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Bringing g ender in EU funded Research:a mark of excellence? L i tomy šl, 17.09.2013 Maxime Forest, PhD. Associate researcher at Sciences Po Paris EGERA (FP7, 2013-2017) Scientific coordinator Consultant on EU-projects for Yellow Window. Content & objectives.
Bringing gender in EU funded Research:a mark of excellence? Litomyšl, 17.09.2013 Maxime Forest, PhD. Associate researcher at Sciences Po Paris EGERA (FP7, 2013-2017) Scientific coordinator Consultant on EU-projects for Yellow Window
Content & objectives • Introducingbasic conceptsrelated to gender in researchand the academia • Raising awareness on the importance of integrating gender in research, in particular in EU-funded projects • Informing participants on gender in FP7 • Supporting structural change in research and the academia: the example of EGERA
Sex or gender? Sex? • Sex refers to the biologically determined characteristics of men and women in terms of reproductive organs and functions based on chromosomal complement and physiology. As such, sex is globally understood as the classification of living things as male or female. Gender? • Gender refers to the social construction of women and men, of femininity and masculinity, which varies in time and place, and between cultures.
Fromsexdifferences to genderinequalities • The problem is not the difference between men and women as such, but the difference in how they are valued • This affects the distribution of boys and girls across disciplines and curricula, later the distribution of men and women both horizontally (areas) and vertically (in terms of distribution of incomes, power and visibility) • There are still structural inequalities (including segregation and discrimination) between men & women, notably in research and higher education, although those vary across EU member states
Genderinequality in research • Detailed statistics are released by the EC in She Figures 2012 From the 2012 issue, it notably arises that: • In 2010, female PhD graduates equaled or outnumbered men in all broad fields of study, except for science, mathematics and computing (40%), as well as engineering, manufacturing and construction (26%). • On average, women represented 40% of all researchers in the Higher Education sector, 40% in the Government Sector and 19% in the Business Enterprise Sector
The “leaky pipeline” • Coined to address the situation of women in STEMs, this metaphor refers to the fact that in many fields, women disappear as they move up the career ladder. • Women’s academic career remains characterized by vertical segregation: the proportion of female students (55%) and graduates (59%) exceeded that of male students, but men outnumbered women among PhD students and graduates. Furthermore, women represented only 44% of grade C academic staff, 37% of grade B academic staff and 20% of grade A academic staff. Source: She Figures 2012
The “glass ceiling” • In 2010, on average throughout the EU-27, 15.5% of institutions in the Higher Education Sector were headed by women, and 10% of universities had a female rector. • On average, 36% of board members were women in 2010 • Women are even more strongly under-represented in the field of science and engineering: they account for 38% of PhD students, but only 23% of grade B and 11% of grade A. • The proportion of women among full professors is also the lowest in engineering and technology, at 7.9%. Source: She Figures 2012
Genderequality in EU perspective • Individuals of both sexes are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations imposed by strict gender roles. The different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. • A dual-track approach to gender equality: • Gender mainstreaming (horizontal approach): Integrating a gender perspective into the mainstream • Specific actions (vertical approach) still needed: gender-specific legal provisions/projects/policies
Genderequality in EU perspective • Gender equality is a principle of the European Union, anchored in EU treaties since the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) and enforced through specific EU directives adopted since the mid-1970s. • EU Legal provisions, to be implemented by member states, are grounded into the principles of: • equal treatment (since 1975) and: • non-discrimination (since 2000)
EC on gender in research projects • Fostering women’s participation: • As researchers • As evaluators • Addressing women’s needs as much as men’s • Developing research on gender issues, also in STEMs
Participation of women in research • Include female researchers in teams at all levels • Also in leadership positions/Among grant beneficiaries • Prevent gender bias in recruitment/evaluation/appraisal • Offer gender sensitive working conditions and culture • Equally value the work of male/female team members • Create gender-friendly work environments • Prevent sexist language and/or sexual harassment • Fix the “Leaky pipeline”!
Gender dimension of research • Consider gender as a key analytical and explanatory variable in research • Gendered behavioural patterns (addiction, physical and psychological risks, typology of jobs) • Ergonomics, morphology • Distribution of power/income/responsibilities… • Devote research resources to specific gender research • Develop cross-disciplinary gender studies • Develop knowledge on gender in all research areas
Checklist for gender in research • Equal opportunities for women and men in research • Gender balance in the team • Working conditions • Manage and monitor gender equality • Gender in the research content • Research ideas phase • Proposal phase • Research phase • Dissemination phase
European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers Strengthen women’s participation: • Improve attractiveness • Create conditions for more sustainable careers European Charter for Researchers Code of conduct for recruitment:
The business case Excellent research needs gender equality(efficiency) Investing in equal opportunities for men and women: • stimulates the constitution of better performing teams • allows you to get the best talent from the whole pool Excellent research needs a gender perspective(quality) A gender-sensitive approach to the research content: • Allows your research to be of a higher quality • Makes it valid for a larger group of end-users
Legal base for Gender in FP7 • EC treaties: Gender Equality • FP7: “The integration of the gender dimension and gender equality will be addressed in all areas of research” Decision No 1982/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013)
Gender in FP7 • Target of 40% female participation • Option for project holders to promote gender equality and to address gender aspects in a specific work package or task within a work package • Specific project calls under Science in Society to promote structural change in favour of gender equality in research and the academia, both in terms of women’s participation and appraisal and research content • INTEGER, STAGES, EGERA…
FP7 guide forapplicants "You may give an indication of the sort of actions that would be undertaken during the course of the project to promote gender equality in your project, or in your field of research (…) They could include actions related to the project consortium (e.g. improving the gender balance in the project consortium, measures to help reconcile work and private life, awareness raising within the consortium) or, where appropriate, actions aimed at a wider public (e.g. events organized in schools or universities). (Maximum length for section 5 – one page)"
Gender in FP7 proposal • B1: Scientific/Technical Quality (Evaluation Criterion) • B2: Implementation (Evaluation Criterion) • B3: Impact (Evaluation Criterion) • B4: Ethical Issues (Not an Evaluation Criterion) • B5: Consideration of Gender Aspects (Not an Evaluation Criteria (B5 only exists in proposals for CPs and NOEs (larger projects)
FP7 guide for applicants “The negotiations will also deal with gender equality actions, and, if applicable to the project, with gender aspects in the conduct of the planned work, as well as the relevant principles contained in the European Charter for researchers and the Code of Conduct for their recruitment.”
Gender in FP7 negotiationguidancenotes “Sex and / or gender are relevant variables in many research fields and generally referred to as the gender dimension of the research content. When human beings are involved as research subjects or users, and in training or dissemination activities, gender differences may exist. These must be addressed as an integral part of the research to ensure the highest level of scientific quality(…) It is easy to understand that sex and gender are variables that must be addressed when considering health research but it might be less easy to understand that gender could also be an important factor in, for example, aeronautical or energy research.“
Gender in FP7 negotiation guidance notes “As a guideline, wherever human beings are involved in the research, for example as consumers, users and patients, or in trials, gender will be an issue and should be considered and addressed.” • mandatory reporting on workforce statistics • mandatory reporting on gender aspects (and other horizontal project-related issues) as a compulsory deliverable at the end of the project
EGERA: a project in motion Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia: • 3,3€ million, 4 years long project funded at 70% by the EC. • 8 partner institutions in 7 EU member states + Turkey. • Human/social sciences, STEMs, Earth sciences represented • Big (UAB Barcelona, METU Ankara), medium (Sciences Po Paris, Radboud Nijmegen, Antwerp University) and small (CVGZ Brno, VechtaUniversität) research institutions. • Gender equality action plans and gender training schemes implemented in each partner institution
EGERA: a project in motion Gender Equality Action plans include measures on: • Creating gender-sensitive work environments, including recruitment, work-life conciliation, prevention of sexual harassment or sexist language… • Challenging gender bias in evaluation and promotion • Mainstreaming gender knowledge across research areas and academic curricula • Developing research on gender issues • Promoting a culture of equality throughout the institution