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The Rise of Dictators and WWII. Students will examine the rise of Totalitarianism and the ineffectiveness of Western democracies to stop WWII. Failures of WWI lead to a new WAR. Treaty of Versailles
The Rise of Dictators and WWII Students will examine the rise of Totalitarianism and the ineffectiveness of Western democracies to stop WWII
Failures of WWI lead to a new WAR • Treaty of Versailles • Germany- resentful of their treatment, loss of territory and the reparations imposed on it by Great Britain and France. • Italy- resentful that they didn’t get a big enough share of the winner’s pot after WWI while G.B. and France got most of the spoils. • Japan- resentful they also didn’t get any colonies in Asia, they all go to G.B. or France. • U.S.- sees WWI as a failure and only G.B. and France won anything • G.B. and France- are fighting over the spoils do not trust each other.
Fascism • Fascism- It was a mix of Nationalism and Imperialism, stresses the needs of the state over the individual. • Totalitarian- government exerts almost complete control over people.
The Nazis Take Over Germany • Adolf Hitler-leader of National Socialist German Workers’ Party, most evil man in history • Mein Kampf-basic beliefs of Nazism, based on extreme nationalism 1. Aryan Super race- Germanic man, fair skin, blond and blue eyes 2. Jews- the enemy of the Aryan, they are conspiring to control the world and keep the Aryans from world domination 3. Lebensraum- living space, Aryans should by right have more land than the lesser people of Europe • Wants to unite German-speaking people, enforce racial “purification” • Nazis become strongest political party; Hitler named chancellor • Dismantles democratic Weimar Republic; establishes Third Reich
An Evil Man controls the Soviet Union • Joseph Stalin-gains control of the Soviet Union after the death of Lenin in 1924. 1. Replaces private farms with collectives 2. Five Year Plan- Stalin declared that in 5 years the Soviet Union would industrialize, boost coal, oil and electricity production and build factories. 3. Evil- Stalin is rumored to have killed between 25-30 million Soviets during his reign in power.
The Rise of Fascism in Italy • Benito Mussoliniplays on fears of economic collapse, communism 1.Unemployment, inflation lead to bitter strikes, some communist-led 2. Middle, upper classes want stronger leaders 3. Supported by government officials, police, army 4. 1922 appointed head of government, establishes totalitarian state
Japan gives the finger to the world • Manchuria- Japan invades this part of China in 1931, violating both the League of Nations and the Open Door Policy 1. Japan is warned by the League of Nations, they walk out of the meeting and ignore any warnings. 2. U.S. afraid to get into another war issues a stern warning to Japan but its ignored.
Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy • Good Neighbor Policy- Roosevelt says America will be a good neighbor to its Latin American friends. 1. Can’t do Dollar Diplomacy 2. Wants Latin American cooperation against Germany or Italian aggression. • American Isolationism- Americans were disillusioned with WWI and tried their best to avoid any wars with Japan, Germany or Italy. • Neutrality Acts-By 1938 both the Republican and Democratic Party are controlled by isolationists and get this passed. 1. Authorized the president to prohibit all arms shipments and forbid U.S. citizens from traveling on ships of countries at war. 2. Forbids the extension of trade or loans to nations at war 3. Forbids the sale of arms to the sides fighting in the Spanish Civil War
Civil War Breaks Out in Spain • Spanish Civil War- seen as a struggle between the forces of fascism and democracy. • General Francisco Franco-rebels against Spanish republic wanting to start a fascist state Spanish Civil War begins 1.Support-Hitler, Mussolini back Franco; Stalin aids opposition 2. Western democracies remain neutral 3. War leads to Rome-Berlin Axis—alliance between Italy and Germany 4. 1939, Franco wins war, becomes fascist dictator
Steps to War • Hitler rejects the Treaty of Versailles- in 1936 and starts to rebuild the German Army and Navy- France and G.B. wanting to avoid a war fail to stop him. • Germany-Italy-Japan- sign an alliance calling themselves the AXIS POWERS. • Hitler strikes- Annexes Austria, Czechoslovakia, and other parts of Europe as German areas that needed to be returned to Germany. France and G.B. do nothing to stop him • Japan- goes to war with China in 1937, League does nothing • Italy- invades Ethiopia in 1935, League does nothing
WAR • 1938 G.B. Prime Minister Chamberlain and Hitler- sign a peace treaty. Chamberlain states “There will be peace in our time”. • 1939 Germany signs a non-aggression pact-with the Soviet Union. Hitler and Stalin agree to split the country of Poland. • 1939 G.B. and France-warn Hitler if you attack Poland they will declare war. Germany invades Poland.
War is Different • German Blitzkrieg (lightning war) - new style of warfare that uses tanks, planes and mobile infantry. Quick strikes to avoid trench warfare. • Poland-falls in 3 weeks, unable to fight the Blitz, Germany and Soviet Union split the country. • Hitler- attacks and conquers Norway, Denmark • Stalin- attacks and conquers Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (buffer zone).
France UNPREPARED • Maginot Line-a series of fortifications to stop a direct attack by Germany (trench warfare style) 1. False Protection-this was outdated by WWII as Germany just went around it and invaded France. 2. Dunkirk- over 380,000 French and British troops are evacuated before German troops can capture them in north France to England. 3. France Falls-Germany launches its Blitzkrieg on France in on May 20th by June 17th France had fallen. 4. Vichy Government-Nazi puppet government in southern France. 5. Charles DeGaulle-sets up a French government in exile 6. Great Britain- Stands alone against Fascism
Battle of Britain • Winston Churchill- leader of G.B. he calls on the people to remain strong and have faith • Germany- Summer 1940, Hitler prepares a fleet to invade Britain • Battle of Britain-German planes bomb British targets, British citizens hide in the subway. • Britain’s RAF (Royal Air Force)-Hitler knew that the only way to invade England was by destroying the RAF. • Attack- From the spring to the end of the summer of 1940 German airplanes attack Britain but lose to the RAF. • Radar- Britain uses radar to track, shoot down German planes • Invasion ends- Hitler calls off invasion of Britain
Holocaust • Hitler- blames the Jews for Germany’s loss in WWI, economic problems of Germany in the 1920’s and early 1930’s. Germans were willing to listen because of their anger after WWI and tough economic times 1. “Final Solution”- Hitler’s plan for the enslavement and genocide of all lesser groups in Europe • Holocaust- Hitler systematically executed 6 million Jews in Europe and over 5 million “non-Aryans” (handicapped, mentally challenged, gypsies, gays, Slavs, Africans) • Europe- has a long history of Anti-Semitism and Hitler uses this hatred 1. Kristallnacht- Nazis attack Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues. 100 killed, 30,000 arrested 2. Ghetto- Nazis forcefully relocate Jews in Germany, Poland to these locations before the concentration camps.
Holocaust cont’d… • Jewish Refugees-France has 40,000 refugees, Britain 80,000; both refuse more. U.S. takes 100,000, many “persons of exceptional merit” 1. Americans fear strain on economy, enemy agents; much anti-Semitism. 2. St. Louis- shipped filled with Jewish immigrants is turned around everywhere, they return to Germany, later killed in the holocaust. Concentration Camps-controlled by the SS, people work from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week. Tattooed numbers identify each prisoner. 1. Mass Exterminations- Using Gas Chambers, Ovens, Extermination Squads, experimented on, poisoned, hung Survival- those who survive are forever changed by the experience 1. Zionist Movement- grows out of this tragedy, Jews push for a new homeland and are granted Israel in 1947
America mobilizes for War • FDR- sees the writing on the wall and enacts several policies to break our neutrality, Americans begin to agree with him. 1. Selective Service 1940- all men must register, US prepares an army. 2. Lend-Lease Act-this permitted Great Britain to obtain all the U.S. weapons it needed on credit. “Arsenal of Freedom” later extends this program to the Soviet Union 3. U.S. support- FDR sees the survival of G.B. as key to the survival of the U.S. does everything but declare war on Germany to help G.B.
Japan and the United States • Relations- were tense over Japan’s invasion of China 1. FDR- issued the halt of all trade with Japan if it continued to occupy China and other European Asian colonies. Japan needed U.S. oil and steel to power its military. 2. Japan- refused to leave China and both sides see war coming, Japan will deliver the first blow. 3. Codes- America breaks the Japanese Military Codes and picks up word that an attack is imminent.
Two Big Mistakes made by the Axis Powers • Germany- In the spring of 1941 Hitler orders his military to invade the Soviet Union. 1. Expectations- Hitler believed this would be a quick victory, thinks Russians are idiots. 2. “Scorched Earth”- Russia pulled back rather than fight, burning everything as they retreated. 3. German failure- Stretched their supply lines and underestimated the Soviet Unions ability to fight. • Pearl Harbor-December 7th, 1941. A Japanese fleet launches a sneak attack against the U.S. naval base in Hawaii destroying the U.S. battleships and killing well over 3,000 men. U.S. declares war on Japan and Germany
America Declares WAR • FDR- “A date that will live in infamy” • War- Congress declares war on Japan the next day, Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. honoring their alliance. • Atlantic Charter- FDR and Churchill meet and discuss their post war plans and agree to their commitment for freedom for all countries
The American Home Front • Volunteers-over 5 million men join the U.S. military, 10 million more drafted to fight a two front war. • Minority Recruiting and Segregation- denied basic rights by the U.S. government many felt that by fighting in the war they could EARN their place in America. 1. Mexican-Americans- 300,000 volunteer 2. African-Americans- over 1 million volunteer, segregated units 3. Japanese-Americans- 33,000 volunteer 4. Native Americans- 25,000 volunteer (Navajo Wind talkers)
Home Front Cont’d.. • Depression- with the coming of the war, business profits soared and unemployment nearly vanished by 1944. • Prices/Wages- were locked in place by the government and certain items were rationed. • Financing the War- 1.The U.S. made income tax a part of every pay check 2. Sold War Bonds to the people 3. No consumer goods let Americans save money
Home Front Cont’d.. • Industrial Response- Factories convert from civilian to wartime production, biggest advantage we had over the Axis powers. (Mass Production) 1. Labor-over 18 million work in factories producing goods, 2 million minorities but they face discrimination. 2. A. Philip Randolph- organizes a march on Washington D.C. to protest discrimination in the workplace. FDR issues an executive order barring discrimination in the workplace. 3. Rationing-Americans donate metals, newspapers, rubber, clothes, paper to the war effort. 4. Election 1940- Roosevelt wins with 55% of the vote and unprecedented 3rd term
Women join the War Effort • Women- join by the millions. 1. Factories- millions take the place of men and build the machines of war. 2. Equality- first time women are seen as equal to their male counterparts. Will eventually lead to greater rights for women. 3. Rosie the Riveter- symbol of the American women’s war effort.
Internment of Japanese Americans • Hawaii- governor forced to order internment(confinement) of Japanese • Internment Camps- 1942 FDR signs removal of Japanese Americans in four states (West Coast). 1. U.S. Army forces 110,000 Japanese Americans into prison camps 2. 1944 Korematsu v. United States-Court rules in favor of internment 3. Effects- 1988, Congress grants $20,000 to everyone sent to relocation camp
Battle of the Atlantic • Churchill- convinces the U.S. to attack Germany first. • Hitler- orders submarine attacks against supply ships to Britain, wolf packs (submarine squadrons) destroy hundreds of ships in 1942 • Convoys- Allies protect cargo ships with escorts, destroyers with sonar; planes with radar • Liberty ships (cargo carriers) - construction speeds up, deliver tons of supply to Britain.
Turning Point Battles in Europe • Battle of Stalingrad- The Soviet Union destroys a German army of 300,000 at this city, begin march toward Germany. • Italy 1943- Allies capture key sites, Italians overthrow Mussolini and kill him. Germany on its own. • D-Day- June 6th, 1944 The Allies (U.S. Britain, France)- invade Normandy, France to free Europe of Nazi control. Considered by most the bloodiest day in the war. 1. Dwight D. Eisenhower- Supreme commander of the Allied forces at D-Day 2. France liberated- Paris is liberated and Germany is on the run • Battle of the Bulge- Germany pushes back with one last desperate attack but have too many losses, it’s the final German offensive of the war.
The Third Reich Falls • Liberation of Concentration Camps- Allied soldiers find starving, dying prisoners along with thousands of corpses. • Berlin- Stormed by the Soviets who offer no mercy, Berlin is reduced to rubble. 1. Hitler- commits suicide 2. V-E Day- May 8th, 1945 end of European war 3. FDR- died April 12th, 1945. This shocked the nation, Vice-President Truman takes over for the remainder of the term.
The War Against Japan • U.S. Strategy- Island hop to Japan, cutting off their supplies from each island. • Battle of the Coral Sea- U.S. and Australian troops stop advance of Japanese forces, 1st times since Pearl Harbor Japan is stopped. • Battle of Midway- Led by Admiral Nimitz, the U.S. sinks four Japanese Aircraft carriers to the American one. 1. Turning Point- The Japanese Navy never fully recovered from the loss of the aircraft carriers and aviators from this battle. 2. U.S.- Mass Production replaces our losses and puts pressure on Japan. Japanese Defense- kamikaze (suicide) attacks by pilots against U.S. ships, loaded with bombs.
Key Battles of the Pacific War • Battle of Leyte Gulf- Japanese navy is virtually destroyed and is a non-threat for the remainder of the war. • Battle of Iwo Jima 1. Key- Iwo Jima critical as base from which planes can reach Japan 2. Costs- 6,000 marines die taking island; of 20,700 Japanese, 200 survive • The Battle for Okinawa- April 1945 U.S. Marines invade Okinawa 1. Amphibious Assault-largest in history, fiercest battle fought in WWII, Japanese soldiers will make them pay for every yard 2. Key- staging area for Allied invasion of mainland Japan 3. Costs- Over 75,000 Marines, 65,000 Japanese, 150,000 civilians 4. Allies- begin to realize that taking Japan might mean over a million casualties, begin to think another option is needed to make Japan surrender
Manhattan Project • J. Robert Oppenheimer-director of the project with the greatest minds in the world including Einstein, etc.. Develop the 1st nuclear bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico. • Test- Successfully tested in July, 1945 • President Truman- gives the Japanese government an ultimatum to surrender or face the complete destruction of their country. • Hiroshima- Aug. 6th Truman order the first bomb dropped on this city. 1. Enola Gay- plane that will drop the Fat Man on Hiroshima • Nagasaki- Aug 9th Truman orders a second bomb dropped on this city • Impact 1. Death toll- over 250,000 people die either immediately or just after due to exposure to the bomb 2. Japan Surrenders- V-J Day September 2, 1945
Wartime Conferences • Tehran- Stalin, FDR and Churchill all meet in Iran in November 1943. 1. Goals- U.S. and G.B. will invade Europe and free France. Soviets will attack from east. After Germany defeated all will attack Japan. Yalta- Feb. 1945 they establish the outline for what to do after the war is over. 1. Germany would be divided into occupation zones. 2. All Eastern European countries would have free elections (currently controlled by the USSR) 3. Soviets would attack Japan after Germany was defeated 4. The United Nations would be formed to maintain peace in the world. Potsdam- only Stalin remains of the Big Three. FDR died and Churchill was voted out of office 1. Will have War Crime trials on Nazi leaders
Effects of World War II • Legacy- most destructive war in history, changed every nation forever who was involved. • The Nuremberg War Trials- 24 Nazi leaders are charged with crimes against humanity. 1. Decisions- several are executed, others jailed. 2. Precedence- establishes that leaders will be held for their roles in war. Japanese Occupation- turned into a democracy, constitution, capitalism, no military ever the U.S. will protect it.
Effects cont’d… • Super Powers- The United States and Soviet Union emerge as the two strongest nations in the world. 1. Relations- US does not trust Stalin, Stalin resents US delayed fighting Germany and let them take the brunt of the deaths. 2. Differences- Democracy vs. Totalitarianism means the two will never get along. Marshall Plan- U.S. policy proposed by Sec. Marshall gives economic aid to 16 nations. 1. Reason- provide aid to keep communist rebels from taking over, establish democracies in Europe. 2. The money given is used to buy American goods from American companies, stimulated our economy.
Cold War Policy of Containment- Established under President Truman in 1947 the U.S. would try to contain communism around the world. (give money, military aid to fight communism) Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)- policy preached by both the U.S. and Soviet Union not to fight a direct war because they both have enough nuclear weapons to destroy each other.