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This presentation focuses on primary prevention of domestic violence, highlighting the need for social change and community involvement. It examines the current reality, previous approaches to ending domestic violence, and the importance of prevention and intervention. The presentation explores the social ecological model, risk and protective factors, and the public health approach to prevention. It also discusses comprehensive approaches and strategies for creating a violence-free future.
Primary Prevention:Working Together for a Violence-free Future!
A large portion of the following presentation was created by the DELTA Training Subcommittee. Their commitment to creating an informative and accessible primary prevention presentation that was made available for DELTA collaborative states is appreciated greatly by FCADV staff. Thank you to theDELTA Training Subcommittee!
What will it take in communities across the country to create the social change necessary to end domestic violence?
We cannot stop the overall flow of violence in women’s and girl’s lives by running shelters or men’s programs for batterers alone. We must address the root causes of domestic violence directly. With such a monumental task at hand, the full participation of our communities is required. Donna Garske Founder, Transforming Communities
The Scope of the Abuse Around the world, at least 1 in 3 women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Intimate partners commit 40-70 percent of homicides of women worldwide. Worldwide
Previous & CurrentApproaches to Ending DV • 1970s Women start speaking out against rape and battering • Mid to late 1970s Needs for individual safety recognized • Shift from private safe houses to shelters • Mid to late 1980s and forward- demand for accountability in the system • Interaction with other systems leads to demand for more coordinated community responses
What we learned from theBattered Women’s Movement • The needs of the women and girls facing violence are diverse and complex • Violence is a learned behavior • Batterer behavior changes when they decide to change and when appropriate societal/community mechanisms are in place that hold them accountable for the violence they perpetrate • Working with men and boys is essential to ending men’s violence against women.
What Is Prevention? • In public health, prevention is activities which reduce the burden of mortality or burden from disease or health • Prevention/social change is a long-termprocess that requires change at various levels of the community to prevent intimate partner domestic violence before it occurs
Prevention is Not • A one-time program or event • One skill-building session • One protocol Prevention IS • An on-going process, requiring leadership and commitment • Integrated into community infrastructure
Prevention & Intervention: Both Essential Preventing a re-occurrence of domestic violence (intervention) +Prevention Preventing domestic violence beforeit occurs (primary prevention) Prevention continuum within each community Intervention and primary prevention should complement, not compete with, each other.
KABBs • Knowledge • Attitudes • Beliefs • Behaviors Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that come from institutional and day-to-day norms.
Prevention of Domestic Violenceas aPublic Health Issue • WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY, Geneva, 1996 Resolution WHA 49.25: DECLARED violence a leading worldwide public health problem • REQUESTED Member States to: • Initiate public health activities that use a gender-analysis perspective, measure program effectiveness, and pay particular attention to community-based initiatives • Present a plan of action for progress towards a science-based public health approach to violence prevention
Develop and Test Prevention Strategies Identify Risk and Protective Factors Define the Problem The Public Health Approach to Prevention of Domestic Violence Disseminate Effective Strategies
The Social Ecological Model Individual Relationship Community Society Factors at each level of the social ecology contribute to the perpetration of domestic violence in our society.
Why Prevention? • Adolescents are influenced by many factors that support or condone domestic violence. Each of these factors need to be addressed in a consistent, systematic, and systemic manner. • This recognizes that changes in the environment and long-term programs are needed.
An Example:A Comprehensive Approach • Examples of this approach include: • Individual level • Curriculums, counseling, mentoring • Relationship • Support programs, mentoring, parent training • Community • Social norms, community education, policy changes • Societal • Media campaigns, policy changes
What Will It Take? • Social Change • Collaboration • Community mobilization • Leadership development • Capacity building
DELTA • Domestic violence prevention • Enhancement and • Leadership • Through • Alliances DELTA means change
Why is this important for prevention programming? • Community readiness – motivation and willingness • Community capacity – ability to identify, address, and mobilize to prevent IPV/SV • Community context – institutional/organizational culture; location; ethnic/racial identity; politics; religious identity; social context
The Men's Focus Group is talking with the younger kids about stereotypes.
The older group and the Men's Focus Group played a co-ed basketball game.
The Boys & Girls Club youth with the Men's Focus Group after the basketball game.