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Achieving Alignment Building Teams Creating Coalitions

Learn the importance of achieving alignment in teams, building effective coalitions, and navigating common pitfalls in organizational architecture. Develop skills to build teams, initiate cultural change, and avoid restructuring mistakes. Recognize the need for alignment and set goals for successful team building.

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Achieving Alignment Building Teams Creating Coalitions

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  1. Achieving AlignmentBuilding TeamsCreating Coalitions Debra A. Manning, MD LCDR MC USN Faculty Development Fellow

  2. Goals and Objectives • Recognize need for alignment • Develop skills to build a team • Assemble tools for coalitions

  3. Number 6 Achieving Alignment

  4. Achieving Alignment • Organizational Architecture • Common Pitfalls • Initiating Cultural Change

  5. Achieving Alignment • Organizational Architecture • Common Pitfalls • Initiating Cultural Change

  6. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure • Systems • Skills • Culture

  7. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure • Systems • Skills • Culture

  8. Organizational Architecture • Strategy -Destination & Route • Structure • Systems • Skills • Culture

  9. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure -Choose the Boat • Systems • Skills • Culture

  10. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure • Systems -Equipment needed • Skills • Culture

  11. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure • Systems • Skills – Crew Mix • Culture

  12. Organizational Architecture • Strategy • Structure • Systems • Skills • Culture -Set the environment

  13. Achieving Alignment • Organizational Architecture • Common Pitfalls • Initiating Cultural Change

  14. Common Pitfalls Trying to restructure your way out of deeper problems

  15. Common Pitfalls Creating structures that are too complex

  16. Common Pitfalls Automating problem processes

  17. Common Pitfalls Making changes for changes sake

  18. Common Pitfalls Overestimating group's capacity to absorb strategic shifts

  19. Achieving Alignment • Organizational Architecture • Common Pitfalls • Initiating Cultural Change

  20. Initiating Cultural Change

  21. Initiating Cultural Change • Change performance measures and incentives • Set up pilot projects • Bring in new people • Promote collective learning • Engage in collective visioning

  22. Number 7 Build Your Team

  23. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

  24. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

  25. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria

  26. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Competence • Judgment • Energy • Focus • Relationships • Trust

  27. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Factor in the Situation

  28. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Factor in the Situation • Asses the people

  29. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Factor in the Situation • Assess the people • Test their judgment

  30. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Factor in the Situation • Assess the people • Test their judgment • Evaluate key functional people

  31. Assessing Your Team • Establish your criteria • Factor in the Situation • Assess the people • Test their judgment • Evaluate key functional people • Assess the team as a whole

  32. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

  33. Restructuring the Team • Assign members to a category

  34. Restructuring the Team • Assign members to a category • Keep in place • Keep and develop • Move to another position • Observe for awhile • Replace (low priority) • Replace (high priority)

  35. Restructuring the Team • Assign members to a category • Consider alternatives to termination

  36. Restructuring the Team • Assign members to a category • Consider alternatives to termination • Develop backups

  37. Restructuring the Team • Assign members to a category • Consider alternatives to termination • Develop backups • Treat people respectfully

  38. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

  39. Push Tools Pull Tools Goals, Incentives & Measures Designing incentive systems

  40. Push tools Incentives Reporting System Planning Process Procedures Mission Statement Pull tools Shared Vision Teamwork Goals, Incentives & Measures

  41. Goals, Incentives & Measures • Designing incentive systems • Defining performance metrics

  42. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

  43. Establishing New Team Processes • Assess existing processes

  44. Establishing New Team Processes • Assess existing processes • Target processes for change

  45. Establishing New Team Processes • Assess existing processes • Target processes for change • Altering who participates

  46. Establishing New Team Processes • Assess existing processes • Target processes for change • Altering who participates • Managing decision making (fig 7-3) • Unilateral • Consult-and-decide • Build consensus • Unanimous

  47. Group Decision Making Unilateral Build Consensus Consult & Decide Unanimous More Leader Control Less Leader Control

  48. Establishing New Team Processes Rules of thumb • highly divisive consult & decide • need energetic support build consensus • if inexperienced team consult & decide • need to establish authority consult & decide

  49. Establishing New Team Processes Strive to run a fair process • Views have been heard and taken seriously • Give plausible rationale for why the call was made • Don’t consensus build when decision was already made

  50. Building the Team • Assessing the Team • Restructuring the Team • Incentives & Measures • Establishing New Team Processes • Avoid Common Pitfalls

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