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Support structure for SMEs in West-Flanders

Support structure for SMEs in West-Flanders. Egersund, 01/12/2005. Unizo: Organisation of self-employed and SMEs - Syntra West: Training organisation for SMEs - CoMeT: Competence Measurement Tool. Outline. Belgium: SME-country. Number of enterprises in Belgium: 2002: SMEs 203.777

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Support structure for SMEs in West-Flanders

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  1. Support structure for SMEs in West-Flanders Egersund, 01/12/2005

  2. Unizo: Organisation of self-employed and SMEs- Syntra West: Training organisation for SMEs- CoMeT: Competence Measurement Tool Outline

  3. Belgium: SME-country Number of enterprises in Belgium: • 2002: SMEs 203.777 other 5.994 - 97,12% SMEs (till 50 employees) - Total self-employed: 581.517 (main profession) • 1980-2002: SMEs + 52.556 other + 624

  4. Belgium: SME-country Employment in Belgium: • 2002: SMEs 1.032.307 other 1.389.439 = 42,63 % in SMEs • 1980-2002: SMEs + 266.616 other - 73.421

  5. UNIZO: organisation of entrepreneurs and SMEs • A long and strong tradition • established 100 years ago • Member organisation: self-employed and SMEs out of • commerce and distribution • craft & industry • Services & liberal professions • UNIZO: 80.000 members - 150.000 clients • the largest organisation for self-employed and SMEs in Flanders Belgium

  6. Self-employed entrepreneursdefinition • owner-manager • power of decision • own risk • usually less than 50 employees

  7. UNIZO: activities 1. Defence of interests • influence on decision making and legislation & representation in governmental bodies • UNIZO is recognised social partner 2. Information, advice & specialised services • direct or by networking • all info required to manage a SME • social security,finance, HRM, environment, marketing, ICT, ... 3. Networking of entrepreneurs • meetings, training sessions, commercial activities, …

  8. Target group approach 5 target groups cfr. Life cyle & status of development • (pre-)starting companies: UNIZO starters service • young companies: OVO & start mentor (mentorship projects) • growing companies: UNIZO KMO-Contact • companies active on the international market : UNIZO International • take over & transfer of companies: www.overnamemarkt.be see: www.unizo.be

  9. Sectorial approach Branch organisations - member of UNIZO-group Integration of or affiliation with several branch organisations, through the Council for SME-professional organisations. 5 clusters: • industry: e.g. metalworking, construction • distribution • electro & technical professions • agro - food • service providers

  10. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs KMOnet as a separate branch to support ICT-integration in SMEs Mission:Support the SME and UNIZO concerning the use of new media as a sustainable competetive advantage

  11. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs Online informationTarget: making it easy for the entrepreneur to find information.Getting them to know the web and its possibilities.

  12. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs

  13. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs Free seminarsTarget: dessimination of best e-business practices through free seminars

  14. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs Online toolsTarget: personalized information by free online tools

  15. UNIZO & ICT for SMEs PublicationsTarget: free publications of e-business magazine

  16. Syntra West: Training organisation for SMEs • Founded in 1960 • Professional training for SMEs • Improve entrepreneurship in SMEs

  17. Target groups • Youngsters • Persons who intend to start a business • Professionals • Employees/managers from SME’s

  18. Types of training 1) Apprenticeship - 15-18 years- 1 day/week - on-the-job training- 45 professions

  19. Types of training 2) Long term professional training- For people who want to become self- employed- 2 evenings/week • 1 evening management training • 1 evening professional training- 200 professions

  20. Types of training 3) Extra training and upgrading - Short term training- For self-employed people, employees and managers from SMEs - 4 different subjects

  21. Types of training • Management trainings • IT trainings • Technical trainings • Language courses, specific purpose

  22. Extra services • In-company training • Search for additional funding • Competence management

  23. Figures Turnover € 25 million• Flemish government (VIZO) → 54 % • Province West-Flanders → 7 % • European funds → 4 %• Participants → 35 %Total 100 %

  24. Figures • 205 employees • 4000 teachers • Course participants • Long term training 13 000 enrolments • Short term training 40 000 enrolments • Apprenticeship: 1 000 contracts • Tailor made trainings: 1 000 contracts

  25. Market situation West Flanders • Self-employed people and managers who follow training • 96% follows training in Syntra West • 41% follows training only in Syntra West • Employees who follow training • 55 % follows training in Syntra West • 34% follows training only in Syntra West

  26. At the application Self - employed 28% Employee 62% Unemployed or without social status 10% 5 years later - Self – employed 50% - Employee 47% - Unemployed or without social status 3% Economic results

  27. Multiplicator effect Additional work opportunities: One self-employed person creates on average 1,7 jobs

  28. Economic Result Continuity 5 years after launching their business, 94% of the companies are still operational

  29. CoMeT: Competence Measurement Tool • Tool developed in a European project (EQUAL) • Web application for measuring competences • From self-assessment to 360° feedback • Results immediately available: • Per employee: reports in general / in detail • Individual level / team level • Historical differences • …

  30. Working method • Part ‘administrator’ and ‘user’ • 4 phases: • Composition of competence-profiles and standardization • User management • Evaluations • Results

  31. Composition of competence-profiles and standardization • Input data • 5 levels: • Knowledge domain • Domain • Segment • Competence • Question • Type of questions: • Absolute (multiple-choice) • Fuzzy (slide-bar) • Comment

  32. Composition of competence-profiles and standardization • Question list: links between the data (5 levels) • Profile: selection of competences • Standardization: decision about the required level of the profile / degree of importance of the competences

  33. User management • Input users (employees and their assessors) • Give authorizations • Link the competence-profile to the user • Indicate assessors

  34. Evaluations • From self-assessment to 360° feedback • Login and password • List of employees to evaluate • Evaluations on date • Status of evaluations • Possibility to print the question lists

  35. Results • Filled in question list(s) • Summarizing graphs • Deviation (compared to the standard) • General feedback report per employee • Comparisons on team level

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