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21 st Century Learning and Instruction. Session 3: Quality Instructional Design. Session 3 – Big Idea. Quality 21 st Century instructional design is essential for maximizing student learning. Enduring Understanding.
21st Century Learning and Instruction Session 3: Quality Instructional Design
Session 3 – Big Idea Quality 21st Century instructional design is essential for maximizing student learning.
Enduring Understanding Instructional planning, utilizing the three-step backward design process, engages learners in such a powerful way that enables them to master the content and skills central to success in the 21st Century.
Essential Questions • How is classroom instruction different in context of 21st Century learning? • How does the planning process look, feel and target instruction that reflects 21st Century learning?
Participants Will Know… • The development of the 21st Century classroom affects many traditional classroom practices • The three stages of backward design and how to apply backward design to instructional planning • 21st Century tools and learning skills must be authentically embedded within instruction
Participants Will Be Able to… • Analyze the components of each of the three stages in a 21st Century WV Instructional Guide • Identify how 21st Century skills and tools are embedded in the 21st Century WV Instructional Guide
Participants Will Be Able To • Compare the key similarities and differences between a 21st Century WV Instructional Guide and a traditional Social Study Unit • Identify the three stages of backward design in a 21st Century WV Instructional Guide • Distinguish 20th Century classroom practice from 21st Century classroom practice
Instructional Guides • Quality backward design • Modeling 21st Century best instructional practices • Integration of content, standards and objectives, learning skills and technology tools • Rigor and Relevance • Assessment for learning • Alignment of identified learning goals, understandings, performance tasks and evaluation Discussion
Comparison of Traditional &21st Century Lesson Design Traditional Vs. 21st Century Instructional Guides
Backward Design Process • Identify • desired • results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction
Backward Design at a Glance Stage One: Identify Desired Results: a. Content Standards b. Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions c. Enabling Knowledge Objectives
Backward Design at a Glance Stage Two: Assess Desired Results: a. Use a Photo Album, Not Snapshot Approach b. Integrate Tests, Quizzes, Reflections and Self-Evaluations with Academic Prompts and Projects
Backward Design at a Glance Stage Three: Design Teaching and Learning Activities to Promote Desired Results: a. W.H.E.R.E.T.O. Design Principles b. Organizing Learning So That Students Move Toward Independent Application and Deep Understanding Using Research- Based Strategies
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results • What should students know, understand and be able to do? • What big ideas are worthy of understanding and implied in the content standards, objectives, performance descriptors, learning skills and technology tools? • What enduring understandings are desired? • What provocative questions are worth pursuing to guide student inquiry into these big ideas? • What specific knowledge and skills are targeted in the goals and needed for effective performance? Policy 2520.14
Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence • How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the content standards? • How will we know that students really understand the identified big ideas? • What will we accept as evidence of proficiency?
Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction • What will need to be taught and coached, and how should it be taught, in light of the performance goals? • What sequence of activity best suits the desired results? • How will we make learning goals both engaging and effective, given the goals and needed evidence? • How will we design learning activities relevant to the digital native? Instructional Guide
Let’s Dig Deeper • Identify • desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction Instructional Guide
Overall design question: To what extent is the entire Instructional Guide coherent with the elements of all three stages and integrated with 21st century skills and tools?
Culminating Activity At the end of Session 3, participants complete the One-Day Module: 21st Century Learning and Instruction Culminating Activity.