1. Organization Development and Change Thomas G. Cummings
Christopher G. Worley
2. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-2 Learning Objectivesfor Chapter Twenty To explore a framework that categorizes different types of organizational change efforts with emphasis on the features of transformational change
To understand three kinds of interventions against the background of transformational change, integrated strategic change, organization design, and culture change.
3. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-3 Characteristics of Transformational Change Triggered by Environmental and Internal Disruptions
Aimed at Competitive Advantage
Systemic and Revolutionary Change
Demands a New Organizing Paradigm
Driven by Senior Executives and Line Management
Involves Significant Learning
4. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-4 Integrated Strategic Change(ISC) Integrated Strategic Change ………
is a deliberate coordinated process that
leads to gradually or radically systemic
realignments between the environment
and a firm’s strategic orientation resulting
in improvement in performance and
5. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-5 Integrated Strategic Change(ISC) ~ Key Features Strategic Orientation
Creating the Strategic Plan
Integrating Individuals and Groups into the Process
6. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-6 The Integrated Strategic Change Process
7. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-7 ISC Application Stages Strategic Analysis
Assess the readiness for change and top management’s ability to carry out change
Diagnose the Current Strategic Orientation
Strategic Choice
Top management determines the content of the strategic change
Designing the Strategic Change Plan
Development of a comprehensive agenda to achieve the change
Implementing the Strategic Change Plan
8. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-8 Organizational Design Conceptual Framework
Work Design
Human Resources Practices
Management and Information Systems
Key Point
Fit, Congruence, Alignment among Organizational Elements
9. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-9 Organization Design Model
10. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-10 Organization Designs
11. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-11 Organization Design Application Stages Clarifying the Design Focus
Create the overall framework, begins with examining strategy and objectives and determining organization capabilities needed
Designing the Organization
Results in an overall design for the organization, detailed designs for the components, and preliminary plans for how to implement
Implementing the Design
Puts the new structures, practices and systems into place, draws heavily leading and managing change methods
12. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-12 The Concept of Organization Culture
13. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-13 Diagnosing Organization Culture Behavioral Approach
Pattern of behaviors (artifacts) most related to performance
Competing Values Approach
Pattern of values emphasis characterizing the organization
Deep Assumptions Approach
Pattern of unexamined assumptions that solve internal integration and external adaptation problems well enough to be taught to others
14. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-14 Competing Values Approach
15. Cummings & Worley, 9e (c) 2008 South-Western/ Cengage Learning 20-15 Culture Change Application Stages Establish a clear strategic vision
Get top-management commitment
Model culture change at the highest level
Modify the organization to support change
Select and socialize newcomers; downsize deviants
Develop ethical and legal sensitivity