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All elements compromise individual equipment and shelter for a small party of 8 Seabees to operate for roughly two weeks, scouting out areas for offload, laydown, and storage Includes two cargo HMMWVs and associated POLs. No maintenance capabilities.
All elements compromise individual equipment and shelter for a small party of 8 Seabees to operate for roughly two weeks, scouting out areas for offload, laydown, and storage Includes two cargo HMMWVs and associated POLs. No maintenance capabilities. Tent camp facility includes 2 tents and cots, etc. Minor camp comsumables. No water storage, latrines, showers. Not a self-sufficient camp. Intended for air transport. No power generating capability. Considerable communications capability. Includes HF and SINCGARS VHF radios (base station and vehicular), SATCOM, crypto gear, and SABER radios. 108 Mandays of MREs with supplements. FIE SLRP - Surveillance, Liason, and Reconnaissance Party
FLY-IN SLRP (Surveillance, Liaison, Recognizance Party) MODULE Personal Equipment for 8 individuals: Each receives an M16E3, 782 Gear, Sleeping bags, cots, Flak, Kevlar, CBR gear, and a first aid kit. Additional gear includes: 1M203, 1 M870 Shotgun, 4 M9 Pistol Optical gear and nightvision scopes and goggles(5)
Elements consist of an augment of individual equipment, food, and comm gear for a party of roughly 30 Seabees to assist with offloading the various modules from MPF vessels. Provides an MRE allowance for roughly 10 days. SABER radios for communications. No CESE, no kits, no tent camp facilities. FIE OPP - Offload Preparation Party
FLY-IN OPP (Off-load Preparation Party) MODULE CESE: None Personal Equipment for 30 individuals: Each receives 782 Gear, Sleeping bags, Flak, Kevlar, CBR gear, and a first aid kit. Additional gear includes: 27 M16E3, 6 M9 Pistol
Consists of individual equipment allowances for a group of 70 Seabees, along with a small equipment allowance. Tent camp facility includes 5 tents with cots, etc. and a 5 kW generator. Intended for air transport. Includes a large quantity of MREs - roughly a 30 day allowance for an Air-Det sized unit. A minor CESE allowance for moving Seabees and their gear. Minor quantities of fuel and POLs - about enough to get moving. Considerable communications gear. A large portion of the overall comm gear allowance is here, along with some computer assets. No tool kits. FIE AP - Advance Party
FLY-IN AP (Advance Party) MODULE Personal Equipment for 67 individuals: Each receives an M16E3, 782 Gear, Sleeping bags, cots, Flak, Kevlar, CBR gear, and a first aid kit. Additional gear includes: 6 M203, 3 M870 Shotgun, 20 M9 Pistol Optical gear and nightvision scopes and goggles(19) CESE: 2 - Cargo Truck Variant HMMWVs 2 - 8 Ton Cargo Trucks 400 Gal Water Bull, Floodlight Trailer 4k and 12k Forklifts
Consists mainly of individual equipment allowances for 695 personnel. No tent camp facilities. Intended for air transport. Considerable communications gear. The remainder of the comm gear is included with this module, along with several computers and printers. A soils kit, nuclear densiometer kits, specialized CBR equipment, chaplain kit, barber’s equipment, and various forms. FIE MP - Main Party
FLY-IN MP (Main Body) MODULE Personal Equipment for 695 individuals: Each receives 782 Gear, Sleeping bags, cots, Flak, Kevlar, CBR gear. Additional gear includes: 41 M203, 20 M870 Shotgun, 145 M9 Pistol Nightvision scopes and goggles(11), First Aid Kits (795)
All elements compromise a 125 man tent camp with light construction capability - roughly an “Air Det” TOA without individual equipment allowances. Tent camp facility includes berthing, showers, a galley facility, water and fuel storage, a four-hole burn out latrine, and security fencing. Containerized in five 20 ft ISO Containers, six TRICONs, two Configured TRICONs, and two Flatracks. Includes a MOD 96, MOD 98, and equipment for basic CESE maintenance. No communications gear. Comm gear is almost entirely allocated to the Fly-in Echelons. 30 Tool kits of various types (including mechanics tool kits). MCA - Core Module (Air)
Augments a MCA module to create a 250 man tent camp. Adds berthing, laundry skid, large capacity water storage and treatment facilities, significant power distribution capabilities, and several support facilities. Containerized in eleven 20 ft ISO Containers, one TRICONs, and two Flatracks. Additional galley facilities and equipment. Greater CESE maintenance capability - additional tools and parts. Minimal communications gear. A small selection of sound powered phones. 26 Tool kits of various types (including mechanics tool kits). MC - Core Module
Augments the battalion’s tent camp with additional facilities and capabilities. Also includes 4 M60 machine guns. Includes a full BAS facility, large capacity fuel storage, and administrative offices. Containerized in twelve 20 ft ISO Containers, and one Flatrack. Includes machine shop trailer, ABM, RTCH, and 40 other various units of CESE. . Eight days of MREs for an entire battalion, refrigeration containers and improved messing and food prep facilities. No communications gear. 16 Tool kits, mostly Bravo/Charlie tools. Basic Module
Augments the battalion’s tent camp with additional facilities and capabilities. Includes additional BAS equipment, large capacity fuel storage, and Alfa Company shops. Containerized in seventeen 20 ft ISO Containers, two half-heights, and three Flatracks. Includes water well suite, RTCH, and 47 other various units of CESE. . Eight days of MREs for an entire battalion and additional refrigeration containers. No communications gear. 10 Tool kits, mostly Alfa Company tools. Completes CESE repair capabilities. Heavy Module
HEAVY MODULE CESE Not pictured: Water well support rig