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NGN and its S tandardization. September 27, 2006 NEC Corporation ITU-T NGN security requirements (Y.2701) editor Takashi Egawa. NGN: Next Generation Network. NGN is coming!. Needs. Seeds. individuals. Business. Technologies. ・ Opt/IP/mobile technologies ・ Intl. standardization.
NGN and its Standardization September 27, 2006 NEC Corporation ITU-T NGN security requirements (Y.2701) editor Takashi Egawa NGN: Next Generation Network
NGN is coming! Needs Seeds individuals Business Technologies ・Opt/IP/mobile technologies ・Intl. standardization ・Broadband/mobile gets popular ・network is now a part of life ・Expansion of biz-use net ・Emerges net-based business needs meets seeds NGN (Next Generation Networks) (Evolution of architecture and revolutionary services) Evolution oftelecommunications FMC Telecommunication-broadcastconvergence Evolution ofenterprise networks Decrease of $/Bit Next generation Internet WEB2.0、RSS New business changes Lifestyle changes Network business leap Starting of new evolution
Expectation and changes of NGN For personal users For enterprise For network providers • Increase of usability • Flourish of services • Easy to use, with ease • Simple/cheap • Infrastructure of biz • Biz.expansion base • Adoption to new biz models • Reliable/cheap • Rebuilding of business • New source of profit • CAPEX/OPEX decrease • Business area expansion NGN: enabling technology Revolution for layman/enterprise as well as network providers
Why NGN? Standardization process ITU-T NGN NGN standardization in Japan Agenda
Technological necessity of NGN Does the Internet continue to evolve? The Internet created various applications thanks to the freedom of end-users. Does it apply to IPTV, Web 2.0, or FMC? Best-effort QoS: New applications are hard to develop Commercial quality real-time communications are difficult to provideTV conference, streaming, … Security/Reliability: Not carrier-grade Children/elders can’t apply patches everyday Mobility: the next bonanza will be in mobile gadgets Current (ordinary) IP assumes fixed network Discussions at Linux Symposium (2006)
Routing table are updated in local manner; no network-wide, no equipment-wide sync scalable and cheap, but no QoS guarantee becomes possible No state in routers; minimize memory access expandable and faster, but traffic engineering becomes unavailable Very limited functions in networks interoperable ‘Internet Protocol’, but no security, no QoS-awareness Limitation from IP’s principle router Principle of IP router TE router TE Routing table Packet (header + payload) The problems tightly linked with IP principle and merits
Effective multiplexed utilization of existing networks Packet switching, not circuit switching Continued communication despite network failures Routers don’t store state about ongoing transfers End-hosts provide key communication services Support for multiple types of communication service Multiple transport protocols (e.g., TCP and UDP) Accommodation of variety of different networks Simple, best-effort packet delivery service Packets may be lost, corrupted, or delivered out of order Distributed management of network resources Multiple institutions managing the network Intradomain and interdomain routing protocols IP Design Philosophy: Main Goals Grosshauser (2002)
The Internet is Decentralized (loose confederation of peers) Self-configuring (no global registry of topology) Stateless (limited information in the routers) Connectionless (no fixed connection between hosts) These attributes contribute To the success of the Internet To the rapid growth of the Internet …and the difficulty of controlling the Internet :< Characteristics of the Internet Grosshauser (2002)
Accountability of network resources But, routers don't maintain state about transfer But, measurement isn’t part of the infrastructure Reliability/predictability of services But, IP doesn’t provide performance guarantees But, equipment is not very reliable (no ‘five-9s’)Downtime: IP networks: 471min/year, POTS: <5min/year Fine-grained control over the network But, routers don’t do fine-grain resource allocation But, network self-configures after failures End-to-end control over communication But, end hosts adapt to congestion But, traffic may traverse multiple domains Operator Philosophy: Tension with IP Grosshauser (2002)
But operators cannot rely on PSTN services any more # of calls in Japan (from MIC’s white paper 2005) (1e8) (fiscalyear) PDCmobilefixedTotal In most developed countries, 2000 or around was the peak of telephone traffic
We must make Operator-friendly IP networks IP traffic > telephone traffic May 2006: 524Gbps (Public Internet in Japan) > 20%/year Fiscal 2004: 34.1Gbps (in Japan: converted 533k Erlang using 64kbps/call) > -5%/year IP must be the base of future networks • NTT: trial starts by the end of fiscal 2006 • KDDI: Fixed network becomes all-IP by fiscal 2007 • BT: by 2008 • Korea: long-distance is by 2007, local by 2010 Timeline
"Service Stratum" for per-session control of packet transmission Data is transmitted with IP packet for interoperability All necessary functions are in the network (fat network approach) Operators can maintain every aspect of functions increase reliability All the terminals can do is just to call network’s functions increase security Control interface is open promotes development of applications NGN: best mix of packet and circuit Video Services (TV, movie, etc) Data Services (WWW, e-mail, etc) (Any/All Applications Telephone Services e.g. voice , data , video) NGN service control functions Anything & Everything "Service Stratum" (Session control by using SIP, etc.) Scope Internet Protocol Of (IP) "Internet" NGN transport functions Everything (Any & All Network technologies) "Transport Stratum" (managed IP network) Hourglass model of IP ITU-T Y.2011 "General principles and general reference model for Next Generation Networks"
Open and fair process Results are shared among all participants (usu. without charge) Reflects broader opinions De jure standards v. De facto standards De jure standards De facto standards • Operated by highly motivated volunteers • Faster standardization • Currently very popular ITU, ISO, TTA, TTC, .. IETF, TMF, WiMAX, .. framework Individual components and technologies In NGN NGN framework includes regulations and policies(e.g., how to standardize emergency services, how to design market regulationsconsidering network architecture) De jure standards becomes important
NGN related standard bodies Standardize NGN in NGN-GSI, esp. SG13. Issued first recommendations in July 2006. International De Jure SDO ITU-T TISPAN project standardize NGN, esp. VoIP. Release 1 issued in Dec. 2005. ISACC (Canada) TTA (Korea) ARIB (Japan) ETSI (EC) Regional De Jure SDOs & Partnership Projects ATIS (USA) CCSA (China) TTC (Japan) TIA (USA) Close collaboration 3GPP APT (Asia Pacific) 3GPP2 Standardize IMS, NGN’s central module. Partnership Project among regional SDOs. aaa ACIF (Aust) …. De Facto SDOs IETF OMA WiMAX TMF DSL Forum MSF SDO: Standard Development Organization
Timeline of NGN standardization We are here 2004 2005 2006 2007 Study Period 2000-2004 Study Period 2005-2008 Focus Group IPTV NGN-JCA Focus Group NGN ITU-T NGN-GSI (Global Standards Initiative) Collaboration among SG13,11,19 and other SGs Release 1 (architecture, VoIP) (International NGN standards) Release 2 (IPTV, FMC, etc.) Integrated in 2003 IMS based NGN architecture ETSI(TISPAN) TIPHON SPAN Release 1 (architecture, VoIP) Release 2 (IPTV, FMC, etc.) (European NGN standards) 3GPP Collaboration on IMS IMS Release6 IMS Release7 (3G mobile specs)
Organization of ITU ITU ITU-T: Telecommunications ITU-R TSB (bureau) Q1 (project mngt) TSAG(steering) Q2 (requirements & scenarios) Q3 (func. architecture) SG2 (numbering, etc.) Q4 (QoS architecture) SG3 (charging) Q5 (net. management) SG4 (management) Q6 (mobility & FMC) SG5 (electromagnetic protection) Q7 (net. & service integration) SG6 (plant) Q8 (service & deployment) SG9 (cable net) Q9 (IPv6) SG11 (signaling) Q10 (satellite) SG12 (QoS) Q11 (terminology) SG13 (NGN) Q12 (frame relay) NGN security requirements SG15 (transport) Q13 (public data net.) NGN authentication SG16 (multimedia) Q14 (multi service net.) AAA SG17 (security & language) Q15 (security) Certificate management SG19 (mobility) Q16 (commercial off-the shelf components ) Title: Rapporteur, associate rapporteur editor Chair, vice chair ITU-R: Radio ITU-D: developing country support
ITU-T NGN standardization structure NGN-GSI (Global Standards Initiative) SG11 Protocol and signaling (stage 3) SG13 (NGN) 1. Planning and promotion of overall NGN standardization process (e.g., roadmap) 2. Development of core technology’s requirements that are used by other SGs to develop their recommendations (Stage 1) 3. Development of network architectures(Stage 2) SG19Mobility Requirements SG 2 Numbering SG16 multimedia SG12 QoS FG-IPTV OCAF-FG FG(Focus Group) Special task forcefor particular areas SG4 Management SG17 Security and Languages
ITU-T NGN-GSI structure Working party chairman coordinates Question activities in 10 topics Topics Cooridnator SG13 Other SGs SG19 SG11 1 WP1/13 Project management and scope Q1(WP1) Q11(WP1) 2 WP2/13 Architecture Q3(WP2) Q6(WP2) Q1 Q2 Q29/16 Q1(WP1) Q5 Q9(WP2) Q10(WP2) 3 WP3/13 Service Requirements, Capabilities and scenarios Q2(WP3) Q8(WP3) 4 WP4/13 QoS and network capabilities Q4(WP4) Q5(WP2) SG12 5 WP2/11 Control and protocol Q3(WP2) 6 WP2/4 Management SG4 Q5(WP4) Q2 NGNMFG 7 WP2/13 Security Q15(WP2) WP2/17 8 WP3/13 NNAR (including ID) Q2(WP3) Q3 Q1/2 9 WP3/13 Charging Q2(WP3) SG3 NNAR: Numbering, Naming, Addressing and Routing 10 WP3/13 Interwork and evolution Q7(WP3)
ITU-T NGN Management standardization structure NGN-GSI (Global Standards Initiative) SG4 (Telecommunication Management) 1. Telecommunication service/networks/equipment management for NGN and other networks 2. Application and evolution of TMN framework 3. Test, measurement and other mngt-related issues Question 8 of SG4 Management framework of NGN (e.g., M.3060) Requirements SG13 NGN NGN Management Focus Group (Chair: Dave Sidor (Nortel), Vice Chair: Leen Mak (Lucent)) 1. Specifies NGN (esp. NGN Release 1) management related to FCAPS interfaces 2. Currently focusing on development and maintenance of NGN Management Specification Roadmap for Release 1 (maps existing/developing standards, analyses gaps, etc.) The roadmap of NGN Management FG is available at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com04/roadmap.html
ITU-T NGN Release1 Scope (Y.2000 supplement 1) Defines what is included in NGN Release 1
ITU-T NGN Release1 Requirements (Y.2201) (1/2) Defines requirements on these aspects (1/2)
NGN management capabilities shall support the aims of the NGN by: 1.Providing the ability to manage, through their complete life cycle, NGN components, both physical and logical. This includes resources in the transport stratum and the service stratum, access transport functions, interconnect components and user networks and terminals; 2.Providing the ability to manage NGN service components independently from the underlying NGN transport components and enabling organizations offering NGN services (potentially from different service providers) to build distinctive service offerings to customers; 3.Providing the management capabilities which enable organizations offering NGN services to offer users the ability to personalize user services and to create new services from NGN capabilities (potentially from different service providers); (9 more requirements cont.) ITU-T NGN Release1 Requirements (Y.2201) (2/2) Defines requirements on these aspects (2/2) Requirements examples; on management 12 requirements are defined. Below are the first 3
Transport stratum for managed IP packet transfer, and Service stratum for session control and for additional services, are clearly separated.(Does not align with OSI model; e.g., transport stratum includes session) Transport stratum: composed of Transport Function for IP packet transmission, NACF for user attachment (authentication, IP address assignment, etc.), and RACF for QoS Service User Service User Profiles Resource and Admission Control Functions (RACF) Control T ransport User Media Management NGN functional architecture (Y.2012) • Service stratum: composed of SCF for IMS and PSTN/ISDN emulation, and support functions for developing applications • Terminal: for 3G terminals: IPv6, for traditional fixed-network terminals: IPv4 • 3rd Party applications for Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) works on Application Network Interface (ANI) Applications A NI Application Support Functions & Service Support Functions Service Control Functions (SCF) Service stratum Management Functions Network Attachment Network Attachment Control Functions (NACF) Control Functions Transport User End- Profiles User Other Transport Control Functions Functions Networks Transport Functions UNI NNI Transport stratum NGN architecture overview From ITU-T Y.2012 (06/07)
Provides various SIP-based services Provides session control, charging, security functions Increase end-user’s experience by unifying registration, authentication and charging Provides interfaces to control transport functions QoS, media gateway, alignment of charging on transport functions and service functions Provides interfaces not only to operators, but 3rd party application vendors Clearly defined SIP from operator’s point of view IETF SIP is not enough for network operatorse.g., IETF SIP does not define the start and the end of charging ITU-T NGN refers 3GPP Release 7 IMS IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) overview
CSCF (Call Session Control Function): SIP server, the core of this architecture. P-CSCF (Proxy CSCF) is a sip server that communicate with user terminals Various functions are defined as the gateway to other networks IMS for NGN (Y.2021)
End-user (terminal) requests SCF a session establishment RACF manages the current network resources, and grant/reject the request to achieve QoS guarantee Relative QoS (e.g., diffserv’s CoS) is acceptable Various message flow and protocols are defined, operators will choose ETSI NGN Release 1 defines RACF for access network onlyITU-T defines core network RACF as well Per-session Resource and Admission Control Functions (Y.2111) SCF AP server SIP server … SCF : Service Control Functions (IMS and PSTN/ISDN emulation function on IMS) RACF : Resource Admission Control Functions DIAMETER, etc. Other NGN networks Access-RACF Core-RACF Session establish Request by SIP Resourcecontrolserver Resourcecontrolserver PDF PDF Access network(e.g, metro ethernet) Core networks(e.g., MPLS)
Border element on the edge protects inside NEs Security requirements are defined for outside NEs, inside NEs and Border Elements Does not define requirements on SIM Security Requirements (Y.2701) Trusted zone an NGN operator can trust Trust model OpS SIP server Signaling BE The Internet BE Othernetworks CPE-BE (home GW) VariousNEs CPE Media BE NGN BE
Defines S/BC functions for media path and signaling path S/BC can be placed between any networks This document is a supplement --- not mandatory Session Border Controller (Y.2012 supplement 1)
New services/capabilities discussed in ITU-T (1/2) • Service stratum related capabilities • Charging(K) • ID based applications (RFID support, etc.) (K) • Open service environment capabilities (K) • Web service based Convergence service (K) • Convergence terminals (K) (proposed country,K: Korea C: China) Applications ANI Management NGN End-user func. Service Stratum Other networks Transport stratum UNI • Application • IPTV(-) • Multi-play by DSLAM (Poland) • UPT (C) • IMS based real-time conversation voice service (C) • Telematics (for ITS support) (K) • Transport stratum related capabilities • FMC(C) • VPN(K) • Multicast with MPLS-based QoS support (K) • Contents Conversion Service Scenario (K) • MPLS-based mobility and QoS (K)
Service stratum related capabilities RFID; Describes RFID applications. Requirements for NGN will be added in the future Open Service Environment Capabilities: Describes integrated ANI (application network interface) including 3GPP OSA. Requirements for NGN will be added in the future Transport stratum related capabilities FMC; documents on requirements, IMS-based architecture, Service scenario for NGN with PSTN-based access networks are under discussion Multicast with MPLS-based QoS support: Requirements, architecture overview, information flow are under discussion Application related services IPTV discussion is moved to Focus Group on IPTV (~2006/07) Most new services are proposed by Korea and China in ITU-T # of experts are ITU-T is not enough, and most recommendations on these issues are not very mature New services/capabilities discussed in ITU-T (2/2)
Structure of NGN Study/Standardization in Japan MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) • TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) • Develops NGN-related technical standards as a committee to establish telecommunication related standards and protocols • Created NGN architecture WG and NGN upstream SWG in April 2005 • Collaborates and contributes to ITU-T and various foreign fora such as 3GPP and 3GPP2 • Next Generation IP Network Promotion Forum • Combines strength of operators, vendors, academies, domestic fora and application vendors to promote all-IP networks • Established in December 2005, 211 members (March 2006) • Promotes interoperability tests, demonstration experiment, information exchange as well as standardization based on R&D • Technological focus: QoS and function, dependability (security and safety), interoperability and interconnectivity
MIC-TTC coordination 1. Ministry of Internal Affairsand Communications (Information and communicationTechnology Sub-counsil) 2. TTC Technical Assembly Strategy Committee Advisory Groups (AGs) Technical Study AG ITU-T Sectional Meeting Global Collaboration AG NGN AG Net. Management WG Network Management Committee (SG4) NGN Architecture WG NGN committee (SG11, SG13) CJK NGN-WG /w CCSA, TTA Leader: Naotaka Morita (NTT) NGN upstreamSub-WG (SG13) Leader: Prof. Koichi Asatani Integral operation NGN WG Signaling upstreamSub-WG (SG11) Leader: Naotaka Morita (NTT)Sub-leader: Hideaki Yamada (KDDI)Sub-leader: Takashi Egawa (NEC) Signaling WG Leader: Takuya Sawada (KDDI)
Structure of Next Generation IP Network Promotion Forum Forum Chair: Tadao Saito (Prof. Emeritus, U-Tokyo) Vice-Chair: Ryuji Yamada (NTT)、Yasuhiko Ito (KDDI) Bureau (NiCT) • Interconnectivity test planning, promotion and coordination, including the coordination with relevant fora • Studies regulatory issues of IP telephony, in particular QoS and functionality, safety and security, interconnectivity and interoperability as well as regulatory issues of other advanced services. Practices proving test, if necessary. Technology Group Chairman: Shigeki Goto (Waseda-U) • Promotes R&D and the standardization of its results by establishing basic strategies and promotion methods, and by practicing proving tests. R&D focuses not only on NGN R1&R2, but beyond R2. R&D/Standardization Group Chair: Koichi Asatani (U-Kogakuin) • Promotes deployment and information exchange of next generation IP networks. Publicize appropriate information through publications, symposiums and market promotions. Surveys domestic and international R&D trends. Planning & Promotion Group Chair: Yuichi Matsushima (NiCT)
ITU-T document list ITU-T recommendation approval process TAP: 6~9 month for policy and regulation related recommendations AAP: 2 month for technical recommendations Experts agree that the document is mature Approved as ITU-T recommendation by Governments' voting
ETSI TISPAN document list (1/5) - Status -Pub: Published (before December 2005) -App: Approved at TISPAN#9 (December 2005) -AbC: Approval by correspondence after TISPAN#9 (deadline 20 January 2006) -Plen: Approval expected at TISPAN#10 (February 2006) - Deliverable/Type of Document -TR: ETSI Technical Report (enters the Publication process immediately after TISPAN approval) -TS: ETSI Technical Specification (goes to Publication process immediately after TISPAN approval) -ES: ETSI Standard (has to pass the Membership Approval Procedure before Publication) - Q.x/SG: identifies the Question in the SG Note: the "Short title" given is based on the Work Item title and is not the exact title of the ETSI TISPAN approved document.