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Kingfisher Daycare Parent survey carried out June-July 2013

Kingfisher Daycare Parent survey carried out June-July 2013 . Analysis, report and action plan . Aims and outcomes from 2013. Staff have a good understanding of key person roles and responsibilities A training session and discussions in 1-1 meetings have taken place

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Kingfisher Daycare Parent survey carried out June-July 2013

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  1. Kingfisher Daycare Parent survey carried out June-July 2013

    Analysis, report and action plan
  2. Aims and outcomes from 2013 Staff have a good understanding of key person roles and responsibilities A training session and discussions in 1-1 meetings have taken place Parents are aware of which staff are working in each room every day A staff In / out board was created. Parents and children to feel welcome and informed at all times Staff training on customer service took place during training day. To ensure all families have appropriate access to the centre Security and accessibility – more intercoms were fitted To ensure that all record are kept up to date Assessment and moderation of all children's records by senior members of the team has taken place.
  3. Questionnaires sent out We sent out a total of 44 questionnaires with 28 being returned.
  4. The welcome you and your child received when you first came to the centre Comments: I like how they all ask about___’s wellbeing when we come in. We received a warm and friendly welcome with the staff being confident and very professional. Very pleasant and although we had been to the centre as a family before, we were still shown around and talked to as if it was the first time. Staff made me and my daughter feel very comfortable and happy We were very familiar with the centre as we had visited daycare before with a friend and their child. I was very impressed that staff came to our home first to get him used to them. Very bright and welcoming I myself was very nervous about putting my daughter into daycare due to the fact I had lost a child in the past. I’m very protective, but the staff were very understanding and reassuring . This is a very good unit. You welcomed me and my child with open arms. Taking time to find out what was important to us both. We had the impression of clean, child centred surroundings and a friendly, enthusiastic team. Made __ feel welcome which encouraged him to go I recall being very impressed with the level of information given. Very warm and friendly welcome, especially from Sarah. Action: To continue to provide a warm and friendly welcome for all at the centre.
  5. The information you received about the Daycare I feel well informed about everything that is happening Very good and informative I felt that I had all the information I required I remember being very impressed by the level of information given. Nice to have a folder with info in. Given a copy of routine on asking it might have been good to have this with into folder. Action To give out a copy of the daily routine with all other introduction information
  6. The security of the Daycare Key fob and security code feel secure I am happy with the level of security at Kingfisher Nursery. My only concern is the frequency of the change of number to gain access.- I’d like it to be changed more frequently. Reassured by the secure areas in Daycare and staff’s knowledge of parents coming in and out. It probably doesn’t matter but the code hasn’t changed for a while. The centre is very safe and security conscious. Excellent updated as and when required. I do think codes and fobs are a good idea but should be issued to all regardless of payment. On the whole I feel my daughter is in a safe unit. The key fobs and codes are great it helps me feel my child is safe. Could change the codes more often? Seems like a long time Like the key fobs, feels safe. Very secure many steps in place. Action: To change the door codes 3 times per year.
  7. Your first viewing of the Daycare and verbal information received and your questions answered All staff are friendly and helpful ready to go out of their way for my child. Like I said earlier I was very nervous due to circumstances and all staff answered every question and very reassuring. It was very good and they were very informative. Our guided tour was excellent and all our questions were answered. Welcoming, warm and friendly. Very comprehensive introduction. This was very good and very welcoming and not sure what extra you could do. Action: To continue providing high quality show rounds for families
  8. The settling in arrangements for you and your child I like how the children can access the toys they want when they visit. ____had an excellent start because of the staff. I felt at ease leaving her and I knew she would be happy. Very accommodating and understanding as the planned visits were hijacked by diarrhoea!! Excellent Everything went so well. All staff were there for my child and myself. Quickly achieved and geared to child’s needs as well as parents. These are very thorough. Action To continue to offer and encourage home visits for all familiesand to provide the appropriate number of visits needed by individual families
  9. The welcome you and your child receive when you arrive at each session Again everything was fantastic- I could not have wished for better for my son or myself. Very friendly and chatty which I like. Although not a regular occurrence the non Kingfisher staff may not recognise/greet us. This is not against all other staff in the room but a couple of staff. Very warm and welcoming Always welcoming and pleased to see us Always smiling and greet ___ by name. Always very welcoming, asking how ___ has been the night before etc. Staff are always positive and welcoming. It is really nice to know what she has been doing and I believe staff convey this well. They always talk to me about what happened during the day so I'm not just reading from a sheet. My daughter loves the attention she gets every morning when she enters the nursery. Every staff member loves ___ and they always ask how she is doing. Friendly atmosphere, welcoming Excellent as ___ doesn’t like to go but once there and I've gone he doesn’t want to come home. Everyone is always friendly and happy to see you. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Action: to ensure that staff across the centre are all trained in welcoming parents and understand the importance of this.
  10. The feedback you are given about your child’s day I find the form helpful, however I can read it myself so would rather have a chat about the day than reading the form together. They talk to me face to face about my child’s day. Instead of looking on the day sheet. Very detailed and informative They always talk to me about what happened during the day so I'm not just reading from a sheet. Brilliant I always get feedback about’ ___s day unless I am in a rush. It is usually more in-depth than what is on the sheet. We enjoy reading the ‘school reports’ and we are keeping them all for his first year. Very good It is great to have both written and verbal feedback from the day Verbal and written feedback is great. Day sheet filled in with everything I need to know. Always good feedback and some days Outstanding when very insightful comments given. Action To ensure key persons discuss with individual families what information they would like to receive about their child's day and how they would like this.
  11. The teams understanding of your child’s personality and development needs They have worked out what my child likes to do and have gone all out to cater for his needs Cannot rate this as of now. will comment on it once ___ spends some more time in Daycare. Excellent As a result of their efforts we have a very happy little boy who is developing well. Some members of staff know ___ as well as me. Fantastic! I’m always impressed with how well the staff know my daughter, her personality and developmental needs. Key worker is brilliant- very close bond and very clear understanding of my child’s needs. Nicely evidenced by the keyworker report/ observation. Good understanding
  12. The support and understanding given to you as a parent from the team Great understanding of dealing with new sibling, always supportive when asked. Jean is always willing to discuss any concerns I might have about ___. If I have ever had a problem or query my question is answered/ addressed immediately All the staff are friendly/ helpful. They all care a lot about the children- shown in our 2 recent bouts of illness. On more than one occasion I have been in tears and staff have always been there with a smile and a friendly word and a cup of coffee. If I have any queries I will always ask if the key person is unsure they point me in the right direction. Staff always communicate well and I feel happy as a parent Jean is like a mother to me and my kids, she is always there to offer help.
  13. How any special requests/ requirements are managed by the team She had a requirement that needed special understanding- I felt this was dealt with very well. The staff are very patient and professional with our many requests, I appreciate this! Have not had any yet but I am sure they will be handled very well. So far excellent- always able to accommodate last minute requests and extra sessions due to work demands of parents Cleaning teeth at home was an issue but daycare said they would help. The blue group team are excellent. They make ___’s day at the Nursery a pleasure. Some of the other teachers in the room are loving and approachable. Not had much to ask therefore can not fully comment. N/A but am sure it would be good/ Outstanding Action We will continue to listen to families and respond to their requests wherever appropriate for their child and in their best interest.
  14. The accessibility of your child’s records for you I can always access these. Always accessible Easy to access and understand I have seen them and know I can always ask again. We like the fact we can grab them whenever we like- particularly for grandparents ‘visits’ It would be good if we are told when there is significant new updates to see in the records. Easily accessible if needed. Always available Action: Key person to ensure that parents are told about monthly updates.
  15. Information given by key person of how observations and record keeping are used to plan for your child’s interests and needs Frequent, up to date and informative. Very informative Katherine gives clear information at our meetings and updates in between when she notices things. Shauni does a really professional job whilst being approachable, professional and fun. Hannah is fantastic Lovely to have clear documentation and photos, great documentation linked to EYFS This seems very well thought out and communicated. Action
  16. The effectiveness of promoting equality and diversity within the setting Great -I have observed this Good to see___ getting involved in other Good to see ___ getting involved in other festival/ celebrations etc. even at a young age. No experience of this cant answer but I am sure it is great. Clear diversity, great learning experience. Action:
  17. The effectiveness of engagement with parents Liz, Marie and Kalpana are extremely engaging. They are friendly, approachable and they know everything that ___ has done. Get along very well with the staff and always happily talk to me. The staff always have time for me and it’s a pleasure to talk to them about my child. It is wonderful, from time to time to get a call and be invited to join the group at the park etc. Brilliant! This has improved with more social activity with parents Parent’s evening type sessions are very well delivered. Action
  18. The extent to which your child achieves and enjoys their time at the setting I have felt that the staff have understood and encouraged my daughters progress. All of the Duckling staff look after ___ very well and she enjoys going to nursery. She absolutely loves it. ___ loves nursery and is learning well. I do feel that she hasn’t progressed as much as last year when she had more friends her age. She was writing her name very well and now she can’t. He has grown up so much in the short time he has been there. He has built his confidence and he is now walking and talking well. ___ has a wonderful time each and every time he is in daycare. ___ always loves to stay longer at Nursery- no bigger compliment than that!! Lots of friends, play learning and fun. Seems to really enjoy their time. ___ really enjoys his time, although not sure he achieves much – but he is only in 1 ½ days which makes this hard. Learnt to share, make friends, use a knife and fork at the table. Action To continue to provide an environment where the children like to spend their time.
  19. The extent to which your child feels safe in our care I never worry about my child’s safety I have no problem about my child’s safety, cause every time I drop her off I know that she is in good hands. Very safe He loves coming to nursery He feels secure with the adults he has built up relationships with. Always seems happy at the end of the day. Action To continue to provide an environment where the children feel safe and secure and know that we are here to help and support them. Address any individual concerns raised by parents
  20. The extent to which we promote a healthy lifestyle They always encourage ___ to eat or try fruit or veg which has helped at home too as she sometimes eats different at home to nursery and vice versa. Staff use different activities to encourage exercise . The food is healthy and she loves it. Now ___ enjoys eating fruits she never liked them before. Exercise is great. Variety of menu not great and also frequency at which it changes not often. My daughter loves the food and its very healthy. I appreciate that the kids can play outdoors no matter what the weather. Lots of fruit He eats a lot and runs around a lot – what more can I say ?!!!  I’m not sure how healthy food are promoted, although I sense that this is the case. Excellent playground – see children outside a lot unable to comment re amount of exercise as not seen. Great menus and always have feedback about how much child can eat. This is the only place ___ eats well despite my best efforts and she is always happy in the garden. Action: To put up boards about healthy eating for parents To continue cooking and creating healthy eating recipes with the children, ensuring that parents have access to these.
  21. The extent the children develop skills for the future ___ is learning very quickly about dressing himself and asking for help with things (or bossing us around!) Have noticed increased independence and social manners It is too early to comment. Feels like early days with ___, but I am confident this will progress well. He is developing so well ___ is very confident now and she likes to do things on her own. ___ has lots of respect for the staff, she is very confident and Liz has mentioned on a number of occasions what good manners she has. Action
  22. The overall care and education provided for your child Excellent I would definitely recommend ( and have already done so) CC to all my friends / colleagues. Thank you Delighted with a thoroughly caring service and would very much recommend. Overall good/ Outstanding really pleased with the care you offer Outstanding setting for all families Overall care is Outstanding – we are very happy. Outstanding! Very educational I am very pleased with the care __ receives. ___ loves nursery and has been given the help and encouragement she needs for the start of school. Action: To explain to parents why we are unable to offer term only contracts to the younger children and why we charge for bank holidays
  23. Do you know who your child’s key person is?
  24. Do you know what to do if you wish to raise a concern, complain or compliment?
  25. Additional Comments More than happy with ____’s care Thanks to all the team ___ loves it and we love it too. ____loves to come to Kingfisher and really enjoys her time there. She will often come home and explain her day and mention the staff who we all get on very well with. it’s really nice to leave your child and feel comfortable and happy knowing that they are comfortable and happy too. I am and always have felt really happy with the service at Kingfisher. All the staff are welcoming and know ___. This makes me feel that she is well cared for. I honestly could not pick any fault with the care my daughter has received. I feel she is happy and making progress. I am sad to be leaving Kingfisher my 3 children have enjoyed themselves, the staff are always smiling and happy no matter what. Thank you so much you have given me the confidence that my child is in a safe and happy environment and that I fee that I am happy to leave him. Thanks also for your care of me that you are willing to support me as to grow and learn to be a good parent. We are very happy with the overall services provided by daycare and the centre as a whole. All the staff are friendly, caring and helpful with any queries and we have built up good relationships with those we have regular contact with. we will be sad that ___ will no longer have Katherine as his key person when he moves up to Goslings as she has been a really excellent carer for him and he is very fond of her. This has given him more confidence and inevitably helped him to settle in so nicely. All the other staff in Ducklings have also been superb since ___started. Thank you to everyone- it makes our days at work much easier knowing ___is happy, safe and in such good hands!
  26. Additional Comments Excellent no issues at all I am 100% happy with every aspect of the care received, and very happy that we chose this nursery. Everyone is always cheerful and caring. In particular we are impressed with all the events put on for children and parent’s. A special thanks to Liz, Kalpana and Marie for making ___’s time in nursery a memorable one. They are very competent and I cant expect a better team to take care of children. Although I haven't known Marie for long, she is very friendly and explains how ___spent her day well. She also gives me sound advice if needed for ___. ___says she wants to go to nursery over the weekends as well, so it is like a second home. Thanks again to all other teachers as well. I have a very happy child at the nursery and the particularly valuable part of daycare for me is that she is cared for very well- That’s all you can ask for as a parent. As well as this, its reassuring to know that staff are valued, qualified and treated well. Thanks to all for doing such a wonderful job. We love the nursery, we have experienced quite a number of nurseries whilst ___ has grown up and this is by far our favourite. It has such a warm and friendly environment. Our first look around with Sarah gave us such a positive experience and Sarah’s welcoming attitude made the nursery our front runner. Later meeting Jean and all other staff has further strengthened our feeling of warmth and friendliness from the nursery. V. happy with all the preparations for going to school. ___ is extremely excited about it mostly due to staff efforts at the centre.
  27. Additional Comments ___ has settled in well and seems happy in his room and with his main carers. I am taking him out of daycare for the duration of the school holidays and hope to get a place for him again in September. It is a shame that there isn't an option a to have a place during term time only- I for one cannot afford to pay for periods of extended absence or during the summer holidays and it would be good to have that flexibility in the contractual arrangements. I also feel (though it doesn’t affect me at the moment) that bank holidays should not be chargeable it seems gratuitous to charge for these. More than happy with ___ care. Very happy with the level of care – Excellent. Staff are always happy to help and children looked after well ___ loves and enjoys his time at Kingfisher Daycare. His development whilst in the Gosling room is OUTSTANDING and as parents we are completely satisfied. He also has a fantastic relationship with his key person Sarah as well as the other team members in the room. ___ loves it and we love it too.
  28. Analysis All actions from 2012 survey have been completed. A high percentage of returned surveys At least 94% of returns rated us as good or outstanding in all areas. In 17 out of 19 statements 100% of parents thought we are good or outstanding 100% of parents know who their child’s key person is.
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