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A Case Report: How NOT to introduce service-learning for the first time. Stellenbosch University – University of Indianapolis International Symposium Service-Learning Models for the 21 st Century: Intercommunity, Interdisciplinary, International
A Case Report:How NOT to introduce service-learning for the first time Stellenbosch University – University of Indianapolis International Symposium Service-Learning Models for the 21st Century: Intercommunity, Interdisciplinary, International Held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 20-22, 2005 Terri Carmichael Wits Business School Phone: +27 11 717-3657 or +27 82 458-9583 Email:carmichael.t@wbs.wits.ac.za or terrihrd@iafrica.com
Assessment at WBS • Individual Assignment: 25% • Syndicate Assignment: 25% • Exam or Exam Equivalent Assignment: 50% Normally these assignments are conducted in large corporates, often an employer of one or more of the students. The Service-Learning component is introduced through the assignments taking place within NPOs or NGOs
Concrete Experience Community experience 1 2 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle Active Experimentation Reflective Observation 4 3 Academic experience Abstract Conceptualisation
Points of Learning • Establish a partnership with a community organisation • Identify community organisation needs and priorities • Formulate learning outcomes and teaching methods for the module • Design and develop the module, basing it on a published model, ensuring adequate time allocation for service activities • Describe the meaningful service-learning activities for the students and how they will be measured, reinforcing the concept of reciprocity • Identify risks and plan avoidance of and cover for risky situations • Consult the Ethics committee and obtain approval
Points of Learning (cont) • Obtain buy-in from the students about the concept and benefits • Monitor student service-learning activities and involvement • Conduct reflective activities based on an accepted model • Conduct triangulated student assessment • Evaluate and plan improvements to the module
Therefore. . . • Accept the risk taking for yourself in introducing a new pedagogical approach • Anticipate resistance from at least some students • Don’t expect everything to run 100% smoothly in your first attempt, but do manage the process • Consider student input about the process as the module progresses, but maintain your basic structure • DO give it a shot – the results are worth it!