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Chapter 9: Endocrine System. Question to ponder…..and to know…. Which two organ systems are responsible for the regulation of the body’s activities?. Answer:. Nervous and Endocrine Systems. Comparison of Endocrine and Nervous. 1. The way in which they communicate with other cells :
Question to ponder…..and to know…. Which two organ systems are responsible for the regulation of the body’s activities?
Answer: Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Comparison of Endocrine and Nervous 1. The way in which they communicate with other cells: • Nervous system: Nerve impulses and neurotransmitters • Endocrine system’s communication: chemical messengers (hormones) that are released into the blood
Comparison of Endocrine and Nervous 2. Rate of their control • Nervous System: its effects are fast and short-lived (millisec to secs) • Endocrine: its effects are slow but last longer (minutes, weeks, days) • Takes minutes or days to bring about its effects
Comparison of Endocrine and Nervous 3. Types of Body Processes they Control • Nervous System: Short-term processes • Stimulation of Muscle contraction and Glands • Endocrine System: Long-term processes • Reproduction, Growth/Development, Metabolism, and Mobilization of body defenses.
Endocrine gland vs. Exocrine gland • Exocrine gland • Have ducts that carry their secretory product to a surface (sweat, sebaceous) • Endocrine gland • Ductless glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream
Hormone Overview • Hormones are produced by endocrine glands Definition of Hormone: Chemical substances secreted by cells into extracellular fluids, that regulate the metabolic activity of other cells in the body. • Blood transfers hormones to target sites
The Chemistry of Hormones • Types of hormones • Most are: 1. Amino acid-based molecules (non-steroids) • Proteins • Peptides • Amines 2. Steroids – made from cholesterol
Mechanisms of Hormone Action • Hormones affect only certain tissues or organs (target cells or organs) • Target cells must have specific protein receptors on their plasma membrane or in its interior so that the hormone can attach • Hormone binding influences the working of the cells
Effects Caused by Hormones • When hormones bind, one or more of the following occur: • Changes in plasma membrane permeability or electrical state • Synthesis of proteins, such as enzymes • Activation or inactivation of enzymes • Stimulation of mitosis
Homework • Read the section: Mechanisms of Hormone Action—pg.280-281. How do steroid and nonsteroid (amino acid based) hormones work?
Steroid Hormone Action • Diffuse through the plasma membrane of target cells: lipid soluble • Enter the nucleus • Bind to a specific protein within the nucleus • Hormone-receptor complex binds to specific sites on the cell’s DNA • Activate genes that result in synthesis of new proteins(change the activity of the cell)
Nonsteroid (Amino acid based) Hormone Action • Hormone binds to a membrane receptor • Hormone does not enter the cell • Hormone- “1st messenger” • Sets off a series of reactions that activates an enzyme • Catalyzes a reaction that produces a second messenger molecule (like cAMP) • 2nd messenger oversees additional intracellular reactions to promote a specific response
Amino Acid-based Hormone Action PRESS TO PLAY NONSTEROID HORMONE ANIMATION Figure 9.1b
Control of Hormone Release • Hormone levels in the blood are maintained by negative feedback • A stimulus or low hormone levels in the blood triggers the release of more hormone • Hormone release stops once an appropriate level in the blood is reached
Stimulation of Endocrine Glands • Hormonal:hormones stimulate end. glands • Humoral: specific concentrations of certain elements or ions in the blood stimulate end.glands • Neural: nervous system stimulates end.glands
Hormonal Stimuli of Endocrine Glands • Endocrine glands are activated by other hormones • Most common stimulus • The pituitary gland secretes hormones that trigger the release of hormones from other endocrine glands Figure 9.2a
Humoral Stimuli of Endocrine Glands • Changing blood levels of certain ions stimulate hormone release • The thyroid gland and parathyroid glands respond to blood calcium levels. Figure 9.2b
Neural Stimuli of Endocrine Glands • Nerve impulses stimulate hormone release • Most are under control of the sympathetic nervous system • A sympathetic nerve stimulates the release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla Figure 9.2c
Location of Major Endocrine Organs Figure 9.3
Pituitary Gland • Size of a grape • Hangs by a stalk from the hypothalamus • Protected by the sphenoid bone • Has two functional lobes • Anterior pituitary – glandular tissue • Posterior pituitary – nervous tissue
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary • Six anterior pituitary hormones • Two affect non-endocrine targets • Four stimulate other endocrine glands (tropic hormones) • Tropic hormone: Any hormone that stimulates other endocrine glands
Anterior Pituitary • Characteristics of all anterior pituitary hormones • Proteins (or peptides) • Act through second-messenger systems • Regulated by hormonal stimuli, mostly negative feedback
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary Figure 9.4
Growth Hormone (GH) • General metabolic hormone • Major effects are directed to growth of skeletal muscles and long bones • Causes amino acids to be built into proteins “anabolic” • Causes fats to be broken down for a source of energy “catabolic”
Growth Hormone • Hyposecretion: • In Childhood: Pituitary Dwarfism • Body proportions are normal • Max height: 4 feet
Hypersecretion: • In Childhood: Gigantism • Body proportions are normal • 8-9 feet tall
Hypersecretion • Hypersecretion: After long bone growth • “Acromegaly”-Enlarged facial bones, hands, feet, thickening of soft tissues
Functions of Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones • Prolactin (PRL) • Stimulates and maintains milk production following childbirth (mammary glands) • Function in males is unknown • Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) • Regulates endocrine activity of the adrenal cortex • Stimulates it to release glucocorticoids • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) • Stimulates endocrine activity of the thyroid gland
Functions of Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones • Gonadotropic hormones • Regulate hormonal activity of the gonads • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) • Stimulates follicle development in ovaries and development of ova • Stimulate follicles to produce estrogens • Stimulates sperm development in testes
Functions of Other Anterior Pituitary Hormones • Luteinizing hormone (LH) females • Triggers ovulation: release of egg from ovary • Ruptured follicle (corpus luteum secretes estrogen/progesterone) • Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle • Stimulates testosterone production in males • Referred to as interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH)
Hypothal.: growth releasing hormone • Growth inhibiting hormone • G: growth hormone • G: gonadotropic hormones(FSH, LH (ICSH) • P: prolactin • A: adrenocorticotropic hormone • T: thyroid stimulating hormone
Pituitary - Hypothalamus Relationship • Hypothalamus has releasing and inhibiting hormones • Controls the release of the anterior pituitary hormones • These hormones travel through the blood to the anterior pituitary
Pituitary - Hypothalamus Relationship • Hypothalamus extends axons from its neurons into the posterior pituitary • Two hormones are transported from neurosecretory cells to the posterior pituitary along these axons • The posterior pituitary is not strictly an endocrine gland, but does release hormones
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary • Oxytocin • Stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor, sexual intercourse, breast feeding. • Causes milk ejection “let down reflex” • Stop postpartum bleeding • Natural and synthetic drugs(Pitocin)- • Used to induce labor or speed it up • Stimulate let down reflex • Stop postpartum bleeding
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) • Also called “Vasopressin” • Diuresis (urine production) • Acts on the kidney to maintain water balance • Decreases formation of urine (so kidneys reabsorb water) • In large amounts, increases blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction • In large amounts, can inhibit urine production
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary Figure 9.5