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In situ bio-optical data management & algorithm development @ the NASA OBPG alternative title: the flow & fate of your data @ the OBPG Jeremy Werdell NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group 4 May 2009. presentation outline: 1. SeaBASS administrative items 2. updates to NOMAD
In situ bio-optical data management & algorithm development @ the NASA OBPG alternative title: the flow & fate of your data @ the OBPG Jeremy Werdell NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group 4 May 2009 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
presentation outline: 1. SeaBASS administrative items 2. updates to NOMAD 3. IOP Algorithm Workshop @ OOXIX, Oct 2008 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
clarification of data submission policy: changes to the SeaBASS infrastructure: all field data supported with funding from the NASA OB&B program (P. Bontempi & F. Lipschultz) are to be submitted to SeaBASS collaboration with BCO-DMO initiated to coordinate data holdings additional technical staff hired in Oct 2008 (Daniel Shao) ported database to MySQL; major migration of Web server updating (partially modernizing) all online utilities NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
presentation outline: 1. SeaBASS administrative items 2. updates to NOMAD 3. IOP Algorithm Workshop @ OOXIX, Oct 2008 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
status & progress: new data products: NOMAD v2 (interim) developed to support IOP Algorithm Workshop; AOPs, pigments, POC, CTD, profiled bb, spectrophotometric a construction of v3 forthcoming (see below) starting to add (conscientiously): Zeu, Kpar, profiled a/b/c AOPs to be revisited via CVO AOP Processor (S. Hooker; next talk) NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
Kd(490) NOMAD vs. popular models verification analyses (Z.P. Lee collaborator): NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
OC* internal consistency OC* historical consistency algorithm development: NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
presentation outline: 1. SeaBASS administrative items 2. updates to NOMAD 3. IOP Algorithm Workshop @ OOXIX, Oct 2008 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
workshop motivation & goal: achieve community consensus on an effective algorithmic approach for producing global-scale, remotely sensed SAA IOP products what we attempted to do: extend the IOCCG SAA survey by evaluating application of SAA algorithms to satellite radiometry reviewing & consolidating SAA construction desirable features: combination of accuracy and geographic coverage flexible, multi-sensor implementation computational efficiency to support operational environment open source software and accompanying LUTs associated SAA uncertainties SAA = semi-analytical algorithm NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
pre-workshop achievements (Mar - Sep) - dialog & discussion air-sea transmission, Rrs rrs(0-) calculation of Rrs (bandpass correction, f/Q) temperature & salinity dependence of aw & bbw spectral data products to be considered (adg, bb, etc.) evaluation metrics & SAA failure conditions inversion methods & linearization issues calculation of uncertainties SAA product validation & sensitivity analyses strategies to produce level-3 products http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/forum/oceancolor/board_show.pl?bid=24 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
pre-workshop achievements (Mar - Sep) - analyses in situ-to-in situ & satellite-to-in situ match-ups global (level-3) comparisons spatial coverage (level-2) comparisions sensitivities to parameterization & noisy input sensitivity to inversion method level-2 vs. level-3 inversion http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/MEETINGS/OOXIX/IOP/analyses.html NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
total a and bb are sums of coefficients for all components in seawater each coefficient expressed as product of magnitude and spectral shape construction (& deconstruction) of an SAA … satellite provides Rrs() a () and bb () are desired products NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
Bulk Inversion: * no predefined shapes * piece-wise solution: bbp(), then a(), via (empirical) Kd () via RTE * ex: LS00 1 3 Spectral Optimization: * define shape functions for (e.g.) bbp(), adg(), aph() * solution via L-M, matrix inversion, etc. * ex: RP95, HL96, GSM 2 Spectral Deconvolution: * partially define shape functions for bbp(), adg() * piece-wise solution: bbp(), then a(), then adg() + aph() * ex: QAA, PML, NIWA construction (& deconstruction) of an SAA … satellite provides Rrs() a () and bb () are desired products NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
consensus to refine spectral optimization to initiate process … our STARTING point: * dynamic bbp retrieval * dynamic aph spectral model * IOP-based f/Q tables * Raman scattering * fluorescence * T/S dependence on aw & bbw * optical water class parameterization * uncertainties & propagation of error metrics defined to evaluate progress Spectral Optimization: * define shape functions for (e.g.) bbp(), adg(), aph() * optimization via L-M NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
discussion of uncertainties & their calculation: Wang et al. 2005 GlobColour approach Lee et al. 2008 Moore et al. 2009 (OCRT talk on Tue) uncertainties associated with: input Rrs models & shape functions AOP-IOP relationship & inversion methods NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
specify sensor wavelengths to fit e.g., 412,443,490,510,555 select aph form and set params tabulated: , aph*() gaussian: , dynamic: Bricaud, Ciotti, Lee select adg form and set params exponential: , S dynamic: QAA, OBPG select bbp form and set params power law: , dynamic HL96, QAA, LS00, Ciotti, Morel select rrs[0-] to bb/(a+bb) quadratic f/Q: Morel (tbd: PML, Lee) specify inversion method Levenburg-Marquart Amoeba (downhill simplex) Lower-Upper Decomposition Singular-Value Decomposition specify output products a(), aph(), adg(), bb(), bbp() = any sensor wavelength(s) Ca (given aph* at ) , S (dynamic model params) internal flags generalized IOP model (GIOP) in l2gen NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
analysis tools: in situ Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions satellite match-up Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions regional (Level-2): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions global (Level-3): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions adg(412) ~ in situ vs. modeled (using in situ Rrs) NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
analysis tools: in situ Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions satellite match-up Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions regional (Level-2): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions global (Level-3): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions adg(412) ~ in situ vs. modeled (using satellite Rrs) NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
analysis tools: in situ Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions satellite match-up Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions regional (Level-2): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions global (Level-3): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions monthly time-series of SeaWiFS & Aqua aph(443) vs in situ Ca in mid-Chesapeake Bay NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
oligotrophic subset eutrophic subset number of bins number of bins bb(555) bb(555) analysis tools: in situ Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions satellite match-up Rrs: scatter plots, freq. distributions regional (Level-2): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions global (Level-3): spatial coverage, time-series, freq. distributions SeaWiFS global Level-3 from 1 Mar 2005 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
workshop summary (annotated with accomplishments): consensus was reached on the way forward NASA will implement the GIOP w/i next 3-6 months & begin producing global time-series of IOPs for all missions for which we’re responsible the group will continue our dialog, review results of data processing, & make recommendations for improvements NASA will reintroduce refinements & reprocess the data once we have agreement that products are as good as (currently) possible, full mission reprocessing(s) will be initiated all code will be available via SeaDAS NASA will implement code for optical water class mapping & evaluate its implementation for class-based SAA parameterization NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/MEETINGS/OOXIX/IOP http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov/forum/oceancolor/forum_show.pl NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
backup NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
attendees: Antoine Mangin (ACRI) Odile Hembise Fanton d’Andon (ACRI) Bryan Franz (NASA) Paula Bontempi (NASA) Catherine Brown (LOV) Samantha Lavender (U. Plymouth) Emmanuel Boss (U. Maine) Sean Bailey (NASA) Gene Feldman (NASA) Stephane Maritorena (UCSB) Hubert Loisel (U. Littoral) Takafumi Hirata (PML) Jeremy Werdell (NASA) Tim Moore (NURC) Jill Schwarz (NIWA) Tim Smyth (PML) Mark Dowell (JRC) Vittorio Brando (CSIRO) Mike Behrenfeld (OSU) Yannick Huot (LOV) ZhongPing Lee (MSU) unable to attend: Andre Morel (LOV), Paul Lyon (NRL) NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
empirical Kd(490) algorithm development KD4: (443 > 489 > 510) / 555 KD3M: (443 > 489) / 547 NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI
frequency distributions of IOP products in NOMAD NASA Ocean Color Research Team Meeting @ NYC, 4 May 2009, PJW NASA/SSAI