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The Socio-Economic Rights Monitoring Tool

Explore the importance of Socio-Economic Rights (SERs) monitoring and evaluation in South Africa, and learn about a methodology developed by SPII for assessing policy efforts, budget allocation and expenditure, and attainment of SERs.

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The Socio-Economic Rights Monitoring Tool

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  1. The Socio-Economic Rights Monitoring Tool Statistics for monitoring and evaluation of the development agenda Isibalo Symposium Hopolang Selebalo

  2. Context • Reconstruction of our society based on democractic values, social justice and human rights • These sentiments are echoed in the ICESCR • 23 years into our democracy we need to reflect on transformation as envisioned in our Consitution

  3. Why SERs are important • South Africa currently faces massive social and economic pressures • The realisation of SER’s is key towards mitigating against these forces • However, realisation of rights limited by ‘progressive realisation’ • How do we evaluate the ‘progressive realisation’ of rights in the absence of a methodology to monitor and address critical issues

  4. Methodology for monitoring • Articulating government’s obligations and scope of SERs is important for carrying out monitoring • Monitoring can be carried out by the state, civil society, CBOs and insitutions of democracy • However, SPII has developed a methodology based on a combination of policy and budget analysis and statistical indicators

  5. The Socio-Economic Rights Monitoring Tool • Step 1: Assess the Policy Effort SPII, in partnership with the South African Human Rights Commission, has developed a 3-step methodology based on a combination of policyandbudget analysisand statistical indicatorsto monitor and evaluate the progressive realisation of SERs in South Africa. • Step 2: Assess Budget Allocation & Expenditure • Step 3: Monitor & Evaluate Attainmentof the Right

  6. Three dimesions of outcome indicators • Access indicators: physical and economic • Adequacy indicators: quality and acceptability of services • Quality indicators: impact on quality of life

  7. Case study The right of access to adequate housing

  8. Gauteng HSDG: Allocation & Expenditure

  9. USDG allocations & expenditure

  10. USDG allocation & expenditure, by municipality

  11. Number of houses/units completed per year, 2002 – 2015

  12. Upgrading, affordable housing and accreditation

  13. Total residential property sales and new registrations by affordability band, 9 metros, 2007 – 2016

  14. Percent change in total residential property sales by affordability band, 8 metros, 2007 – 2016

  15. Percentage of households who own or rent the dwelling they live in for different dwelling types, 2002 – 2016

  16. Thank you hopolang@spii.org.za

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