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Installation of Lindsey’s First Hive!!. Installation of the bees begins!!! (Lindsey, Caleb, Mr. Evans). Step 1: Prep the hive and bees for insertion. Here Lindsey takes the first step in introducing her bees to their new home!. Step 2: Shake the bees into the hive.
Installation of the bees begins!!! (Lindsey, Caleb, Mr. Evans)
Here Lindsey takes the first step in introducing her bees to their new home! Step 2: Shake the bees into the hive
Mr. Evans gives them one last helpful shake to ensure every bee is out. Now she has to make sure the lid is on to complete her very first hive!
Caleb’s getting ready to recover a hive Now to get the smoker ready
They had to remove a few boards to get to the hive itself. The first of the bees to be removed w/ the comb.
Caleb is prepping the screens. By using the existing comb they hoped the bees would stay after being taken somewhere new.
THE RECOVERY MISSION BEGINS! That’s a lot of bees!!
They found the Queen! They make sure each screen is in properly then check to see if they got every bee possible.
To BEE or Not To BEE *These are the students who worked so hard on the Bee Grant sponsored by Farm Bureau*
To BEE or Not to BEE Elizabeth Britney Leamon Shawn Jonathan Bret Kendall Kyle Benji John Caleb Jared Olivia Ray Loraine Susie Adam Courtney
Here the students are learning to identify hive parts and then get to help paint the hive box to prepare it for the bees!
Remember SAFETY FIRST!! It’s time to suit up!! Everyone needs a little help to ensure the suits are on properly.
Here Ray is giving a helpful hand. Elizabeth had never been down to the bees so this was definitely a little nerve racking for a first time experience
Caleb Kendell Shawn Elizabeth Look at these excited faces!
Here the bees are being handled by students for the very first time