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III How to write a research report

III How to write a research report. 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立臺南大學 環境生態研究所 Japalura@hotmail.com. Write a research report. Front matter Body of the report End matter Tables and Figures Submission and review. Title page Abstract Introduction Methods (Materials and Methods) Results

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III How to write a research report

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  1. III How to write a research report 鄭先祐(Ayo) 國立臺南大學 環境生態研究所 Japalura@hotmail.com

  2. Write a research report • Front matter • Body of the report • End matter • Tables and Figures • Submission and review 研究法 03 write a research report

  3. Title page Abstract Introduction Methods (Materials and Methods) Results Discussion (conclusion) Acknowledgments Literature cited Appendixes Tables Figure legends Figures Standard format 研究法 03 write a research report

  4. 1. Front matter • Title page: • title (主題), the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s) and the mailing address of the corresponding author, including an email address and fax number. • Some require a suggested short title to be used as a running head in the journal. 研究法 03 write a research report

  5. Issues of coauthorship: • Misunderstandings about coauthorships can cause bad feelings and antagonistic relationships and may even lead to accusations of unethical scientific behavior. • Unfortunately, no uniform guidelines exist concerning the specifics of coauthorship that apply across all areas of the biological sciences. 研究法 03 write a research report

  6. The individual who writes most or all of the first draft of a manuscript is the first author, others who participated or contributed to the data collection and conceptualization of the study in significant ways are second (and third, etc.) authors, and the advisor, laboratory head, or field-site director is the last author. • 合作之前,可能事先要講好 • 若無法區分貢獻輕重,可以取決於字母次序,或是a flip of a coin。 研究法 03 write a research report

  7. Abstract: • As with the summary of a proposal, write the abstract of a report last. • Many journals require that the abstract not exceed five percent of the word count of the text (introduction through discussion). • Because of its brevity, the abstract is usually the most difficult part of a report to write. • The most important part of your report. 研究法 03 write a research report

  8. 2. Body of the report • One of the challenges of translating good scientific research into a good scientific report involves imposing a logical sequence on to a series of analyses or experiments. • Retroactive reconstruction (追溯重建), is critical to communicating scientific research effectively (Lemke, 1990) • Once the best sequence has been decided, carry it through all sections of the report. 研究法 03 write a research report

  9. 2. Body of the report • Introduction • Methods • Results • Discussion 研究法 03 write a research report

  10. Introduction • A common error is attempting to say too much in the opening paragraph. • Keep it short and interesting. • Rule: always state no later than the last sentence of the opening paragraph what the study is about. 研究法 03 write a research report

  11. Methods Field site or study area Housing and husbandry of captive animals Study population Experimental and control groups Field times Experimental design and protocol Equipment Criteria used Procedures and protocols Statistical methods methods 研究法 03 write a research report

  12. methods • The methods section is the Achilles’ heel of a manuscript. • In a proposal, it may be obvious that referees will focus on the methods, but the same is true for a manuscript under review by a journal. • Inadequately described methods may cast doubt on the quality and validity of your results. 研究法 03 write a research report

  13. results • The accompanying text needs to point out what can be seen in the figures and tables but should not repeat the information there. • Some journals may limit the number of tables and figures because they are expensive to prepare for printing. • The results section should contain no discussion or interpretation of the findings. • Just give me facts. 研究法 03 write a research report

  14. discussion • Three matters • (1) an analysis of sources of error in the data • (2) integration with what was previously known • (3) implications for future study • Rule: the discussion section should rarely be the longest section of a report. 研究法 03 write a research report

  15. 3. End matter • End matter: Acknowledgments, references cited, and any appendixes. • Acknowledgments: who helped you, research permissions, financial support, etc. • Appendixes:數學的演算過程、物種名錄、原始數據 • References: form the core of scholarship through the augmentation of existing knowledge. (與現存知識的串聯) • Endnote TM 研究法 03 write a research report

  16. checking citations • Every reference cited must of course appear in the literature cited section, and vice versa. • Cross-checking can be an onerous job requiring one person to scan the manuscript while another ticks off references in the terminal list. • Such checking is mandatory(必要的義務) unless you are using reference-formatting software such as Endpoint. 研究法 03 write a research report

  17. 4. Tables and figures • 圖表,分別按出現的次序,編號碼。 • 每個圖表都有編號,以阿拉伯數字表示。 • 每個圖表都有標題,以及必要的說明。 • 表的編號與標題,位於表的上邊。圖,則是位於下邊。 • 圖表的文字大小,於出版時原則上,至少與本文的自大小相當。 • 圖的解析度,600dpi,使用CYMK standard 研究法 03 write a research report

  18. 5. Submission and review • Friendly pre-review • Where to submit • The covering letter • The review process • Upon receiving the editorial decision • How to review a manuscript 研究法 03 write a research report

  19. 1) Friendly pre-review • At least one colleague for a “pre-review” of the finished manuscript. • In general, the better you know the people asked, and the greater their scientific competence in the subject area of the manuscript, the better the feedback. 研究法 03 write a research report

  20. 2) Where to submit • 按論文的內容焦點,選擇投稿的期刊。 • 考量讀者對象。 • Researchers often perceive a journal as particularly good (or particularly bad), although these reputations can change over time with changes in editors, new directions in research, and more or less random factors. 研究法 03 write a research report

  21. 3) The covering letter • The covering letter should be formal and businesslike. • The opening line of the letter should get straight to the point, stating the title of the enclosed manuscript, its authorship in sequence, and the fact that it is being submitted for publication in the named journal. • Many journals specify further required content of the covering letter, so it is important to check the journal’s instructions to authors. 研究法 03 write a research report

  22. 4) The review process • You should receive notification that your manuscript has been received. • If you have not heard anything within a reasonable time after submission by mail, you should contact the editor. • Screen submissions before deciding whether to send them out for review and return a majority of submissions without reviewing them. 研究法 03 write a research report

  23. 5) Upon receiving the editorial decison • Try to be emotionally prepared for a rejection and for an editorial non-decision that requires extensive revision before acceptability for publication can be assessed. • Even experienced researchers can be stunned by criticisms of a manuscript they worked on so very hard for so very long. • The sooner you return your manuscript with the requested changes, the sooner it can move towards possible acceptance and publication. 研究法 03 write a research report

  24. 6) How to review a manuscript • Significance of the topic • Appropriateness for this journal • Quality of research (design and analysis) • Quality of writing (organization, clarity, style) • Ranking with respect to published research 研究法 03 write a research report

  25. Strongly recommend acceptance: • (a) as is • (b) with slight revisions as noted • Recommend acceptance with some reservation • (a) paper worth publishing but not exceptionally important or substantial • (b) needs a few major revisions, as described in my review 研究法 03 write a research report

  26. Potentially publishable manuscript. Needs extensive revision. • Doubtful. Probably should be rejected. Needs major revisions and even if undertaken would still probably be borderline. • Reject (please indicate major reason) • (a) contribution not substantial enough • (b) not appropriate for this journal • (c) major methodological flaws that preclude publication. • (d) other 研究法 03 write a research report

  27. 問題與討論 http://mail.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/ 研究法 03 write a research report

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