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Year 2 Review Brussels, February 12th, 2010 Transversal Activity Achievements and Perspectives : leader : name affiliation. Transversal Activity Name. Each transversal activity gets 30 minutes + 5 min discussion. High-Level Objectives.
Year 2 ReviewBrussels, February 12th, 2010 Transversal Activity Achievements and Perspectives : leader : name affiliation Transversal Activity Name Each transversal activity gets 30 minutes + 5 min discussion
High-Level Objectives • <1 slide – from section 1.1 of cluster progress report. Also describe the expected impacts on industry (section 1.2 of your progress report).> • < If these have evolved, it’s useful to say so. >
State of the Integration in Europe • <a single slide from sections 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 of the cluster progress report (very condensed) • Needs to show the expected impact of the NoE in this area • Slide itself should describe what specific aims the cluster has in terms of increasing European integration.>
Building Excellence • <a single slide based on section 2.2 of the cluster progress report • Needs to show the expected aims/impact of the NoE >
Overall Assessment and Vision at Y0+2 <A single slide, to state: • what went really well, what will be changed in Year 3. • and what your motivating vision for the cluster is. >
Scientific Highlights • Focus on 2-3 very significant results in the area of your cluster in Year 2.
Joint Technical Meetings • Material taken from the deliverable that you have submitted (and that I transferred to the JPIA deliverable).
Tools and Platforms • Material taken from the deliverable that you have submitted (and that I transferred to the JPIA deliverable).
Plans for Y3 • Be specific in both what you plan to achieve, and how it will be done. • Be sure to discuss not just the technical achievements, but more importantly how this will impact building excellence, and integration between teams.