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Regional Information Seminar for recently appointed OIE Delegates Brussels – 18 February 2014

Regional Information Seminar for recently appointed OIE Delegates Brussels – 18 February 2014. The structure, objectives and Strategic Plan of the OIE. Dr Monique Eloit Deputy Director General , OIE. Structure and governance www.oie.int. CHRONOLOGY.

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Regional Information Seminar for recently appointed OIE Delegates Brussels – 18 February 2014

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  1. Regional Information Seminar for recently appointed OIE DelegatesBrussels – 18 February 2014

  2. The structure, objectives and Strategic Plan of the OIE Dr Monique Eloit Deputy Director General , OIE

  3. Structure and governance www.oie.int

  4. CHRONOLOGY An intergovernmental organisation preceding the United Nations 1924 1945 2003 Creation of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) Creation of the United Nations World Organisation for Animal Health

  5. 178 Member Countries in 2013 Africa 52 – Americas 30 – Asia, the Far East and Oceania 36 Europe 53 – Middle-East 20 Some countries belong to more than one region

  6. The Delegate Representatives of the Member Countries • Nominated by his/her Government • Usually the Chief Veterinary Officer of his/her country • Member of the World Assembly of Delegates (which meets in General Session) • National focal point for the OIE in the country • Rights and obligations • Responsible for negotiating international veterinary standards on behalf of his/her country • Notifies the OIE of the animal disease situation in his/her country

  7. National Focal Points Governance structure of the OIE Focal Points are nominated by the Delegate for each of the following fields: • Aquatic animal diseases • Wildlife diseases • Animal disease notification • Veterinary products • Communication • Animal welfare • Animal production food safety • Veterinary Laboratories

  8. The MANDATE of the OIE

  9. Expansion of the OIE mandate OIE’s mandate in 1924 was: ‘prevent the spread of animal diseases throughout the world’ 4th Strategic Plan (2006-2010) changed the OIE’s mandate: ‘improve animal health worldwide’ 5th Strategic Plan (2011-2015) extended the OIE’s mandate: ‘improve animal health and welfare worldwide’

  10. WTO SPS agreement (1995) International standard setting organisations SPS Agreement Animal Health OIE Food Safety CODEX Plant Health IPPC • OIE international standards, guidelines and recommendations for animal health (including zoonoses) • Including standards on quality of Veterinary Services and/or AquaticAnimal Health Services


  12. Governance structure of the OIE

  13. Governance structure of the OIE Elected in May 2012 / or in 2013 The Council

  14. Governance structure of the OIE The OIE has set up five Regional Commissions to express specific issues Members in the different regions face. Regional Commissions • The Bureau of these Commissions counts four Delegates elected by the World Assembly of Delegates for a three-year term of office. It represents the Members between the Regional Commissions’ meetings. • The following regions host Regional Commissions: • Africa • Americas • Asia, the Far East and Oceania • Europe • Middle East • Each Regional Commission holds a Conference every two years in one of the countries of the region. Each Commission also meets every year on the margin of the World Assembly of Delegates. • The Conferences focus on technical items and on regional cooperation relating to animal disease control. • The Commissions can fully be considered as regional institutions.

  15. Governance structure of the OIE The OIE is managed by the OIE Headquarters in Paris, placed under the responsibility of a Director General elected by secret ballot by the World Assembly of Delegates. The Director General In 2010, Dr Bernard Vallat was elected Director General of the World Organisation for Animal Health for a third five-year term.

  16. Governance structure of the OIE10/14 Regional and Sub-Regional representations These representations closely collaborate with Regional Commissions and are directly under the Director General’s authority.

  17. Governance structure of the OIE The Specialist Commissions are elected by the World Assembly of Delegates for a period of three years. Specialist Commissions • Their role is to use relevant scientific information to: • study epidemiological issues, especially the prevention and control methods of animal diseases • develop, update and propose OIE’s international standards and guidelines for adoption by the World Assembly • address scientific and technical issues raised by Members, with the exception of bilateral trade problems, for which the OIE has an in-house mediation procedure should the relevant Members request it

  18. Global network of OIE expertise OIE Reference Laboratories – leading expertise in surveillance and control of a named OIE listed disease OIE Collaborating Centres – expertise in a specific designated sphere of competence e.g. epidemiology, emerging avian diseases, veterinary medicinal products, animal welfare

  19. The BUDGET of the OIE

  20. Financing of the OIE


  22. Canadian International Development Agency Canadian Food Inspection Agency Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

  23. FIFTH STRATEGIC PLAN 2011 - 2015

  24. Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015 First, continuing to consolidate major objectives of the 4th Strategic Plan Improve animal health and welfare worldwide

  25. Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Improve animal health, veterinary public health, animal welfare, and consolidate the animal’s role worldwide

  26. Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Reinforcing priority missions Animal welfare: a strategic commitment by the OIE • Animal health is a key component of animal welfare • The OIE is recognised worldwide as the leader in developing international standards on animal welfare

  27. Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015Reinforcing priority missions Good governance of Veterinary Services • Suitable legislation and effective implementation • Surveillance, early detection and rapid response to disease outbreaks thanks to a national chain of command and good diagnostic capacities • Alliances between the public and private sector (farmers, private veterinarians, consumers) are key • Support to the quality of Services through the use of OIE PVS tool (evaluation and gap analysis of international standards) • Initial and continuing veterinary education • Appliedresearch

  28. Fifth Strategic Plan 2011-2015New actions One Health A worldwide strategy for managing risks at the animal-human interface ecosystems Veterin International recognition of veterinary qualifications and promotion of professional excellence throughout the world

  29. Preparation of the Sixth Strategic Plan of the OIE for 2016 - 2020

  30. Outcome of the Deliberations of the OIE Council in October 2013 • The Sixth Strategic Plan (2016 - 2020) should • contain a revised consolidated statement of OIE’s strategic vision and goals • take into account global trends and anticipated challenges affecting OIE’s operating environment • incorporate important cross cutting issues • be ambitious but not necessarily expansive • be high level, flexible and enabling rather than prescriptive and allow for optional approaches in order to be responsive and facilitate implementation • involve all Members of the OIE in its development

  31. Next StepsSeptember 2014Regional Conference of Europe (Switzerland) • Your reflections and comments on the initial framework and directions for the Sixth Strategic Plan (2016 - 2020) are valued and welcomed. • Are there other critical trends, challenges and opportunities that should be taken into account in the planning process? • Are the core elements of the revised strategic objectives appropriate? • Inputs can be provided to Dr. Karin Schwabenbauer (Germany) or Dr. Evgeny Neplokonov (Russia), the OIE Council members representing the Region of Europe, and to the Members of the Bureau of the Regional Commission (Dr. Ago Pärtel – Estonia)


  33. Thankyouforyour attention!

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