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Welcome to the Year One parent information meeting! Meet the teaching team and learn about the daily routine, phonics, reading, writing, math, and foundation subjects. Get practical information and stay involved with home learning.
Welcome to Year One Parent Information Meeting September 2019
Meet the Team Octopus Class Mr Swift, Mrs Clemoand Miss Connolly Seahorse Class Miss Webb (M+Tu) Mrs Laird (W-F) and Mrs Arkell Lobster Class Miss Goddard and Mrs Evans Turtle Class Mrs Beynon (M-W), Mrs Noble (Th+F) and Mrs Dessurne
Daily Routine 8:45 – 8:55 Children come in independently / Self Registration 8:55 – 9:30 Wave Time / 1:1 Readers 9:30 – 9:45 Subject Input (Carpet Time) 9:45 – 11:40Subject Work / Crew Challenges 11:40 – 12:00 Phonics 12:00 – 12:10 Story / Ready for Lunch 12:10 – 1:10 Lunch
Daily Routine 1:10 – 2:30Foundation Subject 2:30 – 2:45 Handwriting / Maths Marines 2:45 – 3:05 Assembly 3:05 – 3:15 Story / Ready for Home
Phonics Letters and Sounds programme. Fluency in the recall of sound patterns and can identify them in words, for example car, light, dear, blue. Statutory Phonics test in the Summer Term.
Reading Year 1 use the same reading scheme as Reception, working through the book colour bands. In your child’s reading folder, there will be a reading book and a green reading diary. Please write in it whenever you read with your child and don’t forget about the Reading Challenge!
Reading Your child will read to an adult in the class, at least once a week. Every morning your child is encouraged to change their reading book independently.
Dory’s Wavy Words We are continuing on with Dory’s Wavy Words. Children should learn to read and spell these words correctly. Please support your child spelling these words at home. Friday Quiz
Library Your child will visit the library every week. Monday – Turtles and Octopus Wednesday – Seahorses and Lobsters
Writing Your child will learn to write in the style of a variety of genres, linking to our topics. Fiction and Non-Fiction writing. Talk for writing. Oral stories. Expectations of writing: Capital letters Full stops Word spaces Conjunctions to extend sentences Spelling of Dory Words
Handwriting Pencil Grip Focusing on good letter formation Developing on to lead outs to begin to join letters
Maths Maths Coverage: Number – finding one more, one less, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Place Value – counting and reading up to 100 Addition – number bonds to 20 Subtraction – subtraction facts to 20 Multiplication / Division Problem Solving 2D / 3D Shape Time Money Length / Weight Fractions
Foundation Subjects Year 1 children are taught foundation subjects: Computing, Science, Design and Technology, Art, Music, History, PE, RE, Geography, PHSE, SMSC. We cover these subjects through our topics and Crew Challenges, or as separate lessons in the afternoon. We make as many cross curricular links as possible to English and Maths. We strive to make learning fun and exciting for the children, with real and imaginary contexts.
Crew Challenges In Year 1, the children’s continuous provision and independent learning time are called Crew Challenges. During this time, they have challenges set by the adults to complete each week, which consolidate previous learning. The challenges will be set and explained on Monday and the children have to show their completed challenges by Friday.
P.E. P.E. takes place at least once a week P.E. specialists work with the children throughout the year. Please ensure your child has a full, named P.E. kit including a t-shirt, shorts, plimsolls or trainers. At the end of every half term we send the kits home to be washed. Earrings should be taken out or taped over and long hair must be tied back please.
Outside Area Children have access to the Outside Area throughout the day. An adult is always there to supervise and enhance learning. Don’t forget to send in named wellie boots if you haven’t already as the children love the Digging Area. Forest Friends
Spotlight • Throughout the year, every child will be chosen to share photos and objects from home with the class. • Letter • Spotlight Book • What to bring?
Home Learning Sent out on a Thursday and returned on the following Tuesday Please always check the ‘Due In’ date Home learning will consist of a variety of open ended activities from different curriculum areas. Please feel free to adapt as necessary to your child’s ability. Additionally, please look out for specific activities based on Phonics, Spellings, Mental Maths and Handwriting. Please feel free to write a comment in the ‘Parent’s Comment Box’ and we will respond.
Practical Information Please name everything! Also, remember to check your child’s jumper and water bottle each week to make sure their name is still visible. Again with increasing independence and gentle daily reminders, it will become your child’s responsibility to look after their belongings and remember them at home time. Children are provided with a healthy snack each morning, so there is no need to provide this. Milk Clubs Trips / Visitors Rewards – CREW Stamps/Certificates, Flying High, Class Treat, CREW Member, Charter Champion, Treasure Chest.
Thank You Any questions?