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PALACIOS AND LOPEZ COMPANY: TIDE AND WAVE ENERGY. DESCRIPTION OF TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY . Tidal Energy : the gravitational pull of Moon and Sun creates a tidal effect on earh oceans which change the levels of sea. Tidal energy obtained from such a change in sea level.
DESCRIPTION OF TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY • TidalEnergy: thegravitationalpull of Moon and Suncreates a tidaleffectonearhoceanswhichchangethelevels of sea. Tidal energy obtained from such a change in sea level. • Tidal energy is considered a renewable source of energy because it comes from gravitational force which is a natural resource • Wave Energy: Winds blowing over the surface of the ocean creates waves. In some places the wind blows so strong and force to create continuous waves that produces a lot of energy. • Wave energy is considered renewable source of energy because it comes from wind which is a natural resource
Where in Ecuador thisenergy can be set up? • Well, in Ecuador wehave a longcoast line wherethesekind of energycouldbedeveloped, howeverduetothebigcost of instalationrequiredto produce it, isnotpossible. Anotherimportantthingisthatwaves are notthatbig and tidalchanges are smallwhichmakesthecost of producingitveryhigh.
BRIEF HISTORY OF ENERGY SOURCE • TidalEnergy: Europe has a long history of employing tidal energy to generate power, specifically in producing tide mills dating back to the Middle Ages. Woodbridge Tide Mill, dating from 1170, in England, is an excellent example • Wave Energy: investigation of generation of wave energystartedafter 1972. • Over a ten-year period from 1974 to 1983, the England government started a national program for wave energy research and development
WHERE AND HOW THE ENERGY SOURCE IS USED TODAY • Tidal: Tidalenergyisused in nottoomany places in theworld. There are eight main places around Britain where tidal power stations could be built. • Only around 20 places in the world have been identified as possible tidal power stations. • Wave: Wave energyis not widely used to date, but there are some programs operating in different parts of the world, such as in the coast of USA, Canada
WHERE THE ENERGY SOURCE IS FOUND AND HOW IT IS RECOVERED • TideEnergy: tideenergyisfoundeverywherebutthere are places wherethetidaalis so bigthatmakesenseto produce thiskund of energy, like in he coast of France and Italy. • Tidalenergyisrecoveredbybuilding a damwhichworkslike a generatorto produce energy • Wave Energy: wave energyisfoundin western coasts of Scotland, Canada, southern Africa, Australia and the northwestern coasts of the United States. • Wave energy is recovered by the use of devices that help to take energy directly from the surface of the ocean waves
ADVANTAGES OF USING TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY • It reduces the dependence on fossil fuels • Tidal and wave energy are for free, are renewable, and clean source of energy • It produces clean electricity, with no production of the greenhouse effect • Are environmentally friendly • Tides are active all the day an all the year
DISADVANTAGES OF USING TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY • It produces the greenhouse effect, because the se animals have to move their homes • It can only be used where there is wave movement, so it can not be used inland. • The use of devicse could affect marine animals habitats • The ecosystem is modified during the construction of special devices that affects the fishes and also the fishermen.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ON THE TIDAL AND WAVE ENERGY • TideEnergy: themainimpacts of usingtideenergy are thedestruction of habitat, pollution. The devices used to generate this kin of energy kills the fishes and all organisms in the sea. • Wave Energy: themainimpacts of using wave energy are alsorelatedtotheaffectionthatthe use of specialdeviceswill cause and hurtanimals.
WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF TIDE AND WAVE ENERGY? • TideEnergy: thefuture of tideenergyisrelatedwiththehigh capital costs that need to be invested to produce this kind of energy, so the their development will be limited in the near future. • Wave Energy: thefuture of wave energyas renewable energy is wave energy, using the kinetic energy of waves to generate electricity could soon becomes a good more viable option. There are some studies in the United States that saids that this kind of energy will provide light to many homes
WHY IS IT EVEN NECESSARY FOR A BUSINESS TO BE OFFERING YOUR ENERGY RESOURCE AT THIS TIME? • In ourbussinessofferingtide and wave as a sourceenergyisvery importante duetoenvironmentalissues. In ourdaysthe idea of “environmentalfriendlyissues” are veryimportant. • There are manyorganizationstakingcare of theenvironmentalprotection so offeringrenewableenergyisveryimportant and create a goodreputationforthecompany.
HOW WILL YOUR ENERGY SOURCE FULFILL ECUADOR’S FUTURE ENERGY NEEDS? • Becauseofferingtide and wave energywillavoidtheconsumption of burningfossilsto produce energy in Ecuador. • Bythiswaywewillhelpour country tobe more protectedbypollution. • Anotherthingisthat Ecuador willgrow and needto produce more energy, so byproducingthiskins of energywe can helpthe country togenerate more powerforhomes, industries, etc
WHY SHOULD YOUR COMPANY BE CHOSEN OVER OTHER BUSINESSES THAT UTILIZE DIFFERENT ENERGY SOURCES? • Becauseourcompanywill produce powerthrough a renewablesourcewhicis free and protectstheenvironmenttowardscompaniesthetcreatepollution and are notenvironmentallyfriendly
bibliography "TidalEnergy." TechFAQTidalEnergyComments. MemeBridge, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://www.tech-faq.com/tidal-energy.html "WhatIsTidalEnergy?" Residential Solar Power Blog WhatIsTidalEnergyComments. CalFinder, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://solar.calfinder.com/blog/news/what-is-tidal-energy/ "Wave Energy." Wave Energy. OCS AlternativeEnergy and Alnternative Use Progammatic, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://ocsenergy.anl.gov/guide/wave/index.cfm "RenewableEnergy." Wikipedia. WikimediaFoundation, 12 June 2012. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy "History of TidalEnergy in Europe." History of TidalEnergy in Europe. Meeting EuropesGrowingEnergyRequirementsSustainably, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://www.tidalenergy.eu/tidal_energy_history.html "History." History. N.p., 9 Apr. 2002. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://www.powerinc.org/History.htm FWR Group. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012 http://www.fwrgroup.com.au/wave-energy.html "HowIsTidalEnergyTransformedinto Usable Energy?" HowIsTidalEnergyTransformedinto Usable Energy? WikimediaFoundation, n.d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_is_tidal_energy_transformed_into_usable_energy "EnvironmentalImpacts of TidalPower: IsItReallanEnvironmentallySafeForm of RenewableEnergy?" Bright Hub. Bright Hub, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012. http://www.brighthub.com/environment/science-environmental/articles/11287.aspx