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End of 2012 survey analyzing gynecologists' practices and opinions on emergency contraception. Results show high awareness and usage among practitioners, with notable insights on patient education and situational responses.
Gynecologistsurvey on Emergency Contraception in France (end of 2012) METHODOLOGY Observational transversal multicentricstudy
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr David SERFATY Société Française de Gynécologie Dr Michèle SCHEFFLER Fédération Nationale des Collèges de Gynécologie Médicale
Sent questionnaires : 4152 Returned questionnaires : 520 (12,5%)
Who were the participating gynecologists ? • Geographic distribution • Age, gender, type of practice, area of specialization • Practice of emergency contraception
Median age : 57 • % of women among participants : 82% • Private practice only (without any hospital or Family Planning position) : 64% • Medical Gynecologists : 62% • Median seniority : 26 years
250 patients per month(mediannumber) • Amongthem, 40%for contraception initiation or follow-up • Prescription of emergency contraception several times a monthby almost 65% of the participatinggynecologists • Oral emergency contraception ispreferred by almost 100% of the gynecologists • Womenrecognize to oftenrun a risk of unwantedpregnancy(report from more than 85% of the participatinggynecologists)
Do the gynecologistsfeelthemselveswellinformed on emergency contraception ?
I think that the gynecologists are informed enough on the emergency contraception in general YES 93%
I thinkthatgynecologists are informedenough on the differentmethods of emergency contraception YES 90,8% % of Gynecologists
I think that gynecologists have all means to inform women on emergency contraception YES 88,3% % of Gynecologists
Gynecologists‘ opinion on women’s information about emergency contraception ?
I think that women know how to identify the risky situations of unwanted pregnancies NO 70% % of Gynecologists
I think that women know what to do after being exposed to a risk of unwanted pregnancy NO 83,3% % of Gynecologists
I thinkwomen know that emergency contraception isavailable over the counter in pharmacies YES 48,5% NO 54,4% % of Gynecologists
I thinkthatwomen are informedenough about emergency contraception NO 84,4% % of Gynecologists
... A useful pill for my practice in contraception YES 94,1% % of Gynecologists
... A pill which is an integral part of my practice in contraception YES 83,5% % of Gynecologists
In which situations the gynecologists systematicallyor often inform women on emergency contraception ?
% of gynecologists taking preventive action according to the following situations :
Gynecologists’ attitudes when they receive a demand of emergency contraception
More than 45% of gynecologists cannot see the patient in such an emergency context % of Gynecologists
What gynecologists do in replacement of an emergency consultation ? They prepare They orientate They propose a consulta- a prescription the woman to a pharmacy tion in the near future
IN CONCLUSION • The majority of the participatinggynecologists : • Fellthemselveswellinformed on emergency contraception • Prescribe emergency contraception several times a month • Takeseriouslytheirrole in prevention, in particular in the mostrisky situations • Whentheycannotsee a womanwho has been exposed to a risk of unwantedpregnancy, theysend a prescription by fax and/or send the woman to a pharmacywhere the EC isavailable over the counter • They are more dubious about : • the women’scapacity to identify a risky situation of unwantedpregnancy • the women’sknowledge about emergency contraception