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I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World Bedouins Camel herding Agriculture

I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World II. The Life of Muhammad and the Genesis of Islam III. The Arab Empire of the Umayyads IV. From Arab to Islamic Empire: The Early Abassid Era. I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World Bedouins Camel herding Agriculture

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I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World Bedouins Camel herding Agriculture

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  1. I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian WorldII. The Life of Muhammad and the Genesis of IslamIII. The Arab Empire of the UmayyadsIV. From Arab to Islamic Empire: The Early Abassid Era

  2. I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World • Bedouins • Camel herding • Agriculture • A. Clan Identity, Clan Rivalries, and the Cycle of VengeanceClans • Grouped into tribesShayksFree warriorsRivalry • B. Towns and Long-Distance TradeEntrepotsMecca Umayyad clan, Quraysh tribe Ka’baMedina Arabia and Surrounding Area Before and During the Time of Muhammad

  3. I. Desert and Town: The Pre-Islamic Arabian World • B. Marriage and Family in Pre-Islamic Arabia Women have important roles • Polygyny, polyandry • C. Poet and Neglected Gods Animism, polytheism • Including Allah Arabia and Surrounding Area Before and During the Time of Muhammad

  4. II. The Life of Muhammad and the Genesis of Islam Banu Hasim clan Orphaned Mecca • Khadijah Revelations, 610 via Gabriel • Persecution, Flight, and VictoryKa’ba gods threatenedInvited to Medina, 622HijraReturn to Mecca, 629 • Arabs and IslamUmma • Universal Elements in Islam5 Pillars • Acceptance of Islam • Prayer Fasting during Ramadan Payment of zakatHajj The Expansion of the Islamic Empire During the 7th and 8th Centuries

  5. III. The Arab Empire of the Umayyads Death, 632 Succession struggle • Consolidation and Division in the Islamic CommunityAbu Bakr • Ridda Wars • Motives for Arab ConquestConversionsBooty • Weaknesses of the Adversary EmpiresSassanian Empire Zoroastrianism Dynasty ended, 651Byzantium • The Problem of Succession and the Sunni-Shi’a SplitUthman 3rd caliph Murdered • Ali Rejected by Umayyads Siffin, 657 Loses suppor Assassinated, 661 Son, Hasan, renounces caliphate Son, Husayn Killed, Karbala, 680Sunni – UmayyadsShi’a – Ali’s descendantsMu’awiya • Caliph, 660 • The Umayyad ImperiumPush west Stopped at Poitiers, 732 Retain Iberia • Converts and “People of the Book”Malawi, converts • Dhimmi, people of the book Jews, Christians • Later, Zoroastrians and Hindus • Family and Gender Roles in the Umayyad AgeIslamic ideas prevail at first • Umayyad Decline and FallRevolts • Merv Abassid revolt750, Umayyads defeated by Abassids

  6. IV. From Arab to Islamic Empire: The Early Abassid Era Sunni rule repress Shi’a Baghdad • New capital • Islamic Conversion and Mawali Acceptance • Town and Country: Commercial Boom and Agrarian Expansion • Urban expansionAyan • The First Flowering of Islamic Learning • Building • Mosques, palaces

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