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The Byzantine Empire

The Byzantine Empire. 330 AD – 1453 AD. Constantine’s City-- Constantinole. The Growth of Byzantine Power . Byzantine = Eastern Roman Empire 330 AD Emperor Constantine rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium and named it Constantinople Constantinople

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The Byzantine Empire

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  1. The Byzantine Empire 330 AD – 1453 AD

  2. Constantine’s City--Constantinole

  3. The Growth of Byzantine Power • Byzantine = Eastern Roman Empire • 330 AD • Emperor Constantine rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium and named it Constantinople • Constantinople • largest/most splendid of European cities during Middle Ages • Surrounded by triple wall fortification and natural barriers

  4. Baptism of Constantine Eastern Roman Empire

  5. Language and Location Byzantine Empire: Constantinople Western Europe: Rome • Greek LOCATION • Shores of the Bosporus Strait – Commanded key trade routes, busiest marketplace, linked Europe to Asia • Eastern Europe is home to many different traditions. • What does this cause? • Latin and German languages LOCATION • Western Europe, central Italy along the Tiber River

  6. Sunset on the “Golden Horn”

  7. Constantinople • Nicknamed the “New Rome” • Location made it Europe’s busiest market place • Hippodrome • Arena built in 200’s for entertainment • Hagia Sophia “Holy Wisdom” • Built during Justinian Age • Largest cathedral for 1000 yrs • Cathedral/Mosque/Museum

  8. Church of Hagia Sophia [Holy Wisdom]

  9. “Fall” of Rome Byzantine Empire Western Europe • The “new Rome” • Symbol of Roman Civilization • Byzantine Empire: Greek, Roman, and Christian influences • Change from one way of life to another • Society goes backwards

  10. Leaders after 476 AD Constantinople Roma • Justinian – determined to revive ancient Rome • Absolute power along with wife Thedora • Weak rulers after Justinian died, but empire was able to thrive because of Justinian's laws and economy • No significant strong leaders other than the Pope • Power moved to Germany • 1st “leader” was Charlemagne (800 AD)

  11. Emperor Justinian [r. 527-564]

  12. Empress Theodora

  13. Justinian’s lasting achievements • Reconquered western provinces (North Africa, Italy, and Spain) • Beautified Constantinople • Collected and revised ancient Roman laws (most important)

  14. Justinian’s Empire at its Peak

  15. Engineering an Empire: The Byzantine Empire • Justinian I – 21:00 – 24:00 Minutes • Hippodrome – 24:00 – 30:00 • Hagia Sophia – 30:00 – 36:00 • Basil II – Military and unification: 36:00 – 43:00 • http://montage.allenisd.org/SAFARI/montage/play.php?keyindex=24546

  16. Religion Byzantine Empire Western Europe • Christianity • Emperor ruled over church • Rejected Pope’s authority • Easter • Priests could marry • Schism (permanent split): Dispute over holy images, outlawed praying to images • Eastern (Greek) Orthodox • Christianity • Church is the most powerful – Papal Supremacy • Priests cannot marry • Christmas • Latin services • Schism: Pope excommunicated Byzantine Emperor • Roman Catholic

  17. Law and Order Byzantine Empire Western Europe • Justinian’s Code – “Body of civil law” • Laws passed by Roman assemblies, emperors, or judges • Passed to western Europe by 1000 AD- used by Medieval monarchs and churches • Used in international law today • Legal system evolved into “might is right” • Strongest wins (Bully System) • Laws of Rome forgotten • Feudal society

  18. Learning Byzantine Empire Western Europe • Hellenistic Culture • Greek Philosophy • Roman Law • Christian influences • Learning was not important • Church (not education) guided people

  19. Major architectural Legacy after 476 AD Byzantine Empire Western Europe • Restore Roman glory • Large domes • Marble • Mosaic • Example: Hagia Sophia (Church of Holy Wisdom), later a mosque, now a museum • Return to farms • Cities not important

  20. The Byzantine Empire • DARK AGES Video – • The Empire Strikes Back - Rise of Justinian • Plague - Fall of Byzantine Empire

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