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Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09. 2. Preface. Without publication, science is dead(Gerald Piel)Work, finish, publish (Michael Faraday). Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09. 3. Structure. Front mattersTitle:What is this?Author(s)
1. How to Write a Good Report Tomas Maul
This talk is based on slides by Khalid Al Murrani and Michel Bister
2. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 2 Preface
Without publication, science is dead
(Gerald Piel)
Work, finish, publish
(Michael Faraday)
3. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 3 Structure Front matters
Title: What is this?
Author(s) & affiliation: Who wrote this?
Abstract: Summary of the work
Acknowledgements: Who helped?
(Table of Contents)
(List of Tables)
(List of Figures)
4. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 4 Structure Body of the report
Introduction: What are we talking about?
Method: How did we measure?
Results: What did we measure?
Discussion: What does it mean?
Conclusions: What should be remembered?
5. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 5 Structure End matters
References: Whose work was referred to?
Appendices: Extra information
6. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 6 Title Short
Include key-words
Allow search engines to find the article
No abbreviations
7. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 7 Abstract Summary of work
Should be self-contained (no references)
1-2 sentences for each of the 5 main parts (introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions) – then streamline
High information content
8. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 8 Abstract No abbreviations
200-300 words
Best (re-)written last
All information should be covered in the body of the report
9. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 9 Introduction Usually too long
Best written last (or at least rewritten). The work it requires (e.g. background reading) needs to be done first.
Provides background information
Starts wide and focuses quickly
Tries to catch the interest
Introduces each and every new idea, concept, symbol, abbreviation
10. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 10 Introduction Places paper in context
Relation to other work
Defines scope and purpose of the work.
What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What question(s) are we trying to answer?
11. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 11 Introduction Shows what has been done (by others) before
= literature review
Refer to main authors/works in the field (most relevant work)
Refer to most recent work in the field (use Citation Index)
12. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 12 Introduction Shows what has NOT been done before (and was done in the present work)
Shows WHY the study needed to be done
13. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 13 Method What method(s) did we use to address our problem(s)? What method(s) did we use to answer our question(s)?
Must allow evaluation of the results
Must allow verification of the results (convince)
Describe experimental set-up, instruments, procedures, statistical processing
Describe evaluation procedure
14. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 14 Method Mention all settings, controls, variables, processing, etc.
Assume basic knowledge of the field
Can include photographs and/or diagrams
May include limitations, assumptions, range of validity
Describe what was actually done, NOT what should have been done
15. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 15 Results Purely objective
Only facts and observations
No opinions or interpretations!
Summarizes most important results of tables and figures
Guides readers through tables and figures
Provides clarifying information
Points to anomalies in the results
16. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 16 Results Figures
Label all axes
Mention all units
Use same scaling for figures that need to be compared
Put caption BELOW the figure
Number the figures sequentially
Include the figure immediately after the first reference to it in the text (unless page layout does not permit)
17. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 17 Results Figures
Put all required info on the figure (if possible) – not in caption or text
Avoid crowded figures
Avoid the use of color
18. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 18 Results Tables
Label all columns
Mention all units
Put caption ABOVE the table
Number the tables sequentially
Include the table immediately after the first reference to it in the text (unless page layout does not permit)
19. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 19 Results Use EITHER table OR figure for a particular subset of results
Do not use more decimals in a number than you could measure
Give an estimate of the measurement error
Also include “negative” results
They are often the source of the major discoveries
20. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 20 Discussion Only place where the author can and should be less objective
Interpret your results. Did we solve our problem(s)? Did we answer our question(s)?
Put results in perspective
Major patterns
Relationships, trends, generalizations
Exceptions to observed patterns and generalizations
21. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 21 Discussion Differences with published work or expected results
Possible explanations for differences/ discrepancies
Point out potential shortcomings
Recommendations for future work
Theoretical implications
Possible applications
Possible generalizations
22. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 22 Discussion Opinions can be mentioned
Shows what new things were learned from the experiments/data
No new results? Replication.
What is the relevance of the present results – what did we learn?
Explain, analyze, interpret, compare
Mention the things that are not readily observable from the data
23. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 23 Conclusions What do you want the reader to remember?
Should be self-contained (no references)
Typically 2-3 paragraphs (1 idea per paragraph)
24. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 24 Acknowledgements Thank all who have directly contributed to the work
Thank any sponsoring organizations
Thank any external reviewer
Do not thank relatives and friends
25. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 25 References All statements, ideas, figures, tables of others should be referenced
Cite current AND recent publications
Current: reference (seminal) papers
Recent: show that you know what are the recent developments in the field (use Citation Index, e.g.: Google Scholar “Cited by …”).
Reference only the works that you have actually read
26. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 26 References Should be clear enough for the reader to locate it
Should contain: author name(s), title, location, date
Publisher and city (for books)
Journal name volume and page(s) (for articles)
Conference name, date, and location, and page in the proceedings (for conference papers)
Department and University (for theses)
URL (for Web pages)
Follow the imposed format
27. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 27 References Refereed journals are better than conference papers
Conference papers are better than Web sites
Try to avoid Web sites
They are not reviewed
They are transient
? try to locate similar information in regular literature
Encyclopedias, textbooks, lab sheets are poor references
Review articles are particularly valuable
28. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 28 Appendices Additional material that is only meant for technical reading
E.g.: mathematical proofs, raw results, circuit diagrams, …
Non-essential to comprehension
Further clarify report
Each appendix should contain different data/information
Appendices should be referred to in the text
29. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 29 Style Paragraph
One idea per paragraph
One paragraph per idea
First sentence of paragraph is main idea
Rest of paragraph defines the idea
Avoid use of pronouns (I, we, you, …)
30. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 30 Style Numbering
Number all pages
Number all headings except abstract
Hierarchical numbering of headings
Avoid repetitions
Use formal and impersonal language
Use a consistent style
31. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 31 Style Respect the structure
Use the standard model unless there is a strong reason for not doing so
E.g. several radically different parts ? split up methods, results (and maybe discussion) per part
Advantages of standard model
Helps structure the report
Avoids forgetting essential parts
Helps separate data from opinions
Helps readers to do selective reading
32. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 32 Grammar Should be impeccable
Spelling also
First time a process, part or concept is introduced: “a” or “an”
Subsequently use: “the”
No article for uncountable nouns (e.g. NOT “a happiness”)
Use short sentences
33. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 33 General recommendations Be as brief as possible
Avoid unnecessary abbreviations
Know your audience
Don’t repeat the things the reader knows
Don’t copy the information from the lab sheets
Remove unnecessary words, sentences, paragraphs
Weigh each word
Every word should be accurate, justified and useful
34. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 34 General recommendations The main purpose is to convey information
Don’t try to entertain
Good presentation is less important than sound technical content
Don’t over-emphasize format (you are not studying to be a technical secretary)
Follow the imposed format right from the beginning
35. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 35 General recommendations Proofread and let it be proofread
Follow preferably the same structure (sub-headings) in methods, results and discussion parts
36. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 36 General recommendations A good report should demonstrate comprehension, not just state facts
Check visibility and readability
37. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 37 Summary
38. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 38 Bibliography UNiM Library:
DG Riordan, SE Pauley, "Technical report writing today,“ Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston), 1999
R Barrass, "Scientists must write: a guide to better writing forscientists, engineers and students," Routledge (London), 2002
JW Davies, "Communication skills: a guide for engineering and applied science students," Pearson Education Asia Ltd (Singapore), 2001
JN Borowick, "Technical communication and its applications," Prentice Hall (New Jersey), 2000
DF Beer, D McMurrey, "A guide to writing as an engineer," John Wiley & Sons, Inc (New York), 1997
R Ellis, "Communication for engineers: bridge that gap," Arnold (London), 1997
S Goodlad, "Speaking technically: a handbook for scientists,engineers, and physicians on how to improve technical presentations,“ Imperial College Press (London), 1996
HF Wolcott, "Writing up qualitative research," 2001
JN Borowick, "How to write a lab report," 2000
39. Khalid Al Murrani, "How to Write a Good Report", 2008-09 39 Bibliography Web:
CD Ingersoll, “Scientific Writing,” http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/MTPCI/Introcourse04/9.-Ingersoll---Scientific-Writing.ppt , 23 Nov 2004
RL Boxman, “How to Write a Good Paper,” http://www.isdeiv.tavrida.com/instructions.ppt, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
K Boone, “How to Write a Technical Report,” http://www.kevinboone.com/howto_report.html, 8 Jul 2004
“The Stucture, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Stye Scientific Paper,” http://abacus.bates.edu/~ganderso/biology/resources/writing/HTWsections.html, 25 Sep 2003
“Scientific Paper Writing,” http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Palace/1170/scipprwrt.html, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
K Kastens, S Pfirman, M Stute, et al, “How to Write Your Thesis,” http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~martins/sen_sem/thesis_org.html, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
R Irish, “Laboratory Reports,” http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/~writing/handbook-lab.html, 19 Aug 2002
“How to Write a Scientific Paper?”, http://www.bioen.utah.edu/faculty/KWH/teach/BE4201/How_to_w.pdf, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
“How to Write a Laboratory Report,” http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/maderinquiry/supp/moorech5.html, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
G Dillard, “The Scientific Paper,” http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol398/Paper/paperText.html, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005
M Longan, “How to Write a Research Report and Give a Presentation,” http://www.valpo.edu/geomet/geo/courses/geo361/presenting.html, last accessed: 14 Feb 2005