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BBI 2412 Writing for Academic Purposes PJJ

BBI 2412 Writing for Academic Purposes PJJ. Semester 2 – 2012/2013. Your Instructor. En. Othman Abdul Kareem Contact Details email = othmankareem@fbmk.upm.edu.my h/p = 016-6247930 Office : Room 8, Bilik Seri Buana , 2 nd Flr Bangunan Sanggar Bahasa & Komunikasi

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BBI 2412 Writing for Academic Purposes PJJ

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  1. BBI 2412 Writing for Academic PurposesPJJ Semester 2 – 2012/2013

  2. Your Instructor • En. Othman Abdul Kareem Contact Details email = othmankareem@fbmk.upm.edu.my h/p = 016-6247930 Office : Room 8, Bilik Seri Buana, 2ndFlrBangunanSanggarBahasa & Komunikasi Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication

  3. Course Objectives By the end of the course, students are able to: • construct grammatically correct sentences • develop coherent paragraphs • write different types of academic essays supported with concrete ideas • review their own writing

  4. Course Synopsis This course covers writing paragraphs and the different types of academic essays. This course also emphasizes on types of sentences, tenses, transitions, selected parts of speech, the process of drafting, revising, and editing of texts for academic purposes.

  5. Course Content • Review of different types of tenses • Review of selected grammar usage • Types of sentences • Identifying sentence errors • Paragraph development • Essay development • Types of academic essays • Unity and coherence • Drafting, revising, and reviewing • Mechanics of writing

  6. ASSESSMENT Assignment 1 15% Assignment 2 25% Mid-semester Exam 30% Final Exam 30%

  7. EXAM FORMAT MID SEMESTER EXAM  (30%) – Subjective questions The mid-semester exam is divided into 3 sections You will be tested on the following format: • Section A – Subject-Verb and Noun-Pronoun Agreement Verb Tenses • Section B – Clauses Types of Sentences • Section C – Topic Sentence Writing an Outline

  8. GRAMMAR SKILLS • Subject-verb agreement • Noun-pronoun agreement • Verb Tenses

  9. TYPES OF SENTENCES • Simple • Compound • Complex • Compound-complex

  10. SENTENCE ERRORS • Fragments • Run-on sentences • Comma-splice sentences • Non-parallel structure Refer to Chapter 11 (textbook)

  11. Process Writing • Drafting • Writing • Revising • Reviewing Footer Text

  12. Paragraph Development • Topic Sentence • Supporting sentences • Concluding sentence

  13. UNITY AND COHERENCE • Transition signals • Consistent Noun/Pronoun • Repetition of key nouns • Logical order Footer Text

  14. Essay Development • Introductory Paragraph -Thesis statement • Body Paragraph • Concluding Paragraph Footer Text

  15. Patterns of Essay Organization • Cause-Effect • Comparison-Contrast • Argumentative • Process and Procedure • Classification Footer Text

  16. Citations • Developing supporting details - Quotations - Statistics - Paraphrasing - Summarising • Referencing Skills • APA format Footer Text

  17. Class Text Oshima, A. and Hogue, C. (2006). Writing Academic English (4th Edition). New York: Pearson Education Longman Footer Text

  18. Assignment 1 (15%)Paragraph Writing( DONE) • Students are required to write a cause and effect paragraph of 300-400 words of any of the topics below: A) Discuss the causes and effects of procrastination among students. B) Discuss the causes and effects of early marriage. C) Discuss the causes and effects of music downloading.

  19. Assignment 2 (25%)Essay Writing 1. Students are required to write an argumentative essay of 450-550 wordsof any topics. 2. Marks will be awarded for each process of writing. Make sure your assignment has the following: i) Outline ii) First draft iii) Peer-editing form iv) Second draft v) Self-editing form vi) Final draft 3. Marks will be deducted if the assignment is incomplete. **TO BE SUBMITTED TO PPL OFFICE BY WEEK 11th ** ooter Text

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