) • Facebook Cause to support your chapter • Corporate Sales Handbook • Corporate Opportunities Portfolio • Wayne on Speed Dial – (513) 284-4968 Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  4. Why Does BDPA Exist? • “BDPA advances the careers of African Americans in the IT industry from the classroom to the boardroom” • BDPA can never succeed if we forget the reason we exist. • BDPA can never raise money if we don’t have programs. • BDPA Leaders must create and market its programs. • BDPA can never grow if nobody know we exist. Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  5. Where is BDPA Revenue?We only have 3 sources of money! • Membership • Fundraising • Corporate Sales Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  6. The biggest revenue challenge that BDPA faces is its low membership numbers. FACT #1:We have seen a steady stream of major-name corporations support BDPA over the years. [Currently we have 101 sponsors] FACT #2: That success will start to falter if these corporations see BDPA as a small organization that is not growing. The value of their investment comes from high numbers. Where is our ‘hurt’? Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  7. BDPA Active Memberships (2004-2012) • Low Members = Low Revenue! Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  8. Identify Target Funding Source – Internet search, members, sponsors, BETF-YahooGroup, BETF-Blog Draft Grant Proposal – this is joint effort by BETF & local chapter BETF Mails Grant Proposal– sometimes it is online application Grant Request Approved by Funding Source – funds sent to BETF; placed in restricted chapter account IRS Tax Receipt Form BETF sends check to BDPA chapter – based on request in Step #5 Final Grant Report – issued by local chapter Are You Using BETF?We have been your fiscal agent since 1992! Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  9. Some Chapters ‘Get It’BETF Support to Local Chapters (2010-2012) 49 approved requests; $122,842 • National BDPA - $21,473 (5) • Atlanta - $1,078 • Baltimore - $500 • Baton Rouge - $3,110 (5) • Bay Area - $67 • Charlotte - $12,650 (2) • Chicago - $8,870 (3) • Cincinnati - $10,000 • Cleveland - $539 • Columbus - $465 • Dallas - $880 • Detroit - $739 • Greater Columbia - $3,425 • Los Angeles - $17,361 (5) • Nat’l BDPA - $12,100 (2) • New Jersey - $350 • New York – $4,954 (3) • Philadelphia- $6,454 (2) • Rhode Island – $1,080 (2) • Richmond - $15,941 (7) • St. Louis - $500 • So Minnesota - $2,250 • Twin Cities - $1,374 Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  10. Fundraising Tips • Annual awards banquets or luncheon (1Q) • Annual education banquets or luncheon (3Q) • Collaborating with BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) • Matching funds (eg. Charlotte member, $5k) • Online Fundraising (e.g., Facebook Causes, www.causes.com or Crowdrise, www.crowdrise.com/BDPAFoundation) • Traditional grant writing • Volunteer grants • Payroll Pledge or Credit Card Pledge (eg, $500/mon) Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  11. Corporate Sales Roles & Responsibilities Chapter President Account Manager Corporate Champion Corporate Chapter BDPA-BETF Director Corporate Participation Continuum Awareness Involvement Corporate Supporter Corporate Sponsor Corporate Sales Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  12. Corporate ROI Decision • National Programs/Services – Resume database, digital library, IT Institute, newsletter ads, web banner or Bemley Scholarship fund. • Local Chapter Programs/Services – Monthly program meeting, quarterly workshops, newsletter ads, web banner or memberships. • Annual Conference – Career Fair, Speaking Opportunity, Receptions, Conference Guide advertisements or workshop presenters. Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  13. Has company realized benefits from BDPA sponsorship? What are your business challenges? Is there more that BDPA can do to help company meet corporate objectives? Any BDPA opportunities for improvement? What are good areas for collaboration (hot buttons)? Is the corporation interested in supporting multiple chapters? National BDPA? National Conference? Will Company sponsor and at what level? What are the next steps? Corp Sales Talking Points Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  14. Other Helpful Hints • Get covered in the press • Get into the budget cycle • Learn to fly in under the radar • Organize a CIO Reception • Partner with ITSMF, SIM, Urban League and others • Pick the low hanging fruit • Seek investments, not donations • Start a Corporate Advisory Council • Understand your product offering • Use our CRM tool (SF.com) Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  15. Marketing BDPA It is imperative that BDPA be active in a variety of social media platforms • BDPA.org • Crowdrise • Facebook • Flickr • Groupsite • LinkedIn Network • Pinterest • Slideshare • Twitter • YouTube Channel Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

  16. Contact Information Wayne Hicks, Executive Director BDPA Education and Technology Foundation Wayne.Hicks@betf.org (513) 284-4968 http://betf.blogspot.com http://twitter.com/BDPA http://www.facebook.com/BDPAFoundation Selling BDPA (Jul 2012)

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