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Memories - 1. July 1990: 1st TESLA Workshop at Cornell Conveners: Ugo Amaldi (CERN) & Hasan Padamsee (Cornell) General consensus to setup an international Collaboration to study the cold option for the future electro-positron collider March 1991: 1st Informal Meeting at DESY
Memories - 1 • July 1990: 1st TESLA Workshop at Cornell • Conveners: Ugo Amaldi (CERN) & Hasan Padamsee (Cornell) • General consensus to setup an international Collaboration • to study the cold option for the future electro-positron collider • March 1991: 1st Informal Meeting at DESY • Biörn Wiik invites at DESY representative experts to propose DESY as the Hosting Laboratory for the envisaged TESLA Collaboration • January 1992: 1st TESLA Collaboration Board Meeting • to discuss a draft version of the “Interlaboratory MoU for the TESLA Collaboration” to be signed by the interested Institutions • December 1992: Decision for Infrastructure and TTF • “A Proposal to Construct and Test Prototype Superconducting RF Structures for Linear Colliders” - TESLA Note 93-01 Carlo Pagani
Memories - 2 • May 1996: First Beam at TTF • One 8 cavity module accelerates the electron beam at the unprecedented gradient of 15 MV/m • March 2001: TESLA Technical Design Report • A complete Technical Design Report is presented for the construction of a 500-800 GeV SC electron-positron collider, named TESLA • February 2003: Green Light from the ILC-TRC • The ILC-TRC states that the TESLA Technology is already mature to built a 500 GeV electron-positron collider • 20 August 2004: ITRP recommends “Cold” Carlo Pagani
From the Interlaboratory MoU • Art. 1 – Goal of the Collaboration • It is the aim of this collaborationto establish the technological base needed to construct and operate a high energy electron-positron linear collider (or other accelerators) made of superconducting rf cavities and demonstrate that this collider can meet the performance goals in a cost effective manner. …… This program of TTF (TESLA Test facility) includes the construction of the infrastructures needed to produce high performance cavities and the construction and the operation of atest linac • ……… • It is the intention of the collaborationto create the conceptual design report of an electron-positron linear collider facility covering the energy region up to 500 GeV or above with a luminosity of the order of5.1033cm-2s-1. It is not the specific goal of this MoU to cover the effort needed to carry out this conceptual design. • ……… Carlo Pagani
International Collaboration to: • Establish the technological base for a cost effective Superconducting Linear Collider(and future SC accelerators) • Support an R&D program carried out at DESY, TTF, setting up • An infrastructure: • to develop the status of art for high field cavity fabrication, processing and assembly; • to understand and define all the critical steps needed to guaranty the production of a high field cavity; • to transfer to industry the fabrication process, while setting standards for the required quality control; • A test linac: • to develop and test cavity ancillaries, cryomodules and associated systems as: RF, cryogenics, vacuum, etc. • to create the culture for operation, controls and diagnostic, • to test the limits in order to improve component and sub-system engineering • to create a MTBF component database to focus details to be reviewed in view of the high reliability and availability required by the Linear Collider Carlo Pagani
Funding Major Contributing Countries(including personel) Germany (DESY + ) ~ 50% France (CEA + IN2P3) 10-15% Italy (INFN) 10-15% USA (Fermilab + )10-15% Design Major Contributing Institutes (in alphabetic order) CEA/IN2P3 CERN DESY INFN Fermilab & Cornell for USA First 7 year balance (1992-98) > 100 Million DM Invested on the TESLA SRF Technology Carlo Pagani
The Infrastructure Carlo Pagani
e- beam diagnostics e- beam diagnostics bunch compressor laser driven electron gun undulator photon beam diagnostics pre-accelerator superconducting accelerator modules 240 MeV 120 MeV 16 MeV 4 MeV The TESLA Test Facility – TTF Carlo Pagani
53 Institutes in 12 Countries but DESY Mission now focussed on Advanced Light Sorces and related science TTF 2 becoming a VUV-FEL user facility TESLA Collaboration new Players focussed on FEL and CW Original strong members much less active TESLA Collaboration as in August 2004 Carlo Pagani
New TESLA Collaboration Mission • As from the TESLA Collaboration Board, Orsay, September 7, 2004 • The role of the collaboration is to advance SRF technology research and development and related accelerator aspects across the broad diversity of scientific applications, and to keep open and provide a bridge for communication and sharing of ideas, developments, and testing across projects. • To this end TTF and module test stands will continue to be used as a test bed for new developments and experiments in SRF technology, beam and light physics, and associated developments such as instrumentation and diagnostics. • The collaboration will support and encourage free and open exchange of knowledge, expertise, engineering designs, and equipment. Carlo Pagani
Memorandum of Understanding • TheMoUofthe TESLA Technology Collaboration, defines the mission, the organization, the role of the Collaboration and Technical Boards, the membership, intellectual property, and publication • Institutions which were members of the TESLA collaboration will become members of the TESLA Technology Collaboration without further action by the CB. In view of the redefined mission of the Collaboration each Institution will be asked, however, whether it wants to remain member of the Collaboration. Each Institution will be asked to sign the MoU in the form of a bilateral agreement with DESY. • New Institutions which desire to join the TESLA Technology Collaboration will present a proposal for their membership to the CB. • Albrecht Wagner, 30 March 2005 SLAC and KEK are among the new members ORNL and LANL are willing to become members Carlo Pagani
1st TTC Meeting at DESY on April 2005 • Three presentations to summarize TESLA technology related R&Dactivities and plans in the US, Europe and Japan. • Industrialization as a recurrent theme (special plenary on Thursday) • Three Working Groups • WG-1: R&D for high-quality large-scale cavity production • WG-2: Next-generation cavity infrastructures • WG-3: Auxiliaries & module integration • Most of the TTC discussion themes furtherdeveloped at the: • 13th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Cornell, July 2005 • 2nd ILC Workshop(mainly WG 5),Snowmass, August 2005 • 1st SMTF Meeting, Fermilab, October 2005 • CARE/JRA1 Annual Meeting, Legnaro, October 2005 Carlo Pagani
2nd TTC Meeting at LNF on Dec 2005 WG-1: Preparation of SC cavities WG-2:Technical Specification for Infrastructures WG-3:Module Test Stands Carlo Pagani
A few Comments • The TESLA Technology Collaboration is an international/interregional instrument to: • Share information, experience, drawings and results • Improve synergies between different projects based on the TESLA Technology: pulsed and CW, electrons and protons • Share TTF operation experience • Can we expect more for ILC ? May be, but it must be created and we cannot expect DESY being the unique driving force (X-FEL). • A few ideas for discussion: • Coordinate the “Cold Technology” effort for ILC in the three Regional Infrastructures and Test Facilities • Define and support a new SRF Cavity Infrastructure for Europe (FP 7) Carlo Pagani
Global SCRF Test Facilities for ILC • TESLA Test Facility (TTF II) @ DESYTTF II is currently unique in the worldVUV-FEL user facilitytest-bed for both XFEL & ILC • Cryomodule Test Stand under construction • SMTF @ FNALUS Labs: Cornell, JLab, ANL, FNAL, LBNL, LANL, MIT,MSU, SNS, UPenn, NIU, BNL, SLAC + DESY-INFN-KEK • Test Facility for ILC, Proton Driver, RIA (and more) • STF @ KEKaggressive schedule to produce high-gradient(45MV/m) cavities / cryomodules – ILC Dedicated • International collaborations are welcome Carlo Pagani
Coordination of Regional Infrastructures? • It would be very useful but it is not straightforward • In that case we can imagine a more International Collaboration with a much les pronounced European role • How the TESLA Technology Collaboration could coordinate effort and investments that are mostly national? It has to be proven. No funding is expected to flow through TTC • What could be the foreseen connection between TTC and the other TTC supported project? • What is the possible relation between TTC and GDE? Carlo Pagani
TTC and FP7 • TTC could be used to prepare a request to EU for funding a new generation SRF Infrastructure in Europe • This looks very attractive. TTF Infrastructure is “old” and X-FEL has strong priority. Nevertheless two conditions are required to recreate the momentum of the old TESLA: • A leading Lab/Institution willing to invest resources: • DESY, CERN, France, Italy, UK in the order • Major European Institutions willing to invest consistent resources. • As for SMTF and STF major non-European SRF Labs should contribute • The definition and support of a modular infrastructure, designed to set QA, QC and parameters for reliable industrial production is conceivable.EU is supposed to be positive. • ~ 30 M€: 15 from EU, 7-8 from the hosting lab Carlo Pagani
Concluding Remarks • The cold technology chosen for the ILC has been developed in the framework of the TESLA Collaboration by the TESLA Collaboration Members. The European role has been dominant • DESY, as hosting laboratory, gave the major contribution and retains most of the operation and system experience, but not all. • Part of the TESLA Collaboration experience is contributing to the ILC through the EU Programs: CARE, EUROTeV et al. • TTF2 is a unique tool both for XFEL and ILC dvelopment. It is the major contribution of the TESLA Collaboration to these projcts. • The TESLA Collaboration Mission has been slightly reviewed (Orsay, 8 Sep. 04) to better contribute to the several major projects, such as the XFEL or the ILC, which are based on the use of SRF technology • TTC can be one of the tools being used to maintain an European leadership in the SRF Technology. But: • who is effectively working for that? Carlo Pagani