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Grundtvig Project IDEAL Contexte and global objectives

Workshop C 1 The VAE model and experimentation in European countries chaired by Jean-Marie Filloque (UBO) Cécile Sztalberg (ULB).

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Grundtvig Project IDEAL Contexte and global objectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Workshop C 1The VAE model and experimentation in European countrieschaired byJean-Marie Filloque (UBO)Cécile Sztalberg (ULB)

  2. Can the VAE contribute to solve a human resources problem?A case study : the lack of teachersJonas Zilinskas, Maryline Almeida, Nathalie Sarradin, Mauro Palumbo, GiulianaMeraviglia

  3. Grundtvig Project IDEALContexte and global objectives • Mutations in Europe: education is in the heart of consideration but we observe a real decrease of interest for the teacher’s career • How to fight against teacher’s career shortage observed in certain countries in Europe? • Setting up of an efficient framework of APEL • Increase LLL training of the teachers by Universities

  4. The consortium • University of Brest (France) • Université libre de Bruxelles ( Belgium) • University of Gêne (Italy) • University of Lisbonne (Portugal) • University of Rennes 2 (France) (assoc.) • University of Šiaulai (Lithuania)

  5. Detailed objectives • Common willingness of the consortium • Knowledge and know how transfer • Apply APEL to potential teachers • Develop a strong and robust methodology allowing to test and validate APEL model • Organise common training for the APEL team in charge of the counselling • Create an APEL competence centre inside university • Develop a training offer to transfer knowledge and know how

  6. Methodology

  7. Methodology, deliverables • National reports built in 3 steps with questionnaire • Practices : technical approach • Representation: thinking about finalities • Strategic analysis: evolution of the institutional and national APEL framework • Comparison: synthesis

  8. Partner case studiesFrench VAELithuanianItalianPortuguese

  9. Conclusions

  10. 1. Practices

  11. 1. Practice, technical approach • APEL tools implementation : various national contexts and practices • Strong disparities concerning the framework, the financing and the amount of candidates • In terms of counselling tool, amongst the consortium UBO is far behind

  12. 2. Representations

  13. 2. Representations • Same vision of APEL framework but discrepancies concerning the way to apply it : tools, jury • Discrepancies linked to the legal framework • In terms of tools and jury composition, France and Belgium adopted different process discrepancies in the results • Portfolio and skill framework remains compulsory tools but they are difference in practice. • A clear role for the counsellor (coach and interface) : he is the link between APPEL and third missions

  14. 3. Strategic analysis

  15. 3. Strategic analysis,perspectives • They strongly converge and 3 majors points need to be undelined : • Need for a strong and explicite institutional support : structure development • Need for a legal framework including LLL financing and valorisation • Needof increasing the investment of the teachers : • More availabilityfor LLL activities • Institutionalrecognition • Adaptedadultpedagogy

  16. For more information contact : Caroline CARLOT Chargée de projets européens FTLV Service Universitaire de Formation Continue Université de Bretagne Occidentale 20 avenue le Gorgeu CS 93 837 F-29238 Brest Cedex 3 FRANCE caroline.carlot@univ-brest.fr www.univ-brest.fr/fc Renaud MAES Responsable de la cellule VAE et projets européens de projets européens FTLV Service de Formation Continue Université libre de Bruxelles 50 avenue Fr. Roosevelt CP 160/26 1050 Bruxelles Belgique rmaes@ulb.ac.be http://formcont.ulb.ac.be/ • http://ideal.ulb.ac.be/

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