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Landsliding Mechanics and Analysis: Understanding Types, Probability, and Management

This schedule outlines topics for a class exam covering landsliding mechanics, types, sensitivity, probability, and management. Learn about deep-seated vs. shallow landslides, factors of safety, stability calculations, and modeling soil saturation. Get hands-on with computational processes and practical solutions for uncertain parameters. Explore hazard mapping and consequences of management decisions with real-life examples.

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Landsliding Mechanics and Analysis: Understanding Types, Probability, and Management

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  2. OUTLINE In Class Exam 2 Landsliding • Types • Mechanics • Sensitivity • Probability

  3. MIDTERM 2a • Mean: 14.4 • Range: 5-30.5 • Class performance is now where previous classes were by finals

  4. MIDTERM 2a Which is most difficult? 1/4 description 1/4 coverages 1/4 functions 1/4 code

  5. Landslide Type: Deep-Seated Large Gradual Lithologic Control Groundwater Control

  6. Landslide Type: Shallow Rapid Small Rapid Root Control Saturation Control

  7. Landslide Mechanics Factor of Safety: Ratio of Forces FS=resisting/initiating FS<1: landslide FS>1: no landslide

  8. Landslide Mechanics qo is the surcharging weight of the vegetation is the angle of the slope is the friction angle of the soil C is the soil cohesion Cr is the root reinforcement h is the soil thickness z is the saturated thickness gw is the unit weight of water gsis the unit weight of saturated soil

  9. Stability Calculation slope_grid q0_grid z phi_grid gw Cr_grid gs_grid h_grid C_grid FS_grid

  10. Computational Process literature Stand cover dem Soil cover Grids of Slope, Cohesion, friction... FS_grid

  11. Example Using q0=10-40 psf C=0 psf Cr=100-200psf phi=35-40 deg gs=150 pcf gw=72 pcf

  12. Problem 1: Equation usually doesn’t predict cells that slid, but predicts sliding in cells that didn’t. Reasons: • uncertainty in parameters • uncertainty in process Solution: Pseudo probability: • FS is only correlated with landsliding

  13. Problem 2: Parameters are uncertain/variable Solution: • Model uncertainty in each parameter, i.e. Cohesion might be within range (3-10 kPa) 1. Choose a value for each parameter 2. Calculate FS 3. Repeat 4. Calculate fraction of times FS<1

  14. Problem 3: How do you model soil saturation? Solution: • Assume steady state rainfall Qin=Qout q*w*d=P*fa Pc=dc*(qw)/fa where dc is the critical value of z that makes FS=1 z>h :never slides z<0 :always slides

  15. Problem 4: Isn’t this all too complicated to use? Solution: • Map hazard ratings (low/moderate/high)

  16. Problem 5: What are the consequences of management? Solution: • Observe fraction cells that slid with each mgt • Assume similar fraction for future mgt • Map/calculate resulting landsliding

  17. Example If we map the topography as high/mod/low And map management as road/cut/none We can make a 3x3 table of hazard/mgt We can calculate fraction of cells in each zone that have slid We can ‘what if’ on other road & harvest plans

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