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UEFA-MLSZ Grassroots Programme

UEFA-MLSZ Grassroots Programme. MLSZ Hungarian Football Federation. Faith and Sport Foundation. UEFA. 5. step : Children’s Homes Grassroots European Cup. Programme introduction :. 4. step : Summer Grassroots Football Camp. 3. step : C hance F estival.

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UEFA-MLSZ Grassroots Programme

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  1. UEFA-MLSZ GrassrootsProgramme

  2. MLSZ HungarianFootballFederation Faith and Sport Foundation UEFA

  3. 5. step: Children’sHomesGrassroots European Cup • Programmeintroduction: 4. step: SummerGrassrootsFootball Camp 3. step: ChanceFestival 2. step: GrassrootsRegionalFinals 1. step: GrassrootsHome Championship

  4. The GrassrootsProgrammeinDetails: • 1.: Grassroots Home Championship • 2011-2012. Childrenfrom 8 fosterhomes played football and didsportsat 5 locationsonce a week, for 3 months. Itmeansthat 280 childrenfrom 5 towns played football. • Locations of thehomechampionshipswerechosenbythegeographicalproximity , which is an issueduetothefactthatthefosterhomes had toarrange and financetheirowntransportation.

  5. Locations of Championships 2012

  6. The ChampionshipsinPictures

  7. 2.: GrassrootsRegionalFinals: • The samelocationswereusedforthefinalsbecausebesidestheirproximitythey had efficientgyms. • Teamsfromneighbouringcountiesjoinedtheregionalfinals. • 600 youngstersfrom 40 homestook part inthegamesat 5 locationsin 2012. (The map belowshowstheregionsin 2012, buttheemptyspaces show theareaswherewewouldliketoexpendin 2013-2014.)

  8. MAGYARORSZÁG – HUNGARY GrassrootsRegionalFinals 2012

  9. Pics of theregionalfinals

  10. 3.: The ChanceFestival • The participantsarethewinners of theregionalfinals. • 46 youngstersparticipatedattheFirstChanceFestivalin Budapest in 2012. • The Faith and Sport Foundationorganisedthefestival. • The teamssuccessfullyparticipatingatthefestivalwereinvitedto a summercampbytheHungarianFootballFederation.

  11. The ChanceFestival

  12. 4.: The SummerGrassrootsFootball Camp • Location: Tiszaújváros, • Date: 20-22nd June, 2012 • Participants: Dunavecse Children’s Foster Home (CFH), Velence CFH., Komádi CFH., Tiszadob CFH. A total of 48 people. • An importantphilosophy of thecampwastoallowthekidsto play free of pressure and withoutanyrequerementstosucceed, justforthefunandjoy of playingtogether.

  13. 5.: The Grassroots European Cup of Children’sHomes • The Faith and Sport Foundationstartedthisprogrammein 2000 tohelpinternationalfosterhomegroupstodosportsin Hungary for 5 days. • In 2012 The European CupintegratedintotheGrassrootsProgramme, sowewouldliketowidentheprogrammeonthe top of theimaginerypyramidtogetherwiththeHungarianFootballFederation. • In 2012 sportsmenfromthefollowingnations played footballattheGrassroots European Cup: Romanian, Serbian, BosnianfromSerbia, Croatian, Slovenian, Bosnian, Macedonian and Hungarian, alltogether 100 youngsters. • 1074 peopletook part intheprogrammein 2012. • The European Cup has beenexpandingthroughouttheyearsbyother European nations, soin 2013 inadditiontoalltheabovementionednationsDanish, Russian, German, Polish and SlovakianfosterhomeswillhavebeenparticipatingforthesecondtimewiththeGrassrootsProgramme.

  14. Grassroots European Cupfor Foster Homes

  15. Aboutthefuture • In 2013-2014 wewouldliketoexpandtheareas of thehome and regionalchampoinships. • Wewouldliketoincreasethenumber of locationsoftheregionalfinals. • Giventhepossibilitywealsowishtoinvolve more and more fosterhomestotheGrassrootsProgramme.

  16. Media • The Faith and Sport Foundationputs a lot of emphasisonthemediarepresentationoftheGrassrootsProgramme. The GrassrootsRegionalFinals and the European Cupwasbroadcastedby: • Székesfehérvár TownTV • Somogy TV • Kecskemét Town TV • TiszavasváriTV • Nyíregyházi Kölcsey TV • UEFA reporters • Sport 1 TV • Duna TV • Local and countypapers.

  17. The Aim of theProgramme • Accordingtothe UEFA and the MLSZ: • regularphysicalexercise, playingfootball • joyful and happy football • creating and financingopportunities

  18. The Aim of theProgramme • AccordingtoKálmán Radics thepresident of theFaith and Sport Foundation: • Ourfoundationagrees and identifieswiththeaims of the UEFA and the MLSZ. • The sportpedagogicvalues of football (suchastheabilitytofight,selflessness, steadiness, personal and team building and learningtodealwithsuccessorfailure)should be embracedbytheindividualas a sportsman. Sothewholeprogramme is especiallyimportantforthefoundation, becausewithitshelpthesechildrenwith no familieshave a betterchancetobecomestronger and betterpeoplefortheirowngoodasmuchasforthebenefit of thewholesociety. • InadditiontoallthistheGrassrootsProgrammenotonlyeducatesbutitalsoentertainswhichmight be the most importantforkids.

  19. Faith and Sport Foundation Web: www.sportalapitvany.hu Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hitessport.alapitvany Twitter: https://twitter.com/HitesSportAlap Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/92705469@N07/page1/ Radics Kálmán president

  20. Thankyouforyourattention!

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