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Goal of the ELA Summer Academy . --Assist our district's ELLs to find their voiceand improve their English acquisition skillsso that they will have greater access totheir language of instruction (English), andhence improve their student achievementin school. By targeting students who will been
1. Denver Public Schools ELA Summer Academy June 8-July 2, 2009 For ELLs entering
Grades 3 and 4 in 2009-2010
2. Goal of the ELA Summer Academy --Assist our districts ELLs to find their voice
and improve their English acquisition skills
so that they will have greater access to
their language of instruction (English), and
hence improve their student achievement
in school. By targeting students who will be
entering grades 3 and 4 in the 2009-2010
school year, students will gain confidence
in their ability to learn through a focus on
English Language Development (ELD) in
literacy, math, and oral language.
3. Curriculum 3 hours of instruction daily
1 hour English Language Development
using Avenues
1 hour language of Math using
Math Navigator
1 hour Enrichment: focus on oral
language, e.g. Readers Theater,
50 Strategies for English Language
4. Daily Student Schedule (Draft)
8:008:30 . . . . .Breakfast
8:309:30 . . . . .ELA Literacy
9:3010:30 . . . .Language of Math
10:3011:30 . . .ELD Enrichment
11:3012:00 . . .Lunch
5. Meals Free to all students
Hot breakfast
Hot Lunch
Food Services will set this up
Site leaders will manage
6. Eligible Students English Language Learners currently in
Grades 2 and 3
PPF 3 and/or recently exited students will not be targeted for recruitment, but school may recommend selected students by giving them a blank registration form and encourage them to attend.
Students at schools with Summer Scholars will not be included nor will students from Kaiser or Grant Ranch
7. ELA Summer Academy Sites 12 schools selected as host sites
Selection was based on number of ELLs in the school or area
Schools with air conditioning when
Schools under construction were avoided
Principals of host sites have been contacted
8. Student Recruitment The ELA Dept. will identify students based on
ELL status (3553 2nd and 3rd grade ELLs)
12 sites to serve 1700 students
Its possible a lottery will be used
IKON will pre-slug personal information
Families will receive parent letter and registration form the week of April 13
Schools will send these out in school-to-home
9. Student Recruitment All schools will collect registration forms
and fax them daily to Bob Freiberger, ELA Dept.
at fax number 720-423-3059.
Principals: PLEASE encourage your students
to attend:
You may want to attach your own
letter of encouragement
Visit classes and personally
encourage students
Offer incentives
10. Hiring ELA Summer School site principals will be asked to post in-building job descriptions for site leader (if they are not interested in being the site leader) and teachers at their school for the Academy by April 6
Postings will be e-mailed to host sites
Site leader applicants must inform principals by April 8
Identify site leader by April 10
If site leader is not selected from host school site, the job posting will be emailed to last years site leaders, and then to assistant principals, if needed. Selection will be made by April 22
11. Site Leaders
Site leaders will be selected from host sites
Type D certification
5 hours per day for 20 days--$32.22 per hour
$20.94 per hour for professional development and orientation meetings.
1st orientation meeting date TBD
12. Teachers Number of teachers hired will depend on number of ELLs attending the academy
Hiring will take place through in-building hiring
process first
Will post at feeder schools by April 21 if teachers
are still needed
4 hours per day @$32.22 per hour
3 hours of instruction
1 hour planning/supervision
13. Denver Teacher Project Denver Teaching Fellows (DTF)DPS teacher recruitment and training initiative
30 outstanding career changers and recent college grads will become full-time teachers for 2009-2010 school year
For the school year, they will teach math, science,
special education, and ELA-S classes
14. Denver Teaching Fellows will be involved in an intensive Summer Training Institute which includes summer school teaching experience
will work with ELA Summer Academy teachers2 fellows per 1 cooperating teacher will be assigned to 2 sites (approx. 30 fellows in 15 classrooms)
will observe and eventually teach small group and whole group instruction
will have cooperating teacher who models best practices, supervises & provides opportunities
for fellows to teach
cooperating teachers will receive a $400 stipend
($200 per fellow)
15. Host Sites Names of host sites in principal packet (Castro, College View, Goldrick, Munroe, Valverde, Centennial, Cheltenham, Barrett, Ellis, Archuleta, Greenwood, and Pitt-Waller)
Host sites will serve their students as well
as surrounding schools
16. Transportation Bus transportation will be available for
students living more than 1 mile from
the host site
17. Principal Packets Power Point handout
List of ELA Summer Academy host sites
Sample of Parent Letter
Blank Registration Form to give to ELLs not targeted
(not for Summer Scholar schools, Kaiser or Grant Ranch)
Job descriptions for site leader and teacher positions
Registration Process and expectations of all schools
and recruitment ideas
For secretaries: A sign to attach to ELA Summer Academy collection bin for registration forms
18. Thank you! For your anticipated support For encouraging ELLS to attend For managing registration forms And to ELA Summer Academy sites: For your work to make this happen for ELLs For your appreciation of this program and for doing what is best for kids!