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QRCA Membership Survey Conducted July 2013. Report Written September 2013 by Jane Mount and Nancy Hardwick. Objectives & Methodology. 2. Objectives.
QRCA Membership SurveyConducted July 2013 Report Written September 2013 by Jane Mount and Nancy Hardwick
Objectives • In order to maximize interest in QRCA, as well as to focus on the services most valuable to members, QRCA leadership routinely surveys its members to: • Understand QRCA Membership attitudes toward QRCA • Understand their expectations from the organization • Measure usage of products and services offered by QRCA • Determine the level of satisfaction with these products and services • Inquire of membership how to maximize its experience with the association • This member survey was last conducted in 2008 3
Methodology • An online survey was conducted from June 27 to July 27 2013, using SurveyMonkey software • QRCA members worldwide were invited to participate via email, and reminder emails were sent. Invitations to complete the survey were posted on LinkedIn and the QRCA Forum. A note was also placed in NewsBites • 768 members were invited to participate, with 415 completing the survey for a 54% response rate • Those who completed the survey were entered into a drawing for a free year of membership 4
Overall Satisfaction with QRCA • Overall satisfaction is relatively strong for QRCA, with almost three-quarters of members giving their membership a top 2 box rating Average Rating 4.0 • Newer members (1-3 years) as compared to more established members give the association significantly lower ratings overall • Men give significantly lower top 2 box ratings overall (63% vs. 77% women) • Those who participated in SIGs are significantly more satisfied (4.3 vs. 3.9 avg.) • Not surprisingly, those who are less likely to renew have significantly lower satisfaction than others 6 • Q24. Overall, how satisfied are you with your QRCA membership? Are you…. (n=403) “Top two box” is a rating of 4 or 5 on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the best.
Renewal Intentions • The strong levels of satisfaction seen in the previous slide link to strong renewal intentions. More than eighty percent of current members are likely to renew next year 84% Average Rating 4.4 • Men are significantly less likely to renew than are women (75% vs. 87% top 2 box) • New members (1-3 yrs.) are significantly less likely to renew than established members (4.0 vs. 4.5 avg. rating) • SIG participants are significantly more likely to renew than others (4.6 vs. 4.2 avg. rating) 7 • Q25. How likely are you to renew your membership next year (2014)? (n=403)
Reasons for Renewal Hesitancy • Those who definitely won’t renew (3%) or are hesitant about renewing (13%) are clearly questioning the value of their membership • When reading the open-ended comments, additional nuances were uncovered • Several indicated they were retiring or leaving the profession • Some noted they have not been able to participate in events due to their schedule • Others noted they have not expanded their knowledge or network or have not obtained business • Many feel they are generally not getting enough out of their membership; some note the lack of proximity to meetings as an issue • Expense is noted as a reason by almost one in five • Some raised concerns about the proposed membership expansion 8 • Q26. Why are you not likely to renew your QRCA membership? (n=14) • Q27. Why are you not certain whether or not you will renew your QRCA member ship next year? (n=51)
Reasons for Renewal Hesitancy • Some comments from members regarding their uncertainty about renewing their membership: “…The only real benefit I get from my QRCA membership is an ability to say I'm a QRCA member. Originally, I also regarded it as a benefit that my contact info would be searchable on the QRCA website by someone looking for potential supplier, but social media has made this one easy to accomplish elsewhere. …” “Not certain of the value. Now that I know there are more offerings, I will seek them out -- they haven't really been apparent to me. When I understand the value better -- I may be more certain of my intent to renew.” “I haven't been fully engaged during my first year. It feels like a smart professional move to be a member, but I haven't made any strong connections, and can't say i have a full understanding or strong feeling about what the benefits of membership truly are.” “I've been too busy to attend my local chapter events and I'm not sure I want to go to this year's conference. Those two are the most important aspects of my membership so without being able to participate, I'm not sure why I'd renew.” “There is not much for members living in other countries. More could be done online and to vary the times so we don't always have to get up at 3am to join in.” 9 • Q26. Why are you not likely to renew your QRCA membership? (n=14) • Q27. Why are you not certain whether or not you will renew your QRCA member ship next year? (n=51)
Top Three Membership Benefits Significantly more likely to be important to those newer in their research career (<10 years) Significantly more likely to be important to those very established in their career (21+ years) 10 • Q2: Please choose the three benefits of QRCA membership that are most important to you. (n=414)
Member Satisfaction with QRCA • Those who are satisfied with the benefits of QRCA membership are significantly more likely to renew their membership Top 3 most important benefits are among the highest rated for satisfaction 11 • Q3: Please rate how satisfied you are with QRCA for fulfilling your needs for the following benefits of membership.5-pt. scale (n=415)
Member Satisfaction with QRCA (Continued) Top two box % • When compared to long-tenured members, new members report significantly lower levels of satisfaction across a number of association benefits – particularly those associated with participation and professional connections • Older members (61+) and younger members (25-44) are significantly more likely to be satisfied with the benefit of “having a sense of belonging or affinity with a professional organization” than their middle age counterparts 12 • Q3: Please rate how satisfied you are with QRCA for fulfilling your needs for the following benefits of membership. (n=415) • Circled number is significantly different than the underlined number.
Member Satisfaction with QRCA (Continued) • Women report significantly higher levels of satisfaction versus men on all but one membership benefit • Chapter members award significantly higher ratings than non-members to: • Professional contact with others • Having a sense of belonging • Social contact • Participating in a chapter • Volunteering with QRCA 13 • Q3: Please rate how satisfied you are with QRCA for fulfilling your needs for the following benefits of membership. (n=415) • Circled number is significantly different than the underlined number.
How to Make QRCA More Valuable • Respondents offered a variety of suggestions to make QRCA more valuable – which range from getting more involved to improving online offerings Researchers who are early in their careers (<10 years), want to get involved, noting that above all other suggestions (19%) 14 • Q28. What one thing could QRCA do to make your membership more valuable? (n=337)
Imagery – How do Members View QRCA? • Members were asked to select the image that most represents how they feel about QRCA 15 • Q4: Please look at the following nine images and select the one that most represents how you feel about QRCA. ( n=415)
QRCA Imagery Most Reflective of QRCA • K = 33% • N = 7% • C = 25% • R = 9% • Q = 7% • H = 7% L = 2% • S = 6% • P = 5% 16 • Q5: Which image did you select? (n=411)
Reasons For Selection – Selected Responses • K = 33% • C = 25% 17 • Q6: How does this image most represent how you feel about QRCA? (n=411)
Positive Themes • A path, bridge to learning • On a journey, professional journey • Part of a group heading in one direction/like minded people • Looking ahead, seeking more, new trends in the industry • Exploration into the to unknown, new advancements, keeps me up to date • Looking closer, deeper, inquisitive, always learning • Happy, excited, inspired • The benefits are a gift, a gift to myself • Connections to colleagues, supportive • Fluid, flowing, dynamic, flexible • Welcoming , supportive organization • Refreshing, invigorating, new ideas forming, new perspectives 18 • Q6: How does this image most represent how you feel about QRCA? (n=411)
Negative Themes • Seeing it all from afar, looking in from the outside • Hard to access benefits due to my geographic location, where meetings are held, my schedule • I feel I’m not as involved as I should be, not taking full advantage of what is offered • Clients have no clue who we are or what we do • QRCA looks nice but is not accessible, doesn’t offer support, needs to improve • Current benefits do not meet my needs, are not in my area of concentration or interest, not in-depth enough, not cutting edge enough • Can’t get to events due to their geographic location or timing • Our chapter is floating, unsupported • Hard to log in and access the forum, can’t find what I want on the website • Possible membership change is disappointing • “Expanding the membership is the last straw in gutting the historical role/positioning of the organization. I don’t plan to renew my membership.” 19 • Q6: How does this image most represent how you feel about QRCA? (n=411)
Chapters, Groups and CommitteesAwareness, Affiliation and Participation 20
Participation in the QRCA Organization • Those highly satisfied with their QRCA membership are also significantly more likely to be involved in most of these activities More than two-thirds of QRCA members have attended a conference in the last five years A minority have volunteered for writing, presenting or leadership/ committee/task force roles within QRCA. Participation in these areas increases with membership tenure 21 Q15: In the past five years have you… (n=408)
Value of QRCA Services/Products • Used and valuable • Views • QRCA website • Annual Conference, • Connections • Qcast webinars • Suffering from low awareness and usage • On-demand educational videos • Discounts • Professional competencies documents • Joint AQR/QRCA conference • Views Podcasts 22 Q16: For each listed QRCA service/product, please indicate if you have used it and found it to be valuable. (n=404)
Value of QRCA Services/Products • Much of the lack of awareness in these products or services traces to new members. Their lack of awareness of many of these services is striking 23 Q16: For each listed QRCA service/product, please indicate if you have used it and found it to be valuable. (n=404)
Chapter Affiliation and Attendance • Although led by members from the Metro NY and Chicago chapters, survey respondents represent a wide range of QRCA chapter groups • Among those belonging to a geographically based chapter, moderate participation in chapter meetings is reported: • 25% of respondents attended most or all of their Chapter’s meetings • 38% attended some of their Chapter’s meetings • 36% attended none of their Chapter’s meetings • Few (10%) have attended a meeting at a chapter that is not their own 24 • Q7: Which of the following have you chosen as your “Home” Chapter? (n=411) Q8: In the past year did you attend… (n=355); Q11. Excluding virtual chapter events, in the past year, have you attended a chapter meeting at another chapter that’s not your own? (n=408)
In-Person Chapter Meeting Satisfaction • Those who have attended in-person chapter meetings report relatively high levels of satisfaction (83% top 2 box) • Reasons for satisfaction focus on the quality and breadth of the learning opportunities available as well as the opportunity to connect collegially with other members “Good range of topics, great presenters, the opportunity to mingle with colleagues after the fact. I learned something each time. Well done.” • Reasons for dissatisfaction focus primarily on meeting content and location “Location is bit far and topics/speakers haven't been all that compelling.” 25 • Q9: How satisfied are you with the meetings held by your Chapter in the past year? (n=224)
In-Person Chapter Meeting Suggestions • Those attending their local chapter meeting shared some areas they would like to see improved • Speakers • Fresh speakers, new ideas, better topics, not the same old topics/speakers • In-person presenters rather than watching Focus Vision or Ted Talk videos • Strong leadership • More meetings/more active chapter • No regular schedule • Wish more people would attend • Support for chapters just starting or in need of revival 26 • Q9b: Why do you feel that way? (n=224)
Virtual Chapter Attendance/Satisfaction • Virtual chapter members are less likely to attend most or all chapter meetings than their geography-based counterparts • 21% attended most or all of their meetings • 39% attended some of their meetings • 34% attended none of their meetings • Virtual chapter members are less satisfied with their meetings; with only 40% awarding a top two box rating • 41% of virtual chapter members have not attended meetings, therefore are unable to rate their level of satisfaction • Virtual Chapter members would like more interaction during Chapter meetings and more communication between meetings Although not included in the attendance/satisfaction stats, 20% of geography-based chapter members have attended a Virtual Chapter meeting. 27 • Q10a. In the past year did you attend…(n=37) Q9: How satisfied are you with the meetings held by your Chapter in the past year? 5 point scale (n=37)
SIG Awareness and Participation • Awareness of the six QRCA SIGs (Special Interest Groups) is only moderate • 35% are aware of all six SIGs • 46% are aware of some of these SIGs • 19% are not aware of any of these SIGs • Those who have been QRCA members for 1-3 years are significantly less likely to be aware of any of the SIGs (32% recall none) • Those most satisfied with their membership are significantly more likely to be aware of and participate in SIGs • In line with these moderate levels of awareness, we see reported participation in SIG events to also be relatively low • They are more likely to attract females (43% vs. 25% males) 28 • Q12: QRCA has six Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Are you aware of… (n=408) Q13: In the past year have you participated in any SIG meetings/events? (n=332)
SIG Meeting Satisfaction • Those who have attended SIG meetings/events report relatively high levels of satisfaction with them. While top box ratings are somewhat lower than those of in-person chapter meetings (83%), more than three-quarters of attendees do report top 2 box satisfaction 29 • Q14: How satisfied are you with the meetings held by the SIGs in the past year? (n=128)
Awareness and Usage of Job Bank • One-quarter of members have visited the job bank • Awareness of the QRCA job bank is also low, with less than half being aware of its existence • While awareness is low across all member types, those who have been members 1-3 years are significantly less likely than those who have been members 15+ years to be aware (64% vs. 50%) • SIG participants are significantly more likely to be aware of the job bank vs. non-members (61% vs. 38%) Among those who are aware but have not used the job bank, most (96%) are not in the market for a new job. However, 11% do not believe the bank has high quality offerings 30 Q17: Which of the following best describes your experience with the job bank? (n=404) Q18: Why haven’t you visited the job bank? (n=70)
Networking • Networking is frequently practiced among QRCA members. Whether referring work, suggesting QRCA resources, or partnering on a project, almost two-thirds (63%) of QRCA members have leveraged their QRCA membership for networking opportunities in the past year • Once again, our newest members (1-3 years) are less likely to engage in these networking opportunities (less than half (48%) have engaged in any in the past year) • Importantly, our most satisfied members are also very likely to have networked in the past year (71% vs. only 41% of those with moderate to low overall satisfaction) • SIG members are significantly more likely to network than non-members 31 • Q19: Which of these events has occurred in the past 12 months? (n=404)
Connections Readership • About a third of members are frequent readers of Connections (have read 7-10 of last 10 issues) • Somewhat more (45%), report unknown, infrequent or no readership of the electronic newsletter • Notably, only 13% of new members are frequent readers of this e-newsletter (7-10 issues), averaging only 3.2 issues. This is significantly lower than the readership of those who have been members 4+ years • Correspondingly, those newer in their careers (<10 years) have also tend to have read fewer issues (3.8) • Significantly higher readership comes from • SIG participants (5.4 vs. 4.5 for non-participants) • Those who are highly satisfied with their QRCA membership • Those age 61+ vs. those under age 54 33 • Q20b: Of the last ten issues of Connections, how many have you taken a look at? (n=404)
Connections Evaluation • While Connections is seen as being well-written, fewer find it to be relevant or engaging • Females rate the publication significantly higher than males on all attributes • ‘Don’t know’ ratings are about 20% of responses and trace more often to new members • Those most satisfied with their QRCA membership rate Connections significantly higher than others 34 • Q20: How would you rate Connections in the following areas? (n=404)
Suggestions for Connections • While more than one-quarter have no suggestions for improvements, suggestions offered focus on having Connections provide more professional/relevant content, or to simply reduce or eliminate its issuance “Other” comments include several with specific content suggestions (e.g.: less Board news, more personal news, include video, talk about member benefits like podcasts and the job bank) 35 • Q20c: What suggestions do you have to improve Connections? (n=159)
QRCA VIEWS Readership • Readership is high for QRCA VIEWS. On average, members have read three of the last four issues • Those more satisfied with their membership read significantly more than those less satisfied • Most (71%) have not read the electronic version of the magazine. However, younger members (25-44) are more likely to read the electronic version of the publication than are older members (61+) 38% vs. 19% • SIG participants are significantly more likely to have read the e-version (39% vs. 24%) • Those most satisfied with their membership are significantly more likely than those least satisfied to read the e-version (31% vs. 10%) 36 • Q21b: Of the last four issues [of QRCA VIEWS], how many have you taken a look at? (n=403) Q21c: Have you read the electronic version of QRCA VIEWS? (n=403)
QRCA VIEWS Evaluation • Ratings for QRCA VIEWS are quite strong, with the majority of members finding the publication to be well written, relevant and engaging • Females give significantly higher ratings than do males on all attributes • Those who are most satisfied with their membership and those who are most likely to renew give significantly higher ratings than others 37 • Q21: How would you rate QRCA VIEWS in the following areas? (n=404)
Suggestions for QRCA VIEWS • Suggestions for improving QRCA VIEWS focus on content, and enhancing its online version Several suggested allowing opt-out of the print version “Other” comments include wanting a way to get a synopsis for quick evaluation of article contents 38 • Q21d: What suggestions do you have to improve QRCA VIEWS? (n=156)
QRCA NewsBites Readership • Readership of QRCA NewsBites is moderate, but weaker than seen with other QRCA publications. The average member has looked at 4 of the last 10 emails, with one-quarter reading none • New members report the lowest readership of NewsBites, averaging only 2.6 emails. This is significantly lower than members of 4+ years standing • Those who have been members 15+ years view 5.1 emails, which is significantly more than all other members • SIG participants look at significantly more emails than non-participants (5.2 vs. 3.4) • Highly satisfied members and those who have been in research for 21+ years also view significantly more emails than others 39 • Q22: How would your rate NewsBitesin the following areas? (n=403))
QRCA NewsBites Evaluation • Ratings for QRCA NewsBites are quite low, with less than half finding it to be particularly well written, relevant or interesting • While “don’t know” ratings are higher among new members (nearing 50%), they are high among all subgroups • Females generate significantly higher ratings than males • Those who are most satisfied with their membership and those most likely to renew their membership rate NewsBites significantly higher than others 40 Q22b: Of the last ten emails of QRCA NewsBites, how many have you taken a look at? (n=403
Suggestions for QRCA NewsBites • With regard to this publication, members are not generally offering suggestions for improvement, but rather questioning the rationale of its existence 41 • Q22c: What suggestions do you have to improve QRCA NewsBites? (n=127)
Member Suggestions for QRCA “Other” suggestions include those around improving QRCA communications internally and externally (e.g.: strengthen networking and improve sharing, communicate the value of face to face research) 43 • Q38: Please provide any final comments or suggestions regarding QRCA and/or QRCA membership. (n=173)
Length of Membership • Among respondents, the average length of membership is 10.2 years. More than one-third have joined QRCA within the last five years • Men have been members significantly longer than women (11.8 vs. 9.7 years) • Those who are members of a chapter have been QRCA members significantly longer than those who are not chapter members (10.6 vs. 7.4 years) • Not surprisingly, older members and those with more years in research have been with QRCA longer 45 • Q1: How many years have you been a QRCA member? (n=415) • Circled number is significantly different than the underlined number.
Member Firmographics • Q29: How many years have you been in marketing research? (n=402) Q30: How many years have you been a qualitative research consultant? (n=402); Q31: Where is your practice or company located? (n=402); Q32: Is your primary workspace located…? (n=402); Q33: Which best describes your role in the company? (n=402) Note: Letters in chart above refer to the column labels and indicated statistically significant differences. 46
Member Firmographics • About half of members have previously worked as a research supplier/full service or on the client side 47 Q34: Other than being a qualitative research consultant, in what other capacities have you worked? (n=369)
Member Demographics • QRCA members have the following characteristics: • Average age: 52.3 • Interestingly, the average age of new members (1-3years) is 46.5 • Gender: 73% Female, 27% Male • Those aged 25-54 are significantly less likely than those 55+ to have education beyond a bachelor’s degree 48 • Q35: Are you male/female? (n=402); Q36: What is your highest level of education? (n=402); Q37: What is your age? (n=386)
Conclusions: Membership • Members value the opportunity to improve their knowledge and learning from industry experts • This is especially true among those newer to the association • Improving knowledge and learning are strong benefits of QRCA membership • Involvement (attending meetings/events, using resources) is key to long term membership and satisfaction • The more involved a member is with the association, the more aware they are of the offerings and the higher they rate their satisfaction with the benefits • Newer members (1-3 years), men, and those not involved in a SIG or Chapter are much more likely to be unsatisfied and therefore not as likely to renew their membership • Opportunity: Those with less than ten years tenure with QRCA are very interested in getting more involved 50