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Français 3/10/14. Ecrivez six phrases avec adverbes de fréquence. Dites-moi ce que vous faites. Eight Canadian geese walk into a bar. What do they order? Descendre – to go down, to get off. Ils sont descendus du train en marche . They got off the moving train.
Français 3/10/14 • Ecrivez six phrases avec adverbes de fréquence. Dites-moi ce que vous faites. • Eight Canadian geese walk into a bar. What do they order? • Descendre – to go down, to get off. Ilssontdescendus du train en marche. They got off the moving train. • Goals – Improve fluency with adverbs of frequency, work on telling about yourselves and the people close to you. Poster? Powerpoint? • Devoirs – none
Français3/11/14 • Complete this sentence: Je teprésente… • What does a one legged ballerina wear? • Le plaisantin – joker. C’est un petit plaisantin. He is quite a joker. • Goals – Work on poster or powerpoint. • Devoirs – none.
Français3/12/14 • Ouvrezvoslivres à la page 31. Ecrivezdeux phrases: un chose quetupréfère, et un chose quetun’aimes pas du tout. • What do you get when you cross a skin doctor and an elephant? • Revenir – to come back. Les films de cape et d’epéereviennent à la mode. The cloak and dagger movies are back in style. • Goals – Work on poster or powerpoint. • Devoirs – none.
Français3/13/14 • Comment tutrouves le lycée? Comment tutrouves le cours de français 1? • Why don’t the Amish water ski? • Protéger – to protect. Nous devonsprotégernotreenvironnement. We must protect our environment. • Goals – Work on poster or powerpoint. • Devoirs – Make sure your poster is far enough along so we can begin presentation tomorrow.
Français3/14/14 • Ouvrezvoslivres á la page 84. Qu’est-cequetuvoudraisacheter? • What is the difference between a lawyer and a herd of bufflalo? • La brûlure – burn. Les brûluressontsuperficielles. The burns are superficial. • Goals – Finishing touches on posters and powerpoints. Begin presentations • Devoirs - none.