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1 Nephi 16. Simile:. A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in “she is like a rose.” . Repentance is like…. (It makes you clean). Prayer is like…. (You use it to talk with God). The Holy Ghost is like…. (It helps you see in a dark world).
Simile: A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in “she is like a rose.”
Repentance is like… (It makes you clean)
Prayer is like… (You use it to talk with God)
The Holy Ghost is like… (It helps you see in a dark world)
The prophet is like… (He helps you see more clearly)
Major Events The Liahona is discovered Travels in the wilderness Nephi breaks his bow Ishmael dies The women bear children They eat raw meat They construct a ship 1 Nephi 16-18—Introduction
It’s time to journey into the wilderness… (1 Nephi 16:9) In both the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon a wildernesssymbolizes any place in which the people are tested, tried, proven, refined by trials, taught grace, and prepared to meet the Lord. Scripturaljourneys often symbolize man’s earthly walk from birth through the spiritual wildernesses of a fallen world. God seeks to teach that His children…must learn to seek and accept His grace to reach their destinations, which are the promised lands or places of deliverance and spiritual peace. (The Provocation in the Wilderness and the Rejection of Grace, M. Catherine Thomas)
1 Nephi 16:13-14 1 Nephi 16 – the Journey 1 Nephi 17:1
How did the Liahona work? 1 Nephi 16:16-17, 26-29 Alma 37:38-45 How is it NOT like a compass? 1 Nephi 16—Liahona
2 Spindles D&C 8:2-3
“An impression to the mind is very specific. Detailed words can be heard or felt and written as though the instruction were being dictated. “A communication to the heart is a more general impression. The Lord often begins by giving impressions. Where there is a recognition of their importance and they are obeyed, one gains more capacity to receive more detailed instruction to the mind. “An impression to the heart, if followed, is fortified by a more specific instruction to the mind. … (Helping Others Be Spiritually Led, August 1998, CES Symposium on the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History).
Wouldn’t it be great if the Lord gave each of us a Liahona to show us the way? Patriarchal Blessing Scriptures/Words of the Prophets Holy Ghost Our Conscience 1 Nephi 16
1. What are two or three ways that … is like the Liahona? 2. What are some things that might cause us to miss important messages from … ? 3. When have you been blessed by following the guidance of … ? 1 Nephi 16 Patriarchal Blessing Scriptures/Words of the Prophets Holy Ghost Your Conscience
Group 1: A Patriarchal Blessing President Thomas S. Monson: “The same Lord who provided a Liahona for Lehi provides for you and for me today a rare and valuable gift to give direction to our lives, to mark the hazards to our safety, and to chart the way, even safe passage—not to a promised land, but to our heavenly home. The gift to which I refer is known as your patriarchal blessing. … “… Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. … Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way” (“Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 65–66). 1 Nephi 16
Group 2: The Scriptures and the Words of Latter-Day Prophets Elder W. Rolfe Kerr of the Seventy: “The words of Christ can be a personal Liahona for each of us, showing us the way. Let us not be slothful because of the easiness of the way. Let us in faith take the words of Christ into our minds and into our hearts as they are recorded in sacred scripture and as they are uttered by living prophets, seers, and revelators. Let us with faith and diligence feast upon the words of Christ, for the words of Christ will be our spiritual Liahona telling us all things what we should do” (“The Words of Christ—Our Spiritual Liahona,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2004, 37). 1 Nephi 16
Group 3: The Holy Ghost Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “As we strive to align our attitudes and actions with righteousness, then the Holy Ghost becomes for us today what the Liahona was for Lehi and his family in their day. The very factors that caused the Liahona to work for Lehi will likewise invite the Holy Ghost into our lives. And the very factors that caused the Liahona not to work anciently will likewise cause us to withdraw ourselves from the Holy Ghost today” (“That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be with Us,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2006, 30). 1 Nephi 16
Group 4: Your Conscience “You must realize that you have something like the compass, like the Liahona, in your own system. Every child is given it. When he is eight years of age, he knows good from evil, if his parents have been teaching him well. If he ignores the Liahona that he has in his own makeup, he eventually may not have it whispering to him. But if we will remember that everyone of us has the thing that will direct him aright, our ship will not get on the wrong course and suffering will not happen and bows will not break and families will not cry for food—if we listen to the dictates of our own Liahona, which we call the conscience.” Spencer W. Kimball, “Our Own Liahona,” Ensign, Nov. 1976, 79 1 Nephi 16
1 Nephi 16:19-23 1 Nephi 16
Nephi’s Bow… Why is it significant that Nephi went to his father for direction, even though Lehi had been murmuring?