1. Microsoft Xbox 360 By Chimi Culler
2. What is the Xbox 360?? Plays Xbox 360™ Games
Watch DVD movies and play music CDs
Connect an MP3 player and listen to music
Connect a Digital Camera and view pictures
Listen to music and view digital pictures from your Windows XP-based PC
Manage your family's entertainment choices with Family Settings
3. Xbox 360 vs. Xbox 360 Core? If you're a serious gamer the Xbox 360 is for you
Play an array of original Xbox games
Save games and content
Play games online
Voice chat with friends and family Xbox 360 Core starts with the basics
Hard DriveRequired***
Hard Drive or Memory Unit Required***
Headset and Hard Drive or Memory Unit Required***
4. Why Xbox? Xbox is the first game system designed for HDTV
Xbox merges cd player, DVD player, and telephone
It has created a miniature electronic ecosystem inside your home
Unlike all other game systems you do not have to be playing a game
You will be able to chat with people while watching plain TV-words appear over the show or you can talk in the headset
Unlike Sony or Nintendo it has a fully fledged online service
Connect to you pc wireless
5. Works Cited Out of the Box, By Grossman, Lev. Time Magazine, 0040781X, 5/23/2005, Vol 165, Issue 21
2005 Microsoft Corporation www.xbox.com