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State of the School UB Engineering Harvey G. Stenger, Dean, UB Engineering

State of the School UB Engineering Harvey G. Stenger, Dean, UB Engineering. The importance of engineering. A secure homeland Advanced and affordable health care A sustainable environment Safe structures and transportation systems Seamless communication systems Energy independence

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State of the School UB Engineering Harvey G. Stenger, Dean, UB Engineering

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  1. State of the SchoolUB Engineering Harvey G. Stenger, Dean, UB Engineering

  2. The importance of engineering • A secure homeland • Advanced and affordable health care • A sustainable environment • Safe structures and transportation systems • Seamless communication systems • Energy independence • A rising standard of living.

  3. Six Departments UB Engineering is… A. Scott Weber Civil Structural & Environmental Engineering • 135 Faculty, more than 200 Staff • 2005-2006 Enrollment: 3172 • 2221 Undergraduate Students • 951 Graduate Students • Degrees Granted 2005-2006: 853 • 499 Bachelors • 302 Masters • 52 Doctorates • ... people Bharat Jayaraman Computer Science & Engineering David Kofke Chemical and Biological Engineering Vladimir MitinElectrical Engineering Rakesh NagiIndustrial & Systems Engineering Joseph MookMechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  4. UB Engineering is… …making life better.

  5. UB Engineering is… a source of intellectual property, continuing education, and assistance in industrial problem solving. • …an intellectual resource. the region’s largest provider of a technically trained workforce.

  6. UB Engineering is… • … providing economic impact. More than $40,000,000 per year in funded research More than $20,000,000 per year in state education. A $72,000,000 capital project over the next 4 years.

  7. UB Engineering is… • People, • making life better through research, • adding talent to the region through education, • reaching out to provide opportunities, • improving your businesses, • injecting intellectual property to the community, • making a direct economic impact.

  8. Identifying Priorities • What can we do better. • What impact will improvements create. • How do we invest our resources. • What do we want to be.

  9. Changes recommended by WAG (Erich Bloch’s company) • Focus on a few very good things (CMU model) • Bioengineering and Hybrid Nano-materials • Increase industrial research support (7% currently) • Center and institute policies • Reallocate resources to areas of emphasis • Facility utilization improvement • Decentralized management • Top 25 may be over optimistic

  10. Questions whose answers may require change. 1. UB has an aggressive growth plan to increase enrollment by 10,000, and Engineering will be a significant part of this growth. Do we have a clear plan to do this? 2. Are our students of satisfactory quality? 3. Are we taking advantage of all Federal funding opportunities in medicine, health, and materials? 4. Do we deliver a high quality Undergraduate and Graduate core curriculum? 5. Do we take full advantage of our actual and potential corporate partners? 6. We are embarking on a fund raising campaign for the school. Do we have a compelling case for potential donors and sponsors? 7. Do we maximize the utilization of our space? 8. Are we taking full advantage of the strategic initiatives identified in UB2020? 9. Do we market ourselves well and enough? 10. Do we know what areas of research our next 30 faculty hires will cover? 11. Do department chairs and center directors have financial resources necessary to do their jobs? 12. Does each entity have a set of goals and metrics in place for the next year and the next five years? 13. Are our resource allocation procedures appropriate?

  11. UB Engineering: A Vision • A school that is • respected by our peers and stakeholders*, • productive compared to our peers, • leaders in our chosen fields of study. • Achieved by constant improvement of programs, facilities and people, implemented using innovative approaches. *stake holders include: corporations, our faculty and staff, our students and alumni, government, and the community.

  12. Key Metrics Faculty Excellence Productivity Student Quality Student Success Customer Satisfaction

  13. Faculty Excellence • External visibility • External demand for their expertise • Awards • External leadership roles

  14. Productivity • Teaching • Load and quality • Degrees awarded • Research funding • Direct and Indirect • Agency and industrial • Citations

  15. Student Quality • Standardized Test Scores: • UG: SAT • GR: GRE • Rank in Class • Geographic Diversity • WNY NYUSNAGlobe • Representation similar to aspirational peers • Women, men, minority, international

  16. Student Success • Retention year-to-year • Graduation rate • First job • Salary and choice • Five and ten year job level and satisfaction

  17. Customer Satisfaction • Corporate interaction, service and fulfilling needs • Students, faculty, staff • Grant and contract renewal rates • Alumni contributions • Time and money

  18. UB Engineering will grow. • Five Year Goals • Increase enrollment by 30% (3000 to 4000 students) • Increase faculty by 30% (130 to 169) • Double Research Expenditures • Increase Quality of Students • Add critical infrastructure • Benefits • Stronger work force • More continuing education • More and better intellectual property • An intellectual community • A greater economic impact

  19. New Infrastructure • Adding 130,000 sq.ft. of new space (30% growth). • New York has allocated $49,600,000 for a New Engineering Building • We are committed to raising $10,000,000 more for construction and $13,000,000 more for equipment

  20. Major dean’s office projects for 2007 • Establish metrics and benchmarks • Fund raising: • building, program funds and student support • Launching strategic strengths: • ICT, INS, ExEv • Successfully complete searches • Financial management – budget alignment • Biomedical engineering feasibility study • Space utilization survey • Student quality initiatives • Organizing corporate relations • Marketing

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