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Poetry, Novel, Drama, and Genre in the Perspective of Comparative Poetics . Part 1 Comparison between Chinese and Western Poetry. 1 、从诗歌的历史传统来看,西方最早的诗篇是叙事诗,中国诗歌的传统以抒情诗为主; 2 、从社会文化背景来看,影响西方文学发展的三大外在因素是希腊神话、基督教教义和近代科学;中国文化建立在儒道两教的基础之上; 3 、中西诗歌的语言、形式及其美感等,因语言文学的不同而各有显著的特点:
Poetry, Novel, Drama, and Genre in the Perspective of Comparative Poetics
Part 1 Comparison between Chinese and Western Poetry 1、从诗歌的历史传统来看,西方最早的诗篇是叙事诗,中国诗歌的传统以抒情诗为主; 2、从社会文化背景来看,影响西方文学发展的三大外在因素是希腊神话、基督教教义和近代科学;中国文化建立在儒道两教的基础之上; 3、中西诗歌的语言、形式及其美感等,因语言文学的不同而各有显著的特点: 总之,中西诗歌的上述基本特点,是由中西传统、文化背景、语言文字等多方面差别形成的。这些因素彼此相连,不可截然分开。
Part 2 Comparison between Chinese and Western fictions 一、叙事问题的分类: 从发展渊源来看,叙事文体可以划分为四类: 二、中西小说的相同点: 1、中西小说的形成过程: 2. 立足于现实生活的虚构; 3、与传奇有不可分割的关系: 4、与商业文化的发展、城市的兴起密不可分:
Western fictions • Adventure novel • Comic novel • Crime fiction • Detective fiction • Fantasy (for more details see Fantasy subgenres; fantasy literature) • Gothic fiction (initially synonymous with horror) • Historical fiction • Horror • Medical novel • Mystery fiction • Philosophical novel • Political fiction • Romance novel • Historical romance • Saga, Family Saga • Satire • Science fiction (for more details see Science fiction genre) • Slave narrative • Stream of consciousness • Thriller • Conspiracy fiction • Legal thriller • Psychological thriller • Spy fiction/Political thriller • Tragedy
三、The differences between Chinese and Western fictions 1、different structures 2、different point of views 3、different methods of description of characters
Part 3 Comparison between Chinese and Western dramas 中西戏剧的差别: 1、从文体渊源发展来看:欧洲叙事文体——史诗是最早的文学样式;中国戏剧、从简单情节的歌舞表演发展而成,其文学剧本有的是从其他文体演变而来的。 2、戏剧总是必须具有一种矛盾,形成冲突并导致高潮。西方戏剧的重点在于“意志的冲突”;中国戏剧的重点落在抒情上。 3、与冲突一起出现的是高潮的起落。西方戏剧的观众由于不知而期待;中国戏剧的观众由于已知而期待。 4、关于戏剧结构的不同:西方戏剧是网状结构;中国戏剧是线状结构。 5、关于虚拟与写实的不同:西方戏剧恪守“真实显现生活”的原则;中国戏剧具有“涵虚性”
Part 4 Literary genres 一、文类学(文体学、风格学、体裁学): A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. Genre should not be confused with age category, by which literature may be classified as either adult, young-adult, or children's. The distinctions between genres and categories are flexible and loosely defined, often with subgroups. 二、文类学的研究对象: 按组织和结构所形成的特殊的文学形态来分类。 The most general genres in literature are (in loose chronological order) epic, tragedy,comedy, novel, short story, and creative nonfiction. They can all be in the genres prose or poetry, which shows best how loosely genres are defined. Additionally, a genre such as satire, allegory or pastoral might appear in any of the above, not only as a sub-genre, but as a mixture of genres. Finally, they are defined by the general cultural movement of the historical period in which they were composed. The concept of "genre" has been criticized by Jacques Derrida
List of literary genres • Autobiography, Memoir, Spiritual autobiography • Biography • Diaries and Journals • Electronic literature • Erotic literature • Essay • Fable, Fairy tale, Folklore • Fiction • Short Story
Part 5 Genre criticism In rhetorical studies, genre theory provides a means to classify and compare artifacts of communication and to assess their effectiveness and/or contribution to a community. By grouping artifacts with others of similar formal features or rhetorical exigencies, rhetorical critics can shed light on how authors use or flout conventions in order to meet their needs. While genres have been used to classify speeches and works of literature since the time of Aristotle, genre didn’t emerge as a critical tool to describe and analyze texts until the twentieth century.
Since then, genre criticism has taken three turns. The first turn, represented by Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, among others, focused on the formal features of communication. The second turn, represented by Carolyn Miller, among others, focused on recurring socio-cultural circumstances. In the latest turn, critics have begun applying formalist and socio-cultural concepts to new media artifacts that tend to resist classification in traditional genre categories.
Recently scholars and researchers in rhetoric, linguistics, and information sciences have begun to explore the relationships between new media and socio-contextual genre theories (like those of Carolyn Miller, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Charles Bazerman). These researchers have expressed concerns about the appropriateness of traditional genre theory for new media communication. Some scholars have argued that since genre theory was originally developed to describe written texts, the theory needs to be modified to account for nonlinguistic communication.
Questions for discussion • 中西悲剧观的有何不同?试结合具体的作品分析。
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