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Discover effective organic strategies to encourage valuable customer feedback. Cultivate authentic engagement.....
4 Organic Methods Of Incentivizing Customer Feedback Even the biggest and most successful brands in the world cannot operate without consistent client feedback. This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised by the degree investments are made in that direction. For example, if Coca-Cola comes out with a new “trial” flavor, you can be certain that they’ve already tested it a great deal through focus groups and quality assurance teams to make sure that despite its “novelty,” it is considered fully vetted and able to represent their brand on store shelves. So, customer feedback is important no matter what business you’re in. But the truth is that consumers are busy. Unless they have a problem or a complaint that needs addressing, not all of them will spend time contacting you or congratulating you on a job well done. That’s why smart companies attempt to incentivize customer feedback as much as they can. This allows them the chance to gather communication through the right channels and to gain feedback from a wider subset of people instead of a biased, mono-perspective. If you really want the best feedback, consider an anonymous survey, because with anonymity there’s no need to hide criticism. With that in mind, let’s consider how to achieve such an outcome: Create Reward Programs You may find it worthwhile to implement a rewards program that uses reviews, responses and surveys to aggregate rewards for those clients who engage with your response system. That might include free months of your VIP package, or perhaps even just inviting those who offer precise and transparent feedback to a consumer club in which they can offer their experiences.
Offer Exclusive Discounts/Coupons Now, you can’t directly “pay” people to give you feedback, but you can certainly offer them discounts or coupons for their next order. You can caveat that this isn’t a paid review or response, because you encourage 100% honest responses and direct criticism where it’s needed. This way, you not only get transparency, you earn another, if less profitable sale! Sponsor Content Sending out products for content creators to review can be a great idea, especially if you give it to them for free, sponsor the content, but make it clear they don’t owe you a favorable response. This means you don’t have to mark it as an advertisement though the content creator will be candid in that they were given the item for free. Even if the review has criticisms, you’ve automatically introduced yourself to a brand new audience, while also gaining the insight they offer as part of their content. Pay Attention, Make Changes & Give Credit The ultimate reward for making a suggestion isn’t being given a discount, a toy or a reward, it’s being listened to. This is true even in our personal relationships. So, if you do make a change based on feedback you might give credit for it, update your content to thank that individual or the broader responses generally, and remain entirely transparent about how and why decisions are part of your new vision. That in itself can inspire your audience, who see you listening. With this advice, you’re certain to incentive customer feedback in the best way.