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When I apply my battle theory minds are relatively blown . The theory of relativity is based on concepts : Space and time are relative to the velocities of the observers Spacetime : space and time are linked The speed of light is a constant for all observers .
When I apply my battle theory minds are relatively blown • The theory of relativityisbased on concepts : • Space and time are relative to the velocities of the observers • Spacetime : space and time are linked • The speed of light is a constant for all observers.
So take a seat SteveOpp, I see you brought your own Stephen W Hawking has a motor neurone disease. This diseasespreaduntilhewas 20 and nowhe uses a wheelchair to move.
What’s with your voice? Because of a tracheotomy, heisunable to speak. But ingeneersdevelopped a computer with a specific program and a speech synthesizerwhichallowshim to communicateagain.
You sound like WALL-EHaving sex with a Speak & Spell Do you know Wall-E ? Speak and spell is a toy with a speech synthesizer.
I’ll school you anywhereMIT to Oxford MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA) and Oxford (England) are twofamousuniversities.
Cause that means Albert E Equals M C squared The mostfamous formula of Einstein is : E = mc2 « E equal m multiplied by c squared » And in rap music MC means Master of Ceremony = the singer
You look like someone glued a mustache on a troll doll A troll dollis a famousdoll in the USA.
I’ll be stretching out the rhyme, like gravity stretches time In the theory of relativity, the gravitation isslowing down the time. If youtaketwoclocks, one in a field of gravitation and the other one outsidethisfield, the one in the fieldisgoing to belate.
When you try to put your little pea braneagainst this kind of mind There is a double meaning : - a p-braneis a mathematical concept in string theory, whichis a big part of Hawking’stheoreticalworks - callingsomeone a ‘peabrain’ is an insultmeaningheisstupid.
I’ll be dropping mad apples on your head from the shoulder of giants • The story says that an apple falling from a tree gave the idea of the Gravitation to Sir Isaac Newton. • “On The shouders of giants” is the tittle of a book from Hawking. • He is using original papers from Einstein, Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler and Newton to show how these scientists changed the vision of the world.
I’ll give you a brief history of pain with the back of my hand • It is referring to another book of Hawking.
You can’t destroy matter or me, for seriousRipping holes in you bigger than the hole in your black hole theory was • At first, during several years, Hawking taught that all the information (light, electromagnetics waves …) were lost in a black hole and going to another universe. • But he changed his mind and now thinks it was a mistake.
There are 10,000,000Million, million, million, …particles in the universe that we can observe Extract from the book “The idea of inflation could also explain why there is so much matter in the universe. There are something like ten millionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillionmillion (1 witheightyzeros after it) particles in the region of the universe that we can observe. Where did they all come from? The answer is that, in quantum theory, particles can be created out of energy in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs. But that just raises the question of where the energy came from. The answer is that the total energy of the universe is exactly zero. »
You wanna bring the heatWith the mushroom clouds you’re making • "I made one great mistake in my life — when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification — the danger that the Germans would make them...“ Albert Einstein. • In 1939, just before the second world war Einstein left Germany and sent a letter to Franklin Roosevelt. He explained that he feared Germany was going to manage to create an atomic bomb. • This letterwas one of the argument whichdecided the Americans to initiate the Manhattan Project= program to developatomicbombs
I’m a super computerYou’re like a TI-82 • A super computer ismuch more powerfulthan a TI-82